
The Stolen Mafia Princess

opposites attract

“Sir.. we’ve found her!” Armani yelled as he ran in the room. “We’ve finally found your daughter.”

I leaned back in my chair and ran my hands through my hair. “Armani..” I sighed heavily. “Forgive me if I find this hard to believe.. it’s been 17 years since she was taken. No one would keep her alive for that long.” I had given up hope many years ago that my daughter was still alive. Finding her, and bringing her home was my wife’s dying wish.. and yet I was so sure that she was gone.

“Sir please! The girl.. she did a dna test at the hospital she was taken to. They were able to confirm, and called immediately! They sent over surveillance footage.” He said plopping down a laptop on my desk. He clicked a few keys before an image popped up. There, was a young girl, she looked so scrawny, so sickly. She had a busted lip, and her eye was black and swollen. Even with her disheveled state I could see plainly. It was her.. it was my little girl! I choked back a sob and looked to Armani. “Where is she?”

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[Trigger Warning! This episode contains references to abuse!] {Enzo’s POV} It was just like any other night, I was in my study looking over some important documents. These specific ones pertaining to some trade issues we were having in the west quadrant of the city. Then I heard loud footsteps and clanging outside my door. “Sir.. we’ve found her!” Armani yelled as he ran in the room. “We’ve finally found your daughter.” I leaned back in my chair and ran my hands through my hair. “Armani..” I sighed heavily. “Forgive me if I find this hard to believe.. it’s been 20 years since she was taken. No one would keep her alive for that long.” I had given up hope many years ago that my daughter was still alive. Finding her, and bringing her home was my wife’s dying wish.. and yet I was so sure that she was gone. “Sir please! The girl.. she did a dna test at the hospital she was taken to. They were able to confirm, and called immediately! They sent over surveillance footage.” He said plopping down a laptop on my desk. He clicked a few keys before an image popped up. There on his screen, was a young girl, she looked so scrawny, so sickly. She had a busted lip, and her eye was black and swollen. Even with her disheveled state I could see plainly. It was her.. it was my little girl! I choked back a sob and looked to Armani. “Where is she?” {Margo’s POV} I sat up in the hospital bed, cringing at the horrible burning and pain in my abdomen. The doctor told me that two of my ribs on my right side were broken. I also had a hairline fracture on another rib, and the bruising and swelling was quite substantial. He said that they had to stitch up some open wounds that looked like I had been stabbed. “We really need to know how you got these injuries..” the doctor pressed. I was sure that he knew.. everyone knew that my father had a drinking problem, and that he was a violent man. No one knew the true extent of my injuries over the years.. but I had to come in. It had been days since my father had done this. The pain wouldn’t subside, and the bruising just got worse. “I fell down the stairs, and landed on some planks..” I said, so low that both of us knew that it wasn’t true. “We can’t help you unless you tell us the truth Margaret!” He scolded. I nodded my head, and looked down at my hands. They were shaking furiously, and my heart was beating so fast I could hear it on the monitor. “I-I did tell the truth..” I said, fear oozed from my voice. “Okay..” he sighed, clipping his pen to his clipboard. “You’ll need to wait here for tonight so we can get you started on some antibiotics and pain medications. Just try to rest, we won’t contact anyone unless you ask us to.” He said before turning and leaving the room. They made me do a blood test when I came in to check if I had any internal infections. Turns out, I needed antibiotics, and iron. I reached up, feeling the strange points of my ear. My father’s temper got so bad, a few months ago he cut part of my ear off, leaving a jagged shape to my ear. I tried to lay back, and winced again at the pain that shot through my ribs. I had been here since this morning, and the longer I stay, the worse my punishment will be when I get home. If I leave now though, they’ll send the police to the house to check on me. The cops being in our home would be even worse for me. I sighed, and closed my eyes, it couldn’t be helped. {Enzo’s POV} I ran out of my office and to my room, I quickly changed my clothes and grabbed my wallet, and my phone. I turned on my heel and booked it down the hallway, and staircase. Once I made it to the ground floor I saw my oldest son Angelo sitting in the living room. “Angelo, with me!” I snapped, immediately he rushed to my side as we hurried out the door. “What is it father?” He asked, his voice cold, and serious. “What do you need me to do?” “They found her.. they found your sister.. they found our bambina!” I told him, continuing to make my way to the car. I had our driver prepare the car to take us to our private airport. Our pilot was also instructed to have our jet ready and waiting for us. We sat down in the car, and for the first time since I told him, I looked at my son. “Really.. is it really her?” He asked, his voice shaky, but quickly changing back to cold. I nodded, and pulled out my phone. The picture from the surveillance footage had been sent to me. I handed him the phone, allowing him to look at the photo. “It’s really her Angelo!” He smiled, very softly, before going back to his normal stoic look. “She looks like mom..” was all he said, before he handed me back the photo. “I’ll call my brothers, tell them all to be kind, and to be expecting us back late tonight with our bambina.” He said, before pulling out his cell phone and calling my other sons. Once we made it to the airport we quickly loaded up on the jet and took off. Our trip was around four hours, but as soon as we landed, another driver was waiting for us. Before long, we had made it to the hospital, and as we walked in the doors I could hear footsteps approaching. “Sir..” the doctor ran up, stoping just short of me and giving me a nod. “We kept her here just like you asked.. but she has been trying to leave. She said she has to get home.. the man that raised her.. he isn’t a kind man. She’s afraid of what he’ll do if she doesn’t return home soon.” He said, as he lead Angelo and I through the hallways. Angelo let out a frustrated grunt, as we followed close behind the doctor. Once we got closer to her room we could hear metal clanging to the floor, and the sound of someone shouting. I turned to Angelo and both of us took off, busting through the door. What we saw had both of us enraged. A gross, middle aged man, fat, and balding was holding up my baby girl by her throat. “You stupid b****!” He yelled, before we caught his attention. He dropped my daughter to the ground when he saw us, and his face paled. “Mr. LaRoux.. I.. I..” he fumbled to try to find the words, but before he could speak Angelo grabbed him up by the neck and dragged him from the room.

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