Story By Rowena Dawn

Rowena Dawn

Ariel's Redemption
Updated at Jan 12, 2022, 23:01
Ariel doesn’t believe in herself or her powers anymore, and she forgot everything about getting in love. She doesn’t nurture any illusions that she will meet Prince Charming one day. She just goes through the motions, full of resentments, unfulfilled, and almost defeated.She wouldn’t have looked twice at Max on a regular day. On the few occasions they have been thrown together, she barely tolerated his presence. However, Max turns out to be the only one who can help her in her hour of need.Will Ariel see him in a new light? Will Max be the one to lift the curse haunting her from birth?
Mr. (Almost) Right
Updated at Jan 12, 2022, 22:57
The clock is ticking. She’s on the hunt. He doesn’t want to be caught. Finding the right guy isn't easy for anyone and Ella is no exception. After three years wasted in a loveless relationship, Ella decides to take control of her life again, so she cleans house and starts hunting for Mr. Right or Mr. Almost Right. Ella hits the bars excited to find someone to settle down with, only to find out that romance and happily-ever-after aren't on the menu. Mark’s only looking to score. Will Ella turn Mark into Mr. Almost Right or will Mark run for the hills when he gets wind of her intentions? Mr. (Almost) Right is a contemporary romance featuring a strong woman able to turn her life around. If you like romance and a bit of laugh, then this is the book for you. Buy this contemporary romance filled with sensuous heat today!
Updated at Jan 12, 2022, 22:56
She was just humoring her friend. She got adventure and a soul mate. Double-Edged joins Kate, a small, independent shop owner on her quest for romance and happily ever after.Against her better judgment, against her wishes, she allows her friend to push her into the world of online dating, where she encounters the most infuriating, stranger, and yet most interesting man she has ever come across.Over several intense months of correspondence, Kate becomes embroiled in a global adventure with a man she knows either too little or too much about and discovers the truth behind the old saying, 'What the heart wants, the heart gets.' Or was that how it went? If not, maybe it should be changed.Discover this sun-drenched romance, the first in the inspirational and wedding series Perfect Halves, which depicts contemporary relationships, love, adventure and conspiracies.As a reader said: "Interesting romance. Plot develops nicely and actually held my attention unlike some recent romance out there. The story itself has something for more than just one age-group. Good for a wide audience. Female lead is amusing and plays along nicely with the rest of the cast. Fun, quite short book for some distraction."If you love a sizzling romance, then buy this book and dive in Kate's adventure.
Matt's Dilemma
Updated at Jan 10, 2022, 23:52
Matt Winston, member of a family with paranormal abilities, is a good and caring man. After a bad experience, he enjoys only brief affairs, unwilling to engage his heart. Yet, life doles its own brand of fun and changes everything when it throws Nora Barnes into his path. Nora’s marriage comes to a bitter end and she is determined to make ends meet and offer a good life to her son. A shooting changes everything for her, and Matt Winston’s interference in her life will turn it upside down. Surprises never end. Rebecca Winston, angry with her husband’s betrayal and her daughter’s suicide, cursed the younger generations of the family. The curse has a deadline, and Matt, her oldest great-grandson, with only two months to spare, knows he is out of time. He decides to live his life exactly the way he wants and forget about curses and love. He doesn't believe in a special someone to spend his life with and who could help him lift the curse. In this second novel of the Winston series, Matt finds his peace of mind and happiness after a long battle with himself and others, and especially with the woman he loves. If you love a paranormal romance, with strong characters and a touch of humor, then this is the book for you. 
Cu Dublu Tais (Jumatatea Perfecta, #1)
Updated at Jan 10, 2022, 23:50
Kate îi permite prietenei sale să o convingă să încerce un site de matrimoniale pe Internet unde întâlnește un bărbat extrem de interesant, dar care este o enigmă pentru ea.Kate este capabilă să citească gândurile oamenilor, dar nu ale lui.
Leap of Faith
Updated at Jan 10, 2022, 23:49
Meg wanted a new challenge. She got the challenge of her life and lost her heart in the process. In this sizzling new adult romance, Meg is stuck in a rut both in her personal life and in her career. She is still confident that her fate would change if she is brave enough to make out-of-the-box choices. She chooses to test her luck in Paris, and she throws herself in the middle of the most challenging experience of her lifetime. Fate is capricious, though, and trouble lies ahead. She questions the status quo and consequently, her life is at stake. She finds her way and gets involved in a torrid love story, being romanced in Paris. The man who offers her an amazing love story is exactly the man she thought she couldn't ever have.As a customer said: "I loved this book, the genuine love story intermingles beautifully in Meg's journey of discovery. Just my type of book!"If you love sizzling romance, then this is the book for you! 
Becka's Awakening
Updated at Jan 10, 2022, 23:49
Becka wanted the power and the money. What she got was losing her heart. Becka is a witch and not a very good one. With her great-grandmother's curse hanging over her she has no idea how to escape her fate. When she suddenly spills her coffee on a stranger she finds out there's more to life than what she thought.
Trezirea Beckăi (Familia Winston, #1)
Updated at Jan 10, 2022, 18:08
Becka dorea puterea si banii. In schimb, si-a pierdut inima.Becka este o vrajitoare si nu una foarte buna. Blestemata de catre strabunica ei, nu are nici cea mai mica idee cum sa scape de soarta ei. Cand isi varsa cafeaua pe un barbat strain, afla ca viata inseamna mai mult decat credea ea. Dar este ea pregatita pentru aceasta?Trezirea Beckai este prima carte din seria Familiei Winston scrisa de Rowena Dawn. Daca iti place o poveste de dragoste cu paranormal, atunci iti va place si aceasta serie care prezinta personaje convingatoare.Cumpara astazi acest roman de dragoste cu paranormal plin de caldura senzuala!
Catching Lily - Live Wire
Updated at Jan 10, 2022, 18:06
Lily has almost given up on her happily ever after. Mark is just on the run and hopes to keep his hide intact.A chance encounter makes Lily hope again, and Mark find his stopping point.Lily comes from a family of witches, and she has got a curse over her head. The Winston family is large, full of wonders, happiness, but also bitterness.Mark is her chance to get involved with a man who resembles no one she has ever known. He is a strong man, full of secrets, and almost cold-hearted. Mark seizes his chance with Lily, but two questions remain to be answered. Will his past chase her away? Will her family secret come between the two of them?Lily and Mark bring together the characters of two romance series, infusing their lives both with suspense and paranormal.
Perfect Halves Book One
Updated at Jan 7, 2022, 00:10
Enjoy two stand-alone novels gathered in one book Perfect Halves, both of them about love, adventure and conspiracies. In each of them, a tough guy hits the ground and surrenders his heart.If you like suspense and romance, then this is the book for you. Strong characters and suspense are waiting to fill in your afternoons. Perfect Halves will have four books and you will meet all male characters in the first novel, Double-Edged, and the second novel, Eyes in the Dark.Double-Edged, a novel about love and adventure and second chances, joins Kate, a small, independent shop owner on her quest for romance and happily ever after. Against her better judgment, against her wishes, she allows her friend to push her into the world of online dating, where she encounters the most infuriating, stranger, and yet most interesting man, she has ever come across. Over several intense months of correspondence, Kate becomes embroiled in a global adventure with a man she knows either too little or too much about and discovers the truth behind the old saying, 'What the heart wants, the heart gets.' Or was that how it went? If not, maybe it should be changed. Discover this sun-drenched romance, the first in the inspirational and wedding series Perfect Halves, which depicts contemporary relationships, love, adventure and conspiracies.As a customer said: "Interesting romance. Plot develops nicely and actually held my attention unlike some recent romance out there. The story itself has something for more than just one age-group. Good for a wide audience. Female lead is amusing and plays along nicely with the rest of the cast. Fun, quite short book for some distraction."Eyes in the Dark features two interesting characters, Diane and Adam.She looks for peace of mind. He looks for revenge. They both get what they want but with a twist.Diane's an artist and a city girl. She inherits her aunt's ranch house and land and moves there in a journey to rediscover herself. But first, she discovers her inheritance comes with strings attached and people are willing to kill over it.Adam, former soldier and mercenary, wants to avenge his brother's death. Diane is his only means to achieve his purpose. Or that's what he thinks. When things get bad - and they do, Adam finds out that some people just sneak into one's soul and haunt them for eternity.
Pulled In
Updated at Jan 7, 2022, 00:08
Nick wanted only to be left in peace so that he could forget of the ugliness of the outside world. Yet, his world is invaded and he finds himself in the position of the white knight. She wanted shelter but she can't trust another man.Two strong people, caught in a tough situation - will they find a common ground?
The Winstons Book One
Updated at Jan 7, 2022, 00:01
If you like paranormal romance, then you'll love a series that features compelling characters. Rebecca Winston, angry with her husband’s betrayal and her daughter’s suicide, cursed the younger generations of the family. The curse has a deadline, and some people of the young generation feel that their time is almost up.Becka's Awakening is the first book in Rowena Dawn's The Winstons Series (hot and spiced with love). Becka wanted the power and the money. What she got was losing her heart.Becka is a witch and not a very good one. With her great-grandmother's curse hanging over her she has no idea how to escape her fate. When she suddenly spills her coffee on a stranger she finds out there's more to life than what she thought. But is she ready for what that means? This is a paranormal romance filled with sensuous heat.Matt’s Dilemma – the second book in the series, features Matt Winston. A member of a family with paranormal abilities, he is a good and caring man. After a bad experience, he enjoys only brief affairs, unwilling to engage his heart. Yet, life doles its own brand of fun and changes everything when it throws Nora Barnes into his path.Matt, Rebecca’s oldest great-grandson, with only two months to spare, knows he is out of time. He can’t beat the curse. He decides to live his life exactly the way he wants and forget about curses and love. He doesn't believe in a special someone to spend his life with and who could help him lift the curse.In this second novel of the Winston series, Matt finds his peace of mind and happiness after a long battle with himself and others, and especially with the woman he loves.If you love a paranormal romance, with strong characters and a touch of humor, then this is the book for you.
Dilema lui Matt (Cartea a Doua in seria Familia Winston)
Updated at Jan 7, 2022, 00:01
După o experiență nefericită, Matt Winston, membru al unei familii cu abilități paranormale urmărite de un blestem, se implică doar în relații de dragoste de scurtă durată pentru că nu mai dorește să-și implice inima. Blestemul pus pe capul lui Matt are un termen limită, iar el mai are doar două luni să-l învingă și știe că nu mai are suficient timp. Decide să-și trăiască viața așa cum vrea și să uite de blesteme sau iubire. Dar viața i-o aruncă în cale pe Nora Barnes și schimbă absolut totul.Dacă îți place un roman de dragoste cu o tentă de paranormal, cu personaje puternice și o mică doză de umor, atunci aceasta este cartea pentru tine.