
Snow and Silk: Sacrificed to the God’s

magical world

I was sold to god of the Fae, Arcanum, a heartless creature that drains the life of humans to extend his life and heighten his power. I was sent to the land of the Fae through a portal, and led to the castle of the lesser Fae deities. All Fae are said to be cruel, and mischievous, but the deities waiting at the castle were kind, and welcoming. Their kindness and carefulness with me was almost enough to make me forget that I am only in the Fae kingdom to die. This beautiful world will only be my home until the Winter Solstice in three months.

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{Arabella’s POV} The bells toll from the bell tower in our insignificant little town, normally these symbolize a marriage, an emergency, or something important. Today the bells in the tower toll for me. To tell the people that I have been “chosen” as a tribute for the Fae god Arcanum. He is known as the god of the Fae realm, and everything within it. Under that facade is the god that most have no acknowledgment of, the beast that uses mortals as an extension for his power, and his life. These bells toll for my death, my demise under the guise of saving these pathetic people. My father being the worst of all, a drunk parasite that sold me to Arcanum, so that he could feed his addiction. I sigh, as the crowd cheers for me, for this special day. They see it as a blessing, but it’s mostly due to the fact that none of their loved ones were chosen for this. Instead the “honor” is all mine, Arabella Raven Ellis. Today was supposed to be the day that I got out of this hell hole, my 25th birthday. I finally saved up enough money to leave this place in the rearview mirror. I was going to wake up early, before the sun was up, and sneak out of the house. My father must have seen this coming, before I even opened my eyes I was bound, and a bag was thrown over my head. I was thrown in a car, and driven away, when they took the bag off, I realized I was in our town church. Ridgewell is a small town, with a population of 400, and the people who live here are devout followers of the Fae god Arcanum, and his four sons. They threw me into a rose bath, something the elder women of this town give to young women as a tradition. This bath usually is given before a woman’s wedding, or during a pregnancy. It’s meant to cleanse, and purify you, and your soul. They fixed my hair, and my makeup, then got me dressed in a ceremonial dress. It’s a deep purple ballgown, with a slit up one side, all the way to my hip. Roses of every color dance along the slit of the dress, and black heels that wrap around my ankle and calf adorn my feet. The top of the dress hung from my shoulders, accenting my full breasts. My hair was curled, and left to fall down my back all the way to my butt. Most would say that my hair was the color of mud, but I like to think of it like a rich, dark chocolate. My eyes are a deep forest green, which seems to pop against my pale skin. I walked down the Main Street, and made my way to the forest entrance. My father stumbled behind me, a big proud grin on his face. The only reason that he’s smiling like an i***t is because of how much money he got for me. He walked up beside me, and gave me a toothy grin. “Darling, you look radiant..” he slurred. “I’m so glad that I finally found some use for you! After your mother passed, I was stuck with you, but now. Now I’m rich, and a free man, all thanks to you!” He jeered. A tear slid down my cheek, as I thought of my mother. She would have never let this happen, she was the only person to ever love me. The only person who ever showed me any kindness. “I hope you blow all your money, and drink yourself into an early grave!” I sneered at him, seething from rage. “That’s no way to speak to your father!” He yelled, turning me to face him, digging his fingertips into my arms roughly. He left bruises where his fingers were, and once I faced him, he slapped me across the face hard. Knocking me to the ground, then kicking me in the stomach. I felt my ribs crack, and I whimpered out in pain. The mayor walked over, pushing my father back. “You can do that any other day, just not today Mikey! Today your daughter must be presentable!” He snapped, helping me back up to my feet. He called for someone to come fix my makeup, now that my father had bruised my cheek. They covered the bruise on my face, then gave me a white, lace shawl to cover my arms. I sighed, throwing it on then followed the mayor into the woods. Once inside, I could see a bright purple glow in the distance. “Okay Arabella, this is as far as we go! You step through the portal, and save our people for another ten years!” He smirked, pushing me hard towards the glow. “I hope you all suffer!” I spat at him, before turning and walking where they told me to go. It wouldn’t matter if I ran, they’d find me, they’d hurt me, even kill me. I sighed heavily, feeling a sharp pain in my ribs as I walked through the woods. Nature surrounding me, as animals began to screech their warnings the closer I grew to the portal. If only little ones, if only I didn’t have to go. There was no escape, so why bother trying. At least with Arcanum it will be a quick, and mostly painless end. I kept walking, until suddenly, the air around me shifted, and there it was. The glowing portal, it was wedged between two fallen trees, and was swirling like a vortex. “Hello?” I called out, wondering if the guide was meant to meet me here, or on the other side. When no one answered, I carefully stepped through the portal. It closed behind me, and I could tell, this wasn’t the mortal realm anymore. The sky was like a majestic painting, colors dancing in the sky. Nature was softer, quieter, and flowers bloomed all around me. This was the realm of the Fae.. and I was here, simply to die.

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