
The Symphony in Darkmoon Pack

enimies to lovers

Olivia the daughter of Country Star William Black comes to his pack for a visit. She is told, by her father’s assistant, that her father will come to see her soon, and is asked to wait in his recording studio. She gets in the booth and plays around with singing a melody she had been working on. The Alpha of her fathers pack, just so happened to be visiting the studio that day and hears her enchanting voice. He follows the sound of her melody to find that she is his fated mate. Will she fall in love with the bloodthirsty, Demon Alpha of Darkmoon pack? Read and find out in The Symphony in Darkmoon Pack!

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{Olivia’s POV} I walked into Darkmoon recording studio, a place I used to frequent growing up. My father has been singing in this studio since I was in diapers. The lobby was mostly empty, a few workers pouring coffee and exchanging glances. I noticed that they’ve expanded the lobby, they must have done that with the latest remodel my father had spoken to me about. This place looked beautiful, they raised the ceilings, and added a large crystal chandelier in the middle of the room. A massive fountain that trickled water down could be seen in the corner of the room, It looked like a waterfall. I heard footsteps coming my way and turned, just in enough time to see James, my fathers assistant walking over in a hurry. He looked me up and down, probably not recognizing me. It had been years since I had last seen James. I just turned 20 and decided to come back to visit with my father. I hadn’t visited the pack since I was 12, everyone called me weird for not gaining my wolf then, I decided then to go stay with my gammy, my grandmother on my mothers side. Father was furious for a while, he said I shouldn’t leave, but I just couldn’t stay here without my wolf. James’ eyes trailed slowly up my body, I could feel them burning holes in me. Today I wore a tight blush pink colored dress, it was low cut in the front, and had a dip back with a gold chain that was diamond encrusted falling across my back, I paired it with my black leather jacket, and my cutest pair of combat boots. I pulled my sunglasses off showing off my pale green eyes that my father blessed me with. I ran my white sunglasses through my hair, placing them on top of my head, to hold my long hair at bay. My hair laid wavy down my back, reaching my backside, it’s deep brown color shimmering in the evening sun that seeped in through the windows, I did a natural look with my makeup today. “James! So good to see you!” I smiled walking towards him with my helmet under my arm. James still looked the same, he had gotten taller, and more muscular, but he still had the same sweet smile, one that reached his beautiful amber eyes. His hair was dirty blonde, and shaggy, he’d been growing it out. “Olivia, I can’t believe it! Is that really you?” He asked staring me down. I gave him a little spin, and giggled. “Really is me! What’s it been, eight years now?” I asked smiling. James was my playmate here at the pack growing up, he is the second son of the previous Beta. Him and I used to be the closest of friends! “You look amazing! I missed you!” He said pulling me into a hug. “I missed you too James! It’s been too long honestly. Gammy didn’t like me leaving, said it made her all anxious.” I giggled. “She just didn’t want me meeting any boys!” I laughed out. Pulling back and looking at him. “Your brother and the Alpha still giving you trouble like when we were kids?” I asked a giggle once again leaving my lips. “No, they finally grew up, can’t believe they even let him become Alpha, he’s terrifying now, didn’t you hear about him wiping out Crystal Lake Pack for starting a pack war with us?” He asked looking at me seriously. “No! I hadn’t heard, I mean, they deserved it if they started a war, but what do you mean he wiped them out?” I asked, five minutes in and he’s already gossiping with me again. “I mean he slaughtered all of the pack warriors and killed their Alpha. It was a fair fight, but with how massive he and his wolf are, you wouldn’t be able to exactly call that fight fair. He’s become hateful as he got older, he still picks on people, but mostly he spends his days in the club picking up women, and his nights ban**** them.” He said shrugging and beginning to lead me away from the lobby. “Your dad said that he would be here soon, and asked me to take you to his recording studio, the company special built it for him, with only the best equipment!” He bragged. I knew my father was loved by the pack, but I didn’t know that they loved him enough to pay for all of this. We walked into his studio and my jaw dropped. There were five recording booths in his studio, and a lobby out front where people could sit, reading, writing, producing, and just relaxing! The room had black leather couches, and a cappuccino maker, along with its own kitchen. “Okay, this is basically an apartment!” I laughed out. “Your dad makes the most money for the company so they built him the best studio. Check this out!” He said leading me to the soundboard. “That mic is now on!” He said flipping a switch. “Go on, you can mess around in here until your dad gets back. You remember how all this stuff works right?” He asked giving me a once over. “Of course I do you dork! This is amazing, thank you!” I said smiling from ear to ear. I pressed record on the dashboard and practically ran into the booth. I heard his phone ringing then he pointed to it, walking out of the room. I gave him a thumbs up and closed the door to the booth. I quickly shimmied off my jacket, tossing it down on the chair behind me. When I saw a switch on the wall and when I pressed it, the other side of the room was now blocked from my vision, and the outsides vision of me was now gone as well. I walked up to the mic and began to sing a simple melody, I used the beat boxer sound board to record the melody, then the beat, and the tempo. I listened back, adding some extra sounds in there to mix it up, and began singing a song I had been working on. “Finding my way through the darkness, blinded by a broken heart. My life’s suspended in the air, as we’re drifting apart. Bursting out of reality, and into fiction. My mind is shattered, but surviving is my mission.” I could feel the melody flow through me, and the lyrics were pouring from my soul. I suddenly heard a clank from the outside of the room, and the shade that was on the window to the booth was gone, revealing two handsome men standing on the other side. One tall, well built, toned. His hair was slicked back, and was light brown, his eyes a deep brown. The other even taller, bulky build, his hair black, shaved on the sides and longer, kind of shaggy on top. He had a well groomed beard and his eyes were a beautiful pale blue. James walked in behind them, “Jackson, what are you doing here?” He said looking over to the man with the slicked back light brown hair. Jackson.. his brother.. the only man I could imagine being with him is.. the Alpha. I pulled off the headphones and laid them down on the stool and walked to the door. As I laid my hand on the knob I couldn’t help but feel anxious. I twisted the knob, and opened the door, an amazing scent hitting me immediately. It was like pine, it smelled incredible. I looked over slowly, finally realizing what was happening when Miri whispered in my head. “Mate!” I looked up meeting the eyes of the Alpha, the man who used to pick on me and my friend when we were children. Instead of acknowledging what was happening I turned to James. “James, is this who I think it is?” I asked a small smile etched across my face. “It is indeed, normally my brother doesn’t visit here, but here he is today.” He chuckled out. “You know her James?” His brother asked. The stone cold Alpha still just standing there, listening to us talk. “Of course, you guys don’t remember Olivia? Olivia Black? She’s here visiting her father.” If I could have taken a photo of the looks on both of their faces. I’ll admit, I really grew into my looks, I was only 12 when I left, still a child, I used to wear glasses, and I had braces for a long time and of course I grew up, gaining my curves. My body was very womanly, even though I was only 5’0 tall. “Olivia?” Jackson said shocked. He walked over and threw his arm over my shoulder leaning down on me. “Wow you look incredible!” I laughed slightly before a very audible, guttural growl could be heard from the Alpha. “Hello again Greyson.” I said coldly. “Nice to see you too.” “What’s wrong boss, you don’t think she’s pretty or something. I mean da**, she’s really grown into a s*** woman..” Jackson trailed off leaning back and checking out my a**. “Jackson, stop it!” I uncomfortably laughed out, his eyes making me feel disgusted, I turned walking back into the booth to grab my jacket, my bare back now exposed to them. Another low growl could be heard before the Alpha ran in behind me closing the door and flipping the switch. “You’re just going to ignore me like that?” He asked angrily, “and who let you walk around in such a reveling dress?” He all but yelled. “Alpha, the booth is still recording, also, I gave myself permission to dress this way, and you didn’t say anything to me either. I’m not going to fall at your feet and suck you off because I found out you’re my mate. You’re also a playboy and I don’t need that right now! I came back to visit my father, and once I’m done with my visit I’m leaving. So kindly excuse me, your almighty Alpha-ness, but I’m going to go ask my father to meet me at a restaurant instead!” I said pushing past him. He looked utterly shocked and his face was bunched up in an awful looking mess. I walked out of the booth, grabbing my purse and helmet, then leaving the office. I jumped on my motorcycle, pulling on my helmet and flipping down the visor. I started it up and took off. I could see Greyson running out of the recording studio through my rearview mirror. I sped up, and loudly drive away. I honestly didn’t know where to go, but I knew I couldn’t be in the same room as him. He and Jackson were so mean growing up, taunting me, physically beating me up. They said it was to “toughen me up” but I knew better. They didn’t like me because I lacked a wolf, it took me until I turned 19 to gain Miri, when I finally got her I was so excited, but Gammy was so sick, so I stayed to take care of her until she passed two months ago. That’s why I decided to come back to finally visit my family. I wasn’t expecting to see those two, they both looked similar to how I remembered them, just more grown up. Greyson had become so handsome, and distinguished, but his temper was still as bad as ever. I hated the way he acted, the look in his eyes, everything. How could I be mated to someone who was so cruel to me? Why would the moon goddess pair me with someone who caused me so much pain. I didn’t know the answer to anything, but what I did know for sure, was I needed to reject him, and leave this place behind, and this time, for good!

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