Story By LadyMara


I am 26 years old, married, and have children. I love writing but was never able to pursue it as a career.
Snow and Silk: Sacrificed to the God’s
Updated at Jul 2, 2024, 17:22
I was sold to god of the Fae, Arcanum, a heartless creature that drains the life of humans to extend his life and heighten his power. I was sent to the land of the Fae through a portal, and led to the castle of the lesser Fae deities. All Fae are said to be cruel, and mischievous, but the deities waiting at the castle were kind, and welcoming. Their kindness and carefulness with me was almost enough to make me forget that I am only in the Fae kingdom to die. This beautiful world will only be my home until the Winter Solstice in three months.
The Stolen Mafia Princess
Updated at Jul 1, 2024, 18:10
“Sir.. we’ve found her!” Armani yelled as he ran in the room. “We’ve finally found your daughter.” I leaned back in my chair and ran my hands through my hair. “Armani..” I sighed heavily. “Forgive me if I find this hard to believe.. it’s been 17 years since she was taken. No one would keep her alive for that long.” I had given up hope many years ago that my daughter was still alive. Finding her, and bringing her home was my wife’s dying wish.. and yet I was so sure that she was gone. “Sir please! The girl.. she did a dna test at the hospital she was taken to. They were able to confirm, and called immediately! They sent over surveillance footage.” He said plopping down a laptop on my desk. He clicked a few keys before an image popped up. There, was a young girl, she looked so scrawny, so sickly. She had a busted lip, and her eye was black and swollen. Even with her disheveled state I could see plainly. It was her.. it was my little girl! I choked back a sob and looked to Armani. “Where is she?”
Mistaken: The Lost Heiress
Updated at Jun 30, 2024, 19:38
Adelynn Briars was the only child born to Millicent and James Briars. James had always wanted a life that was full of peace, and quiet. He craved money and power, but his gambling addiction made it quite hard for him to ever keep a dollar he earned. Millicent had always wanted children, and a happy home, but once James began gambling, and drinking, she realized her dreams were dashed against the wall. Unexpectedly, she ended up getting pregnant, which made James angry, he became a different person, violent, and unloving. Millicent decided it was the baby’s fault, and began to resent her child before it was even born. After the baby was born, they raised her as a servant, making her do all of the cooking, cleaning, anything that they didn’t feel like doing. They were both terrible and abusive to her. As Adelynn grew, she became more and more independent and couldn’t wait to get away from her parents. The day she planned to move out, her father grabbed her, trying to force her to stay. When he realized he was losing he threw her down the brick stairs. She woke up in a hospital bed, dazed, and in pain. Then the doctors gave her the news that would change her life forever.
My Brother’s Best Friend
Updated at Jun 24, 2024, 20:17
Maisy was a young woman, finally beginning to start her life away from her parents. Though she had always stayed out of trouble, that all changes when she moves to New York. Her fashion design career had just begun taking off when she ran into an unexpected face from the past. Her older brother’s best friend, Damon. Damon had always been cruel to her, he said she was nothing but a spoiled brat with everything being handed to her. She worked hard on her fashion, and loved being able to design. Meanwhile he was known as a playboy, and even had a violent streak. He had always been known to get into fights, but he’d recently spent time in jail due to beating up a guy he ran into. She couldn’t stand his snarky attitude, and the fact that he got out of trouble because of his family. They had always been polar opposites, and fought often, but pretended to get along for her brothers sake. Her brother, however, wasn’t here, and she no longer had to deal with his behavior.
Bound To The Gemini Alpha’s
Updated at May 29, 2024, 17:41
I smiled and turned on my heel, sadly a wave of dizziness decided to hit me at that moment. As I turned I dropped to the ground with a thud. I sat up slowly and gripped my head, I pulled my hand away feeling wetness and looked at it. Blood streamed around my hand. “Shit..” I muttered under my breath. “Are you okay?” Layla dropped to her knees beside me and slid her thighs under my head. “I-I think so.. I’m just.. I’m so tired..” I muttered closing my eyes. “Don’t let her fall asleep!” The professor yelled running to us. He pulled out his phone and called someone before turning back to us. “An ambulance is on the way, you’ll need stitches Cassie..” he said looking down at me. My eyes were heavy, and it took everything in me to keep them open. “O-Okay..” I said.“It’s okay Cassie, they’ll be here soon.” He reassured me. Layla pulled my hair back away from my face and secured it into a bun. “There, that’ll keep it from getting stuck in your wound.” She said pulling out a pack of tissues from her back and holding some to my head. I closed my eyes, and though they told me not to go to sleep, I couldn’t resist keeping them closed. I woke up to the sound of beeping, my head throbbing. I looked around slowly, and saw an iv in my arm, my sleeve of tattoos fully on display. What happened to my sweater? I looked down and noticed I was in my tank top. “Doctor she’s awake!” I heard Layla’s voice as the door flung open and she ran out.
The Alpha Twin’s Little Mate
Updated at May 29, 2024, 15:31
Winter is a beautiful young she wolf in her pack. Her other pack mates have always mistreated, beaten, and humiliated her. Especially the alpha’s son who was about to be made Alpha at his ceremony. She was planning on running away on the night of the ceremony, which was also her birthday, but plans as we know, change. Follow winter along with her new mates, and her new title, as she goes from the pack zero to the future Luna of the largest pack in America!
The Mafia Heiress
Updated at Feb 19, 2024, 20:39
The elevator dings and a tall muscular man steps off of it, he’s very handsome, and his pale blue eyes look over the room. “Hi, you must have a meeting with my father, as I told them.. there is plenty of room if you’d like to sit and wait. The only rule is to stay quiet so I can finish my book!” She smiled at him, as he looked over all of his men who are all dead on the floor. He looks back at her, his eyes cold and icy. They trail up her exposed body, and land on her face. “You took out all of my men, by yourself?” He asked coldly, before walking over and sitting in the chair across from her. “Yes, it was easy, they were stupid.. now.. I did specify that I wanted silence..” she said, sending him a glare from over her book.
The Alpha's Secret Daughter
Updated at Jan 27, 2024, 13:10
I knocked loudly announcing that I'm out here. Why did I do that? I'm not ready! What do I even say to him? I wondered then suddenly the door opened and a tall, muscular man with deep brown eyes, and long black hair that was slicked back into a bun opened the door. He looked around then began to close the door. I quickly cleared my throat which earned me a glare from him. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked with a hateful tone to his voice. "I'm looking for Maxis LaRoux." I said pulling out the letter and the picture and showing them to him. "Let her in." I heard an irritated voice coming from behind him. As he opened the door, I saw him. There was almost no doubt, he looks almost exactly the same as in the picture, just older. He shifted in his chair when he saw me and sat upright. "Come in." he boomed. I ran into the room like a little girl, I stood in front of the desk he was sitting at. "Well?" he said looking at me. "I'm waiting. Who are you? What are you doing in my territory?" he yelled in an angry tone. "I-I... umm..." I sputtered out some words but never made a coherent sentence. "Spit it out child, I don't have all day!" he yelled again, sounding more angry by the second. "Hi, my name is Ashlyn Juniper Lilith Walters." I finally spat out. He shifted in his seat upon hearing the name Juniper. "I brought you this, my mother says that you're my father." I said before handing him the letter and the picture. He eyed the picture for a minute and his eyes widened. He opened the letter and read it. His face looked increasingly more angry, and suddenly he jumped up and yelled in my face. "That isn't possible, I never fathered any children. Not even with my mate!" he screamed walking towards me. Will Ashlyn and her birth father be United as a true family, or will his pride get the better of him? Follow Ashlyn through her journey as The Alpha’s Secret Daughter.
Eternal Love: The Vampire's Mate
Updated at Dec 3, 2023, 17:23
Sophia Neal was a normal girl, with a normal job as a fashion photographer. Her best friend Soren McAllister was a friend of the family, and someone she’d known since they were children. They had grown close over the years, their flirty friendship driving away many of their respective significant others.
The Ex Luna of Dark Moon Pack
Updated at Nov 26, 2023, 15:42
I was married to an alpha, we were true mates, one day he brings home a woman from his adventure out to a far off pack. She is a pretty little thing, but she is severely bratty and believes that she is the Alpha’s true mate and I stole him from her. She gets between my husband and I, and even goes so far as to slap herself and blame me. The alpha sees me as a jealous bitch and decides that I’m not good enough to be his Luna. He then rejects and banished me. He has his Beta drive me out of the pack lands, and dump me in the forest. I was left for dead, and my heart was broken. I nearly died, but an old woman saved me. She took me to her home, and fed and bathed me. She nursed me back to health, and helped me regain my strength. She had me dye my hair with mud, to cover up its silver color. She also had me wear brown contacts, as my eyes are a bright lavender color. This woman’s kindness saved me, but sadly I couldn’t repay her. This was all only the beginning to my story, and the beginning of my revenge.
The Demon Alpha’s Gentle Mate
Updated at Oct 23, 2023, 20:11
This is a non traditional love story between Raven, a young woman who just gained her wolf, and the Demon Alpha of Darkmoon Pack. Our story begins with our young heroine gaining her wolf, and beginning her life as an adult in the pack. Follow along to see if Raven can tame the Demon Alpha, or if he’ll be the death of her.
The Monster Alpha’s Broken Hearted Mate
Updated at Oct 17, 2023, 20:44
Mia Rosewood is a 26 year old woman who has just gone through a nasty divorce. Her first husband cheated on her, and every since she’s been in a state of shock and duress. Her friends Samantha and Riley keep trying to get her out of her she’ll to no avail. Until one night her friends take her out, and her whole world changes. She meets a man who sweeps her off her feet, but her past is constantly dwelling on her mind. Come alone with Mia and her gorgeous Alpha, the monster of Bloodmoon Lake Pack!
A Good Heart
Updated at Sep 21, 2023, 20:32
Milly is a small town girl, she owns and operates the largest farm in the County. She is kind, and big hearted and often helps the other animals in her county. Her brother John, and her have been running the farm for 10 years since their mother and father sadly passed away in a horrific accident. Milly has since stopped speaking to almost anyone. She still talks to the animals on her farm, her brother, and her good friend Angie, who lives with them and helps them operate the farm. Until one fateful day she meets a new face, and begins falling for him. Will they end up together? Was their meeting meant to be? Come find out!
The Billionaire’s Choice
Updated at Sep 21, 2023, 19:22
James Lemoi has a multi-billion dollar company, a set of twins, one son and one daughter, and everything he could ever ask for. His wife passed away giving birth to the twins, and every woman in LilyValley has tried to become his wife. One day, his life turns upside down when he meets a beautiful young woman named Winter. Come find out how the cold, calculating billionaire finds his soulmate.
The Hybrid and Her Second Chance Mate
Updated at Sep 20, 2023, 20:29
“Get out of here, I never want to see you again you worthless b****!” He yelled kicking me to the floor. I let out a soft whimper as I landed funny on my wrist. The physical pain was nothing like the emotional turmoil I was going through within. “But.. I thought you loved me.. isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?” I cried. “I could never love a monster like you, you’re worthless and disgusting. If I ever see you on these pack grounds again, I’ll end your life!” He threatened. “I, Alpha Zane Woods of DarkRoot Pack reject you, Lyanna Brooks of DarkRoot Pack as my mate, and hereby banish you from DarkRoot pack!” He yelled his Alpha aura pouring over me, and the pain of our rejection hitting me. I gripped my chest and breathed in and out heavily. “I, Lyanna Brooks accept your rejection!” I cried out in pain feeling the mate bond snap entirely. This was the most pain I had ever felt, my heart was breaking and the pain was unbearable. He looked down spitting on me. “I’ll give you until the morning to get your things and leave, if you’re not gone by then I’ll have the pack warriors tear you limb from limb!” I sobbed on the floor, pulling my knees to my chest and sat there until he left. I never expected him to be so cruel, but here he was breaking my heart. He was the only man I had ever had any affection for at all, sure it was just the mate bond, but it should be enough, but now he ripped my heart out and stomped on it. Da** this mate bond, making me fall for him, even if he is handsome, and usually kind, this pain in my chest was more than I could bear. I sobbed for a short time before I decided to pick myself up from the floor. Read more about Lyanna and her journey in, “The Hybrid and Her Mate”!
The Heiress in Hiding
Updated at Aug 15, 2023, 19:42
Ariella LaDanis was always sweet, and naive, but when she turned 18 she met and fell in love with another college student, named Ryan McDunn. Ryan was the Heir to McDunn enterprises, the top competitor to the LaDanis family. Their love, much like the Romeo and Juliet story had a tragic ending. She cast off her family name, and even turned down her rights as the only Heir to the LaDanis family fortune to be with him. She played the part of a small town girl, who was from meager means. Ryan loved her unconditionally, and she and Ryan spent three wonderful years together. They found out they were expecting, and that’s when everything changed. Ryan’s family had never been supportive, but they couldn’t stand the idea of the only Heir having a child with a “gold digger”, as they called her. So one night, Ryan’s father, and Grandfather lured Ariella out and beat her within an inch of her life. “If you do survive, you better run! If we ever find you, we’ll make sure that you don’t make it next time! This is your one and only warning!” Ryan’s father Gregor spit at her. She lied on the ground holding her slightly swollen stomach, until she was sure they were gone. From there she got up, emptying her savings, and running away. Swearing a better life for herself and her son. She hid out in Los Angeles, changing her name to Aria Marsh, and naming her son Ryland, trying to carry on the love that she truly felt for his father.
The Billionaire’s Nanny
Updated at Aug 8, 2023, 18:40
Isabella thought she had her life all figured out, she was married, had her dream job, and was finally happy. That was until she found out her husband Mitchell was cheating on her with her sister Elena. He and Elena took everything in the divorce, Isabella’s house, car, all of her belongings. Her sister even took her clothes that Mitchell had bought for her. Her heart was broken, but she at least had her job, until word got back to the principle about her scandalous divorce. The principle fired her from her position as a teacher’s aid, and floating substitute, and with the snap of a finger she had lost everything. That was until Alexander Jones found her. She was the favorite part of his twin children’s day, and ever since she was fired his children Samantha, and Samuel had been miserable. One day when she was coming to gather her things the children ran to her and hugged her. Alexander realized this was the woman his children had talked nonstop about, and with that he asked her to be their nanny. At first she wasn’t sure if she should take the position, she had never been a nanny before. Then she remembered she lost everything, and needed the money. She took the job, and happily began working for the Jones family as The Billionaire’s Nanny.
The Lycan Prince’s Love
Updated at Jun 19, 2023, 18:33
Willow was a normal girl, raised in a normal home in the middle of Nebraska. Her father left when she was young, leaving only her mother Marie and her older sibling Rose, and John. They were raised by their loving mother, who always catered to them and helped them through every day life. One day their mother, Marie was in a terrible accident and passed away. After a few months, her father reached out to her, asking her to come visit and giving her a strange address that seemed to be in the middle of the forest. She decided to go, seeing as how it was the first time her father had reached out to her in years, and that is where our story begins.
The Symphony in Darkmoon Pack
Updated at Jun 11, 2023, 21:15
Olivia the daughter of Country Star William Black comes to his pack for a visit. She is told, by her father’s assistant, that her father will come to see her soon, and is asked to wait in his recording studio. She gets in the booth and plays around with singing a melody she had been working on. The Alpha of her fathers pack, just so happened to be visiting the studio that day and hears her enchanting voice. He follows the sound of her melody to find that she is his fated mate. Will she fall in love with the bloodthirsty, Demon Alpha of Darkmoon pack? Read and find out in The Symphony in Darkmoon Pack!
The Quadruplet Alpha’s Broken Mate
Updated at Jun 6, 2023, 04:31
This story begins with Lilith Fairvane an orphaned child. She grew up outside of the pack, and was in a horribly abusive relationship. She worked in a bar as a mixologist and an exotic dancer. One day she is asked to come out for a “Business” party, and is told she’ll be paid well. While there her Mating bond snaps in place with one of the Business men, she doesn’t quite understand the feeling in her chest pulling her toward him, but she knows one thing, she wants him! Find out more in The Quadruplet Alpha’s Broken Mate.
The Alpha’s Healer
Updated at Mar 12, 2023, 19:12
Alex was an alphas daughter, but her whole pack was slaughtered by a man her father called a brother. He took over their pack taking Alex and adopting her until she came of age so she could marry his son and make his pack stronger. She worked like an omega in the pack, doing everyone’s work and taking all of their abuse in for years. The moon goddess however has many plans for Alex, and her life is about to take a huge turn.
Her Alpha
Updated at Jan 1, 2023, 19:45
Avery was just a normal woman, she just got a new job as a music teacher at the high school in her small home town, and her life seemed to be on track. Until one day a bothersome student changes everything. His father was angry at Avery, assuming his son could do no wrong. What he didn’t realize was his son was not who he though he was, and this teacher would change his life forever.
The Alpha Female and her Human Mate
Updated at Sep 23, 2022, 18:19
Lyrica Moon is alpha of one of the strongest packs in the world. She just turned 25 and has given up on finding her mate, until a trip to a city nearby takes her straight into the arms of her human mate. She must convince him they’re meant to be, and teach him the ways of the pack. Will he accept her? Will she be able to have her human mate?