Story By Owen Jones

Owen Jones

Cambiatore Di Destino
Updated at Jul 19, 2023, 01:20
Wayne nasce in una remota fattoria nel nord del Galles in una notte selvaggia e tempestosa. La famiglia avrebbe voluto un parto in ospedale perché era il primo bambino di Gwynedd, ma sua madre e sua nonna, Rhiannon, pensavano che potesse essere molto pericoloso. Tutti i membri della loro famiglia nascevano nella fattoria, Il Giardino del Drago, da 324 anni secondo la Bibbia di famiglia - ed erano diventati tutti streghe o stregoni. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Lek - The Beginning
Updated at Jul 19, 2023, 01:12
Lek - The BeginningAt twenty-one years of age, Lek, an ordinary, contemporary, farm girl from the northern Thai Rice belt, had to go to Pattaya to work in the leisure industry to help her widowed mother pay off the mortgage to save the farm from foreclosure and keep her siblings in school. This book, The Beginning, shows what her life was like before she had to leave her small, hard-working, but happy village and the only people she had ever known. It depicts the events that made her happy and those that saddened her in her early life from living with her grandmother to surviving with her husband, Tom. At the very last moment, some friends step up to make Lek's transition to life in Thailand's number one sex city just that little bit easier. The Behind The Smile Series is the story of Lek, a bar girl in Pattaya, Thailand. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family in the northern rice belt of Thailand. A catastrophe occurred out of the blue one day – her father died young with huge debts that the family knew nothing about. Lek was just twenty years of age, and the only one who could prevent the foreclosure of the family farm, and allow her younger sister and two brothers to continue their education. However, the only way she knew how was to go to work in her cousin’s bar in Pattaya.Can a Pattaya bar girl ever go back to being a regular girlfriend or wife?Behind The Smile is a look into one part of Thailand, a country known around the world as 'The Land of Smiles'.Lek - The BeginningAt twenty-one years of age, Lek, an ordinary, contemporary, farm girl from the northern Thai Rice belt, had to go to Pattaya to work in the leisure industry to help her widowed mother pay off the mortgage to save the farm from foreclosure and keep her siblings in school. This book, The Beginning, shows what her life was like before she had to leave her small, hard-working, but happy village and the only people she had ever known. It depicts the events that made her happy and those that saddened her in her early life from living with her grandmother to surviving with her husband, Tom. At the very last moment, some friends step up to make Lek's transition to life in Thailand's number one sex city just that little bit easier. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Lek - O Início
Updated at Jul 13, 2023, 02:45
O Início. Aos 21 anos de idade, Lek, uma garota simples e comum das fazendas do norte dos arrozais tailandêses, teve que ir para Pattaya trabalhar para ajudar sua mãe viúva a pagar a hipoteca para salvar a fazenda, quitar a hipotecária e manter seus irmãos na escola. Este livro, O Início, mostra como era sua vida antes de ela ter que deixar sua pequena e trabalhosa, mas feliz vida no vilarejo e as únicas pessoas que ela conhecia. O livro retrata os eventos que a deixaram feliz e aqueles que a entristeceram em sua infância, desde a convivência com a sua avó até a sobrevivência com o marido. No último momento, alguns amigos se preparam para levá-la a tornar a inicialização da vida na 'cidade do sexo' número um da Tailândia um pouco mais fácil. A série Por Trás do Sorriso é a história de Lek, uma garota do bar em Pattaya, na Tailândia. Lek nasceu como a filha mais velha de quatro irmãoss em uma típica família de produtores de arroz nos arrozais do norte da Tailândia. Um dia, uma catástrofe ocorreu do nada - seu pai morreu jovem com enormes dívidas das quais a família nem sabia. Lek tinha apenas vinte anos de idade e era a única que poderia impedir o encerramento da fazenda da família e permitir que sua irmã mais nova e seus dois irmãos continuassem seus estudos. No entanto, a única solução era ela ir trabalhar no bar de sua prima em Pattaya. Uma garota do bar de Pattaya pode voltar a ser uma namorada ou esposa normal? Por Trás do Sorriso é um olhar sobre uma parte da Tailândia, um país conhecido em todo o mundo como ”A Terra dos Sonhos”. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
The Dream
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:47
The Behind The Smile Series is the story of Lek, a bar girl in Pattaya, Thailand. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family in the northern rice belt of Thailand. A catastrophe occurred out of the blue one day – her father died young with huge debts that the family knew nothing about. Lek was just twenty years of age, and the only one who could prevent the foreclosure of the family farm, and allow her younger sister and two brothers to continue their education. However, the only way she knew how was to go to work in her cousin’s bar in Pattaya.Can a Pattaya bar girl ever go back to being a regular girlfriend or wife?`Behind The Smile` is a look into one part of Thailand, a country known around the world as `The Land of Smiles`.The Dream takes up the story of Lek, her family and friends from two years further down the line. In the past, it has always been Lek who issued the ultimata, but this story opens with her having received one and it throws her. She is offered the fulfilment of her oldest dream, but can she take it? The fulfilment of any dream requires sacrifices, but is Lek prepared to make them now that her goal is within her grasp? It is a tough one, which means a hard time for her, although her family and friends are behind her as always. Which way will she go? The instinct to follow her dream and the inertia of a comfortable life in the village, as she gets older vie for supremacy in her mind. As is usual in this series, nothing is hidden from the reader, we are privy to all of Lek`s agonizing thoughts.
Les Rejetés
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 03:01
Heng Lee rend visite à la chamane locale, qui se trouve également être sa tante, après avoir commencé à tout d'un coup se sentir très bizarre. Elle effectue quelques tests et en conclut qu'il n'a plus de sang. Comment va-t-il pouvoir l'annoncer à sa famille, et comment ceux-ci vont-ils réagir ? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 20:00
يشعر (هينج لي) باضطراب مفاجئ، فيذهب لرؤية العرّافة المحلية، والتي تصادف أن تكون عمته. تجري العرّافة له بعض الفحوصات لتتوصل إلى أن (هينج) لا دم له، لكنه لا يدري كيف سيخبر عائلته بالأمر، وكيف ستكون ردة فعلهم؟ PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Die Unerwünschten
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 20:00
Heng Lee fühlt sich auf einmal sehr sonderbar, daher geht er zu der örtlichen Schamanin, die zufällig auch seine Tante ist. Sie macht einige Tests und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass in Hengs Körper kein Blut zirkuliert, aber wie soll er das seiner Familie erklären und was kann man dagegen tun? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
داديس هوبي
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 19:25
ولدت ليك، وهي الأكبر من بين أربعة أطفال، في عائلة نموذجية من مزارعي الأرز. لم تتوقع أن تفعل شيئًا مختلفًا عن الفتيات الأخريات في فصلها في حزام الأرز بشمال تايلاند. عادة ما تعمل في الحقول لبضع سنوات، ولديها عدد قليل من الأطفال، وتتركهم لأمها لتعتني بهم، وتعود إلى العمل حتى يتسنّى لها استعادة أطفالها ويمكنها الاهتمام بهم أكثر لرعايتهم. في يوم من الأيام، حدثت كارثة بشكل غير متوقع: توفي والدها وهي صغيرة في العمر وبديون ضخمة لم تكن العائلة تعرف عنها شيئًا. كانت ليك تبلغ من العمر عشرين عامًا وكانت الوحيدة القادرة على منع حبس الرهن. ومع ذلك، كانت الطريقة الوحيدة التي عرفتها هي الذهاب للعمل في حانة ابن عمها بباتايا. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
وقواق أندروبوف
Updated at Apr 18, 2023, 03:07
رجل يحتضر يسرد قصة أروع شخص قابله على الإطلاق ، عالم لغوي سوفييتي عبقري يسميه يوريكو.إنها قصة حب وجرأة وجواسيس وخطر في اليابان وألمانيا وتركيا والولايات المتحدة وكندا والمملكة المتحدة، ولكن في الغالب في الاتحاد السوفيتي في السبعينيات. فتاتان، ولدتا على بعد آلاف الأميال في كازاخستان واليابان بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية مباشرة، تلتقيان وت أشبه بالبازلاء في جراب. كما أنها تحصل على مثل الأخوات والحفاظ على ن اتصال لبقية حياتهم. ومع ذلك، يريد المرء مساعدة بلدها الذي مزقته المعارك والآخر يريد أن يترك بلدها للغرب. إنهم يحلمون خطة جريئة وخطيرة لتحقيق الهدفين، وهو ما قيل عن أندروبوف، رئيس الكي جي بي السوفييتية. انه يصفها عملية يوريكو ويتم تعيينها في الحركة ، ولكن هل لديها أبعد فرصة للنجاح؟ ويستند الوقواق أندروبوف على ”قصة حقيقية” تتعلق بفكرالمؤلف الى أحد الأبطال. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Gli Esclusi
Updated at Apr 6, 2023, 02:05
Tutto d'un tratto, Heng Lee comincia a sentirsi molto strano, così decide di far visita allo Sciamano locale, niente meno che sua zia. Dopo alcuni test conclude che Heng non ha più sangue nel corpo. Come lo dirà alla sua famiglia? E cosa decideranno di fare? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
La Catena Di Daisy
Updated at Apr 4, 2023, 03:05
La catena di Daisy, Amore, intrighi e malavita nella Costa del Sole.Daisy, l'orgogliosa figlia di un ricco ex gangster londinese, John, e sua moglie spagnola, Teresa, è cresciuta a Marbella sulla Costa del Sole, alias Costa del Crimine.Ha idolatrato i suoi genitori e ha cercato di impressionare il suo anziano padre aiutandolo a gestire le aziende di famiglia dopo l'università.Tuttavia, un disastroso errore di giudizio finisce in una tragedia familiare e sua madre, come penitenza, mette Daisy su un percorso più sicuro per aiutare la comunità locale.La catena di Daisy è una storia tragica con un lieto fine. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Centro Perfetto 2
Updated at Apr 4, 2023, 02:31
Bangkok, Thailandia: quattro devastanti esplosioni hanno scosso la città senza preavviso. Due importanti istituzioni sono state rase al suolo, lasciando zero sopravvissuti. Non c'è ancora stata alcuna rivendicazione. Le ambasciate britannica e americana sono state vittime delle esplosioni. Ciascun Paese avvia le proprie indagini autonomamente, ma per affrontare un ”nemico invisibile” diventa indispensabile unire le forze. Nel frattempo, un membro del SAS viene inviato dal governo britannico a incontrare i suoi ex-colleghi Gareg, Bob e Dave, che gestiscono un hotel tradizionale a Koh Samui. Si sviluppa così tra Bangkok, Koh Samui e le giungle che si espandono al confine tra la problematica Thailandia meridionale e la Malesia, una trama avvincente in cui bisogna trarre il massimo da armi e strategie anticonvenzionali per cogliere di sorpresa il nemico. Un'opera emozionante, che riporta alla mente la questione irlandese degli anni '70 e '80 e tiene il lettore incollato alle pagine! PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
La Chaîne De Daisy
Updated at Apr 4, 2023, 02:02
Daisy, la fière fille d'un riche ex-gangster londonien, John, et de sa femme espagnole, Teresa, a grandi à Marbella sur la Costa del Sol, alias la Costa del Crime. Elle idolâtre ses parents et cherche à impressionner son père vieillissant en l'aidant à gérer les affaires familiales après l'université. Cependant, une erreur de jugement désastreuse aboutit à une tragédie familiale, et sa mère met Daisy sur une voie plus sûre en aidant la communauté locale comme pénitence. La chaîne de Daisy est une histoire tragique qui se termine agréablement bien. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Stepping Stones
Updated at Feb 1, 2023, 22:01
Stepping Stones picks up the story of Lek, her family and friends in the village of Baan Suay four years on from where The Lady in The Tree finished. Lek and Ayr are still looking to expand, but especially Lek's career in the political arena, where she finds evidence of disturbing activity. Craig is still trying to write a best seller and Soom has graduated from university. In Stepping Stones, we are introduced to the Champunot family from Bangkok, the members of which have a profound effect on Lek, Craig and Soom - one which none of them will ever be able to forget. Stepping Stones reveals more in-depth details of life in a Thai family that has been affected by the inclusion of a falang like how they deal with the strange mixture of traditional and modern Thai life that that situation often creates. The Behind The Smile Series is the story of Lek, a bar girl in Pattaya, Thailand. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family in the northern rice belt of Thailand. A catastrophe occurred out of the blue one day – her father died young with huge debts that the family knew nothing about. Lek was just twenty years of age, and the only one who could prevent the foreclosure of the family farm, and allow her younger sister and two brothers to continue their education. However, the only way she knew how was to go to work in her cousin’s bar in Pattaya.Can a Pattaya bar girl ever go back to being a regular girlfriend or wife?Behind The Smile is a look into one part of Thailand, a country known around the world as 'The Land of Smiles'.Stepping Stones picks up the story of Lek, her family and friends in the village of Baan Suay four years on from where The Lady in The Tree finished. Lek and Ayr are still looking to expand, but especially Lek's career in the political arena, where she finds evidence of disturbing activity. Craig is still trying to write a best seller and Soom has graduated from university. In Stepping Stones, we are introduced to the Champunot family from Bangkok, the members of which have a profound effect on Lek, Craig and Soom - one which none of them will ever be able to forget. Stepping Stones reveals more in-depth details of life in a Thai family that has been affected by the inclusion of a falang like how they deal with the strange mixture of traditional and modern Thai life that that situation often creates. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
The Lady In The Tree
Updated at Aug 25, 2022, 20:01
The Lady in the Tree continues straight on from book three, Maya - Illusion. Lek is still in business with her old friend Ayr and they mean business as well, especially when rivals from nearby try to intimidate them. The two friends come up with a daring solution, which they can't even discuss with their friends, family or husbands. Soom is still at university in Bangkok and doing well in spite of having problems of her own, let alone looming final exams, which political upheaval in the capital threatens to disrupt. Craig continues to write, but he realises all of a sudden that he has bigger problems than finishing and selling his books. An old friend and an old lady give the three women some remarkably similar and accurate advice, but where will it get them? The Behind The Smile Series is the story of Lek, a bar girl in Pattaya, Thailand. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family in the northern rice belt of Thailand. A catastrophe occurred out of the blue one day – her father died young with huge debts that the family knew nothing about. Lek was just twenty years of age, and the only one who could prevent the foreclosure of the family farm, and allow her younger sister and two brothers to continue their education. However, the only way she knew how was to go to work in her cousin’s bar in Pattaya.Can a Pattaya bar girl ever go back to being a regular girlfriend or wife?'Behind The Smile' is a glimpse into one part of Thailand, a country known around the world as 'The Land of Smiles'.The Lady in the Tree continues straight on from book three, Maya - Illusion. Lek is still in business with her old friend Ayr and they mean business as well, especially when rivals from nearby try to intimidate them. The two friends come up with a daring solution, which they can't even discuss with their friends, family or husbands. Soom is still at university in Bangkok and doing well in spite of having problems of her own, let alone looming final exams, which political upheaval in the capital threatens to disrupt. Craig continues to write, but he realises all of a sudden that he has bigger problems than finishing and selling his books. An old friend and an old lady give the three women some remarkably similar and accurate advice, but where will it get them? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
The Disallowed
Updated at Aug 1, 2022, 23:37
Heng Lee starts to feel very strange all of a sudden, so he calls in to see the local shaman, who happens to be his aunt. She carries out a few tests and decides that Heng has no blood, but how is he going to tell his family, and what will they do about it?Heng Lee is a goatherd in the remote mountains north-east of Chiang Rai in northern Thailand, very close to the border with Laos. It is a tight-knit community where everyone knows one another. Heng gets sick all of a sudden, but not too sick to take the goats out, until one day he has to go to see the local shaman, because he has started fainting. There are no medical doctors in the vicinity and the Shaman has been good enough for most people for centuries. The Shaman takes some specimens and comes to the conclusion that Heng’s kidneys have stopped functioning and so has little time left to live. The battle is on to save Heng’s life, but there are other forces at work too. What will become of Heng, his family and the rest of the community, if he takes the Shaman’s advice?PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
The Alien House
Updated at Apr 18, 2022, 23:17
Michael has lived with his Thai wife in Thailand for twelve years and Spain for two, but failed to get her a residence permit for the UK. She was sent back to Thailand and he moved back to his home town of Barry in South Wales to try to 'get her from the inside.The chances are slim, and he sinks ever deeper into despair, even sleeping on the beach to save money. In truth, he starts to lose his mind with worry and loneliness.He won't even go to his family for help, because he feels that they have shunned him, but is he right?One day, a chance accident brings him into contact with four people who change his life forever, but who are they and where do they come from? His Alter Ego, Ralph, makes fantastic insinuations, but could they be true?Alien House is a fantasy, but the problems within the story are very real for thousands of couples. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Life In Annwn
Updated at Apr 7, 2022, 20:59
'Life In Annwn' continues on directly from where 'A Night In Annwn' left off. Willy has passed over and he is at last with the wife that he has missed for a decade or more, his beloved Sarah. However, right from the off, life in Annwn (the ancient Welsh word for Heaven) is not what he had been expecting for nearly all of his time on Earth, or The Surface, as she calls it, as Annwn is underground. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Daisy's Chain
Updated at Apr 6, 2022, 01:15
Daisy's ChainLove, Intrigue and the Underworld on The Costa del SolDaisy, the proud daughter of a wealthy ex-London gangster, John, and his Spanish wife, Teresa, grew up in Marbella on the Costa del Sol, aka, the Costa del Crime. She idolised her parents and sought to impress her ageing father by helping him run the family businesses after uni. However, a disastrous error of judgement ends in family tragedy, and her mother puts Daisy on a safer path of helping the local community as a penance. Daisy's Chain is a tragic tale with a pleasantly happy ending. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Maya - Illusion
Updated at Apr 6, 2022, 01:15
Lek begins to wonder whether everything that she had hoped for for fifteen years was all worth it now that she had achieved her goals. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
An Exciting Future
Updated at Apr 6, 2022, 01:15
In Daddy's Hobby, volume one, Lek met a man, Craig, who actually did come back for her, and then took her home to meet his mother. Her dreams seem to be coming true, but not everything is running as smoothly as they had both hoped, so will she wake up and be back in the nightmare she thought she had just put behind her? In Daddy's Hobby, Craig had promised Lek an exciting future, if she threw caution to the wind and went with him, and this volume picks up the story as they are flying back from Wales. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Andropov's Cuckoo
Updated at Apr 6, 2022, 01:14
A dying man recounts the story of the most amazing person he has ever met, a brilliant, Soviet linguist whom he calls Youriko. It is a tale of love, daring-do, spies and danger set in Japan, Germany, Turkey, the USA, Canada and the UK, but mostly in the Soviet Union of the Seventies. Two girls, born thousands of miles apart in Kazakhstan and Japan just after World War II, meet and are like peas in a pod. They also get on like sisters and keep n touch for the rest of their lives. However, one wants to help her battle-scarred country and the other wants to leave hers for the West. They dream up a daring, dangerous plan to achieve both goals, which Andropov, the chief of the Soviet KGB, is told about. He dubs it Operation Youriko and it is set in motion, but does it have even the remotest chance of success? Andropov’s Cuckoo is based on a ‘true story’ related to the author by one of the protagonists.The story starts with William, an octogenarian widower, who misses his wife terribly, in a sanctuary in southern Spain. He is waiting to die and is looking forward to it in order to be reunited with his wife Youriko. He does not have long, but decides that his brave wife's story should be told, although she would not allow it when she was alive. First we meet a Japanese family that was caught up in the blast at Hiroshima, and then we meet their daughter, Youriko, who has been radicalised against the American occupying forces. Next we meet a Soviet, Kazakhstani family, who were also involved in the war. The wife is a government agent who stirs the workers in her area to produce more, and we meet her daughter. Through the Japanese Communist Party visits to the area, the Russian and the Japanese families meet and get on. The girls especially. In fact, they actually look alike too. The girls hatch a plan to switch lives, though the Japanese girl sees no future in the USSR. She wants to go to America. The switch is made, and The Russian girl, now known as Youriko takes a job in the Japanese Foreign Office. Then she moves to the Diplomatic Corps, all the while spying for her boss Andropov, the head of the KGB. She falls from grace when she becomes disillusioned with her work and tries to escape to see her double, who is now in Canada. She is captured and held in the dreaded Lubyanka prison, before she is given a show trial and sent to a camp. When she gets out, Andropov takes pity on her and sets her up as the boss of a 'honey trap' spy ring. While doing this job, she falls in love with a British exchange student, and spends the rest of the book fleeing the country on horseback through the Caucasus into Turkey, where she hands herself over to the British Embassy. After a thorough debriefing, she is allowed to remain in the UK, so she goes to surprise the love of her life during a class. Youriko and William live a long life together in Andalusia, until she dies. The last chapter of the book sees him dying and calling his wife's name as she stands before him welcoming him back into her arms. The doctor is the one who finds the manuscript and gets it published.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
A Night In Annwn
Updated at Apr 1, 2022, 01:40
William Jones, a sheep farmer from the Brecon Beacons, had led a happy life, until his wife, Sarah, died young. It left him devastated and seemingly bent on self-destruction. His daughter, Becky tried to help, but even she was losing patience with her father. One evening, he is certain that he has died and been put out of his misery, but it was not to be. He recovered. However his life was never to be the same again. He had discovered Annwn where his wife lived, and his newly found vitality changed his life and that of all those with whom he came into contact.A Night in Annwn The Story of William Jones' Near-Death Experience William Jones, a sheep farmer from the Brecon Beacons, had led a happy life, until his wife, Sarah, died young. It left him devastated and seemingly bent on self-destruction. His daughter, Becky tried to help, but even she was losing patience with her father. One evening, he is certain that he has died and been put out of his misery, but it was not to be. He recovered. However his life was never to be the same again. He had discovered Annwn where his wife lived, and his newly found vitality changed his life and that of all those with whom he came into contact. A Night in Annwn is a love story that spans the greatest divide - that between life and death; a look at a near-death experience and a new take on the mythological Welsh Heaven, which is Annwn. Be prepared to see another side of Welsh Celtic mythology, but you will never think of death in the same way again. That is guaranteed!PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Daddy's Hobby
Updated at Mar 30, 2022, 22:43
Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family. She did not expect to do anything any different from the other girls in her class in the northern rice belt of Thailand. Typically that would be: work in the fields for a few years; have a few babies; give them to mum to take care of and back to work until her kids had their own children and she could stop working to take care of them. One day a catastrophe occurred out of the blue – her father died young and with huge debts that the family knew nothing about. Lek was twenty and she was the only one who could prevent foreclosure. However, the only way she knew was to go to work in her cousin’s bar in Pattaya. She went as a waitress-cum-cashier, but when she realised that she was pregnant by her worthless, estranged husband, things had to change. She had the baby, gave it to her mother to look after and went back to work. However, now she needed real money to provide a better life for her child and to make up for spending its whole youth 500 miles away. She drifted into the tourist sex industry. The book relates some of her ‘adventures’, her dreams and nightmares and her ‘modus operandi’. It tries to show, from Lek’s point of view, what it really is like to be a Thai bar girl – the hopes and frustrations, the hopes and the let-downs, the hopes and the lies and deceit that are part of her every day life. One day she meets a man she likes and he likes her too. Nothing new there, it had happened hundreds of times, but she feels that it is different. They have a wonderful four weeks together and then he goes home – as they all had, leaving more promises and more hopes. This one returns, but real life with a real boyfriend is not as easy as she had dreamed it would be. They go through good and bad times, but will they stay together and for how long? After all she has been through, will she be able to be a regular girlfriend or even a wife again? Will she ever really be able to trust a man enough again either? Or would she be better off giving up her dreams and carrying on working in the bar? Lek begins to find out that getting what you wish for is not always as good as you thought it would be. 'Behind The Smile' refers to the fact that Thailand is known the world over as 'The Land of Smiles'.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Dead Centre 2
Updated at Mar 24, 2022, 18:48
Terrorists attack the British and American Embassies in Bangkok simultaneously causing horrific damage, but who is responsible and how will they be stopped from doing it again? Dead Centre IIFour exceedingly large explosions destroy two important institutions in Bangkok without warning. Everybody in both buildings is killed, but none of the likely candidates claims responsibility.The British and American governments have an interest and the Royal Thai Police Force begins its own investigations, but they all show scant regard for each other's inquiries. Cooperation is minimal.This means that the British have to get a team on the spot... a team that is experienced enough to get the job done with hardly any assistance, since they have no-one available. A team skilled in the use of unconventional methods.As the top brass is wondering how they are going to tackle this awkward situation, a member of the SAS, one of Britain's most elite fighting units, remembers seeing Gareg, Bob and and Dave in an old-fashioned teak hotel on Koh Samui on his way back from a mission, so an agent from MI6 is sent to investigate.This is a fast-moving thriller set in Bangkok, Koh Samui and the Thai-Malaysian rain forests in the Thailand's troubled south, reviving memories of the Irish Question and Separatism in the Seventies and Eighties. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME