
The Alpha's Secret Daughter

coming of age

I knocked loudly announcing that I'm out here. Why did I do that? I'm not ready! What do I even say to him? I wondered then suddenly the door opened and a tall, muscular man with deep brown eyes, and long black hair that was slicked back into a bun opened the door. He looked around then began to close the door. I quickly cleared my throat which earned me a glare from him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" he asked with a hateful tone to his voice.

"I'm looking for Maxis LaRoux." I said pulling out the letter and the picture and showing them to him.

"Let her in." I heard an irritated voice coming from behind him. As he opened the door, I saw him. There was almost no doubt, he looks almost exactly the same as in the picture, just older. He shifted in his chair when he saw me and sat upright. "Come in." he boomed.

I ran into the room like a little girl, I stood in front of the desk he was sitting at. "Well?" he said looking at me. "I'm waiting. Who are you? What are you doing in my territory?" he yelled in an angry tone.

"I-I... umm..." I sputtered out some words but never made a coherent sentence.

"Spit it out child, I don't have all day!" he yelled again, sounding more angry by the second.

"Hi, my name is Ashlyn Juniper Lilith Walters." I finally spat out. He shifted in his seat upon hearing the name Juniper. "I brought you this, my mother says that you're my father." I said before handing him the letter and the picture. He eyed the picture for a minute and his eyes widened. He opened the letter and read it. His face looked increasingly more angry, and suddenly he jumped up and yelled in my face.

"That isn't possible, I never fathered any children. Not even with my mate!" he screamed walking towards me.

Will Ashlyn and her birth father be United as a true family, or will his pride get the better of him? Follow Ashlyn through her journey as The Alpha’s Secret Daughter.

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Truth Seeker
I woke up like I always did, the sound of mother and father chatting in the kitchen, the tea kettle whistling, and the coffee machine whirring. My eyes fluttered open, the blurry world slowly coming into view, which for me was strange. I had needed glasses since I was a toddler. I got sick as a baby and lost part of my vision and have needed special glasses ever since, but suddenly my vision was perfectly clear. Even though I couldn’t see well growing up, my hearing and sense of smell made up for it by leaps and bounds. I looked around my room, it had grey walls, and a large white bookcase, and dresser. My bedside tables were also white matching the bed frame. I focused on the outfit laid out on my desk. Today was the day, the last day of high school, my graduation, and my 18th birthday. I couldn't believe it, my whole world was falling into perspective, I couldn't wait to get this day over with, tomorrow starts my first day as an adult and my friends and I had planned a mini vacation to New York. Damon is a huge fan of Broadway Musicals and has always wanted to go to New York and see one in person. Ripley and I had planned this for the day after graduation and it's going to be amazing to finally tell Damon where we're going tomorrow. I rubbed my eyes and swung my legs around, dangling them off the side of the bed. My feet were so high off the ground, not that I could do anything about that, I've always been too short for this bed. I slid off the side, landing on my feet with a soft thud, and my mom yelled up to me, "Ashlyn since you’re awake hurry down, breakfast is ready!" "Coming," I yelled back to her as I walked tiredly into the bathroom that was connected to my room. I grabbed my toothbrush, and started brushing my teeth and my hair, then swiftly tied my long light brown hair into a ponytail so I didn't have to fix it. I walked back out of my bathroom and into my room, grabbing the outfit I laid out the night before. White wool stockings, a sage green sun dress covered in white flowers with yellow dots in the middle of them, my white combat boots, and my white cardigan. I quickly got dressed and tied a matching green ribbon into my hair over the pony tail holder. I walked back into the bathroom and my eyes flickered black then back to their original green color, with the yellow specks around the pupils. I moved closer to the mirror and as I did they flickered black again, and I heard a soft voice in my head. "Happy Birthday, and congratulations on graduating little one." The voice said and just as quickly as it came it was gone. I looked around scared out of my mind before my mom yelled again, " Your food will get cold if you don't come eat it soon Ashlyn Juniper!" She sounded more annoyed than before. That alone pulled me out of my own head I grabbed my purse, which was a white flower shaped bag, and my phone checking it as I ran downstairs. My friends both wished me a happy birthday, my mom made a post about me not being a baby anymore. I swear she was so emotional! I walked down into the kitchen, I hurriedly grabbed the toast as it was coming out of the toaster "Sorry mom! I was getting ready!" I said sitting down next to my dad, he had short red hair, deep brown eyes, and freckles all over his face. I guess we were similar in that. He stood around 6'0 and was very lanky. My mom had deep black hair, and blue eyes, her hair fell a little past her shoulders, whereas mine was all the way down to my butt. She was 5'8 and kind of curvy, I guess that's where I got that from, I was only 4'11 and weighed around 140. I was short and curvy all of my weight was in my thighs, my breasts, and my butt, I was thin, honestly probably too thin. My hair and eyes were so different from my families, but they just said it was genetics, that moms family had light brown hair, and dads family had green eyes in it. Who am I to question genetics. "Well princess, look at you, all grown up, and ready for your last day at school!" dad said proudly. Suddenly we heard a loud clank come from the kitchen and we both looked over at mom. "You okay mom?" I asked looking over at her, "Don't you think she's a little too old for that nickname now dear?" She said looking over to my father. I looked over to her confused at what she meant by that," It's okay mom, I really don't mind. It's been my nickname for so long, I’ve gotten used to it now." I said smiling at her. "Okay honey, as long as you don't mind it." She said sighing before walking to the table with a cake. She walked back across the room grabbing some bright colored candles and placing them on the cake in a pretty pattern. The cake read," Happy Birthday Ashlyn Juniper Lilith Walters." "You know mom, having them write out my full name almost seems like a punishment!" I snickered. "Why did you give me so many names anyways?" I asked wondering how anyone could want to give their child such a long name. "Well Lilith was my mother's name, and Juniper was one of my dearest friends names. She is a kind hearted soul and I hoped that naming you after her would make you as kind and loving as her." she stated before lighting the candles and saying," Okay now enough with all the questions, time to blow out your candles." Her and my father began to sing happy birthday to me, I cringed when they sang my full name as they always do, they both smiled at me as I blew out my candles and made a silent wish to have the best birthday ever. Just as I blew out my candles, my head started to spin and my stomach knotted up, I ran to the bathroom before collapsing over the toilet and throwing up nothing but stomach acid. My head spinning as I stood to my feet and rinsed my mouth out. I flushed the toilet, washed my hands and opened the door, walking back towards the kitchen, my head throbbed and I collapsed onto the floor, hitting my head hard, and my vision began to blur. I saw my mom and dad running to me before my vision went black. When I woke up I heard the sound of beeping, and felt a sharp sting in my arm. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a hospital room. My eyes finally focused and I could see my parents fighting with a doctor in the hallway, the door was closed but with my hearing being so good, I could hear them talking. "What do you mean she isn't my daughter?" my father asked frantically? Not his daughter, what did he mean? There's no way, he's been here since I was born, mom was with him when she got pregnant, did she step out on my dad? Would she really do that? She always loved him so much, it has to be a mistake. Suddenly the voice from this morning chimes in again. "It isn't a mistake, it's the truth! I can tell, I can smell that he isn't our father." she stated. "What do you mean? Who are you? Why are you in my head?" I asked earning me a look from the doctor and my parents. My mom bursts in the door and my dad just walks away, "What was that sweetie? We couldn't hear you?" I looked up, unsure of what to say, but suddenly I feel a shift in my own body, and it feels like I'm put to the back of my own mind. "Who is my father?" my voice chimes out, but I didn't ask that. "Well?" my voice says again, then I'm suddenly pushed back to the front of my mind just in time for me to earn a smack across the face. I look up tears in my eyes, and my face was stinging. Suddenly any guilt I felt for asking was gone. I knew that she had been lying to my father and I this whole time. I look back to her, she, realizing what she just did went to comfort me. "I'm so sorry Ashlyn, I didn't mean to, it just..." I cut her off. "No mom! It didn't just happen you hit me, you're hiding something from me. Now tell me, who is my father?" I demanded my voice shaking the room. We both look around wondering why the room shook like that, but her eyes settled back on me, and she whispered. "Okay, but not here, I owe you and Rickard an explanation. She said walking back out into the hallway and asking the doctor if I was free to go. He nodded and went to get the paperwork, and signed off on us to leave. I got up out of the bed, and a nurse took the iv out of my arm, and unhooked all of the cables from me. We walked out of the hospital in silence and made our way to the car where my dad was waiting for us. The look on his face was one of pure devastation, I knew that feeling all too well.

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