
Her Alpha


Avery was just a normal woman, she just got a new job as a music teacher at the high school in her small home town, and her life seemed to be on track. Until one day a bothersome student changes everything. His father was angry at Avery, assuming his son could do no wrong. What he didn’t realize was his son was not who he though he was, and this teacher would change his life forever.

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First Day
Today was the first day of her new job as she heard the alarm clock sounding she raced out of bed and into the bathroom. She quickly got about her morning routine washing her hair and body, then quickly drying her long dark brown hair. Her curls laying in beautiful ringlets down her back. She brushed her teeth, and put on a little makeup, making sure it wasn’t too much. Just a light brown eyeshadow to show off her deep forest green eyes, her face was so pale, she was called Snow White often. Her lips were plump, she simply put on a little chapstick then quickly ran back to her room grabbing the clothes she had laid out the night before. She put on a button up white, long sleeve blouse, and a black skirt that flowed to her knees. She then grabbed her favorite pair of combat boots and paired them with the look before tying her long hair up in a bun. The combat boots added a good inch to her 5’2 stature. She grabbed her glasses from her night stand and slid them on finishing off her look with a black blazer, and her black leather purse. The quickly ran out the door locking it behind her, and jumped in her car. It was fall, the weather outside was perfect for her, it was chilly, and the leaves were beginning to fall. She had just turned 25, and when she was offered a teaching positing at her old high school how could she not take it. It was a music teacher position and she had always dreamed of teaching music. She raced to school stopping at the local coffee shop, and grabbing a coffee with plenty of cream and sugar. She drank her coffee as she drove to school, finally pulling into the parking lot and walking into the school, coffee in hand. “Hello?” She asked as she walked into the office which was completely empty. She sat down her to go cup on the office counter and continued looking around the room from her spot. “Hello?” She asked again. *Bump* She heard from under the desk in front of her as a short, older woman sat up from the chair. Her hair was short, grey and curly, she had large round glasses and was wearing a light green dress. “Oh, hello dear, sorry, I was under the desk trying to get some of these papers I dropped, I don’t hear well so you startled me a bit.” She said rubbing the top of her head and piling papers onto her desk. “Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just here to check into the office. They said I would get a lanyard with my id on it showing that I’m a teacher here.” She said looking at the woman with regret. She really didn’t mean to startle her. “Of course dear.” Said the woman fumbling around in the papers and grabbing a lanyard out from under them. “Here you are Ms. Jones.” She said handing the lanyard to her. “Thank you! I’ll be on my way, sorry to have startled you.” Avery said as she started to walk out of the office. “Call me Alice dear, and not at all I get startled quite often.” She snickered under her breath. Avery quickly took off towards her classroom and began to set things up for her classes today. She had one free period right after lunch, so she decided to begin working on tomorrows class during her free period. She was finally set up for her first class when the bell rang, students began piling into her room. Her first class was here, she couldn’t contain her excitement. “Hello class, I am Ms. Jones, the new music teacher. I hope that everyone had a good summer and is ready to learn about music!” She said enthusiastically as she handed out packets with music in them. “Everyone please put these in your binders, and for today we’re going to do introductions.” She began handing out another paper that had questions for all of the students. Like, what’s is your name? How old are you? What are your favorite things to do? What’s your favorite genre of music? Lost some of your favorite songs. As the students began filling out the papers, she did the same making sure to show it up on the smart board. After the students were done she collected the papers and began playing some of the songs that the students had listed as their favorites, making sure to avoid ‘inappropriate’ songs. After she was done going over their papers she stood and walked to the front of the classroom. “Thank you all for filling out these papers, believe it or not it will help with your curriculum. I also have these cards with different instruments on them, I want everyone to put your name on it and circle the instrument, or instruments you would most like to learn how to play. This will also help me set up a good curriculum and place you all into groups.” She said passing around the last paper of the day. After everyone finished filling them out, and she filed them each in the appropriate folders for each student the bell rang. “Alright class, I’ll see you tomorrow and we’ll get started on splitting you into your instrument groups and start learning how to play!” She said excitedly as the students filed out of her classroom. The rest of the day up to her free period went the same, it was astonishing how much the students seemed to like the idea of learning to play instruments and their music being played in the classroom. She was finally beginning to organize the folders for each student and classroom and put them in their places when she heard students talking in the hallway. “Have you seen the new music teacher? What we’re they thinking hiring someone so hot to be a teacher. You know every guy in almost every grade has a crush on her!” A snarky female voice said. “Yeah, she’s probably a sl*t! Who dresses like that? I mean honestly, she should be more modest!” Came another female voice from the hall. Avery quietly got up from her seat and walked into the hallway. She looked out to see the girls who were talking about her, of course they’re cheerleaders. She walked over to them and said,” Listen girls, I’m very calm, and kind when I need to be, but after hearing that. Both of you have detention this weekend.” She said plainly and pulled out detention slips from her blazer pocket. “You can’t do that, you’re just the music teacher!” The blonde haired girl cried out. “You can’t give us detention, we’re cheerleaders! We’ll get in trouble with our coach.” “Well, seems to me you should have thought about that before you bad mouthed me and called me names. I may be ‘just a music teacher’ but I am a teacher nonetheless which means you are to show me the same respect as any other teacher or coach.” She said handing them each a detention slip. “Would you speak that way to your coach?” She asked before turning and walking away. The girls stomped off in a huff and Avery got back to her work making sure to set up each student with their group. After her free period was over her next class rolled in, she had them fill out the same papers as every other class, and began sorting them after they finished, also handing them the instrument sheet. As she was sorting them, she noticed one student had written some things that were way too inappropriate for a questionnaire at school. Name: Rodrick Maverick Age:Old enough ;) What are some of your favorite things to do?: Have s*x, drive my expensive car, take hot women out on the town. What is your favorite genre of music: whatever you listen to baby! ;) List some of your favorite songs: Let’s Talk about Sex Sexy Can I Bed Rock And they just kept getting worse. Oh dear lord what was she supposed to say or do. She called him up to her desk, and handed him a new questionnaire. “Please, do it correctly this time, writing inappropriate things on the paper is grounds for detention, do it right this time please.” She said in a calm tone keeping the other paper on her desk at the bottom of the pile. “Yes ma’am!” He said in a sarcastic tone. He went back to writing and a few minutes later brought her the paper back, it was even worse this time, even more s****l innuendos. He even brought up his instrument sheet, and had written in her name as a ‘substitute instrument’. She was beginning to get really frustrated with this student. She sighed putting the paper on the bottom of the stack along with the other one and pulled out her detention slips. “Fine, since you don’t want to take this seriously, you have detention this weekend.” She said filling out the slip and handing it to him. “You can’t do that! I have plans the weekend!” He said in a whiny voice. “Then maybe you shouldn’t act up!” She said continuing with her work of filing all of the papers. After she finished filing the papers she stood and walked around the room picking up everyone else’s music card. As she walked past her new trouble student, he grabbed her skirt pulling it up and flashing her light pink thong to the class. She quickly pulled back down her skirt and yelled. “That’s it! I’m calling your father, and we’re having a talk after school! You’ll be lucky if your not expelled for harassing a teacher!” She stomped back to her desk and after that class had left she called the boys father. He picked up on the fourth ring and sounded irritated. “Who is this? What do you want? I’m busy!” He said quickly. “Hello Mr. Maverick, I’m Ms. Jones the new music teacher at your sons high school, and I’m calling to inform you of a parent teacher meeting this afternoon after school. Your son’s behavior today will not be tolerated by any teacher and especially not me. I may even press charges seeing as how he is ‘old enough’ to know better than this.” She said plainly. “What did my son do? Why can’t you just handle it with the principle?” He said angrily. “That is a discussion for later as I have students coming in. I have already talked to the principle and we chose this route, but I am more than willing to expel your son due to his behavior today.” “Expel? My son is an honors student, he has never once gotten in trouble then suddenly you show up and now he may get expelled!” He yelled through the phone. “I’m coming, and I expect you to be fired by the end of this!” He yelled even louder before hanging up. The rest of her day went on without any issues. After class was over she decided to play some music while she cleaned up her classroom and waited on Mr. Maverick to show up. She took down her long hair, it was all the way down past her butt and her curls were still in tact. She shook out her hair letting it fall across her back and pulling some up to the front. As she was cleaning and dancing around her classroom her door suddenly burst open. In walked a 6’6 man with broad shoulders and strong arms. His hair was dark brown, shaved on the sides and back, but longer on top and shaggy as if he’d been running his hands through it. He was well toned, his long sleeve button up had the sleeves rolled up, and his tie was loosened. He just stood there staring at her. His deep brown eyes piercing her soul. She wasn’t sure what to do.

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