
Catching Lily - Live Wire


Lily has almost given up on her happily ever after. Mark is just on the run and hopes to keep his hide intact.A chance encounter makes Lily hope again, and Mark find his stopping point.Lily comes from a family of witches, and she has got a curse over her head. The Winston family is large, full of wonders, happiness, but also bitterness.Mark is her chance to get involved with a man who resembles no one she has ever known. He is a strong man, full of secrets, and almost cold-hearted. Mark seizes his chance with Lily, but two questions remain to be answered. Will his past chase her away? Will her family secret come between the two of them?Lily and Mark bring together the characters of two romance series, infusing their lives both with suspense and paranormal.

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CHAPTER ONE Digging into her bag, Lily cleared the door of the shop absently. She got out in the crisp air of the end of December, and her tongue snaked out and caught a snowflake, a habit that she had never outgrown. With small steps, she moseyed blindly down the street. Her attention was focused on finding room inside her handbag for a perfume bottle. She had just bought it with Ellen, her cousin by marriage, in mind. A smile fleeted over Lily's upturned lips, and her dark blue eyes sparkled with mischief. She could just see Ellen's surprise at that gift. The weird perfume bottle, shaped like a ballerina in a twirl, had just called to Lily when she entered the shop. She knew Ellen pretty well. Jay’s wife wasn’t the woman to go for such impracticable things. Her cousin by marriage was far from being girly even though her features and body shouted Look, here, female walking on the catwalk. Nevertheless, Ellen was practical, and she didn’t have an eye for the out-of-the common knick-knacks. Just a few steps away from the corner of the street, a hard body ran into Lily, and she well-nigh pitched to the ground. Lily gasped. She panicked that her face would smash on the pavement. She would have hated to start a New Year with a broken nose or split lips, and besides, her mother would have had a fit if Lily had appeared to their New Year’s party like that. The shock knocked the air out of her chest, and she tried to pull air back into her deprived lungs. A drunken stork now, she flapped her arms around to keep her footing, but to no avail. The melting snow had rendered the pavement slippery, in spite of the snowflakes floating around her. Worse, the soles and heels of her boots couldn’t purchase any traction to help her stand. Luckily, two strong arms spared her to become acquainted with the asphalt. They grabbed her shoulders, halting her fall and steadying her on her feet. Still, Lily groaned with dismay. All her shopping bags and even her small shoulder bag had slipped from her fingers, scattering around on the concrete splashed with fresh snow. Fury fired her blood, and her eyes darted upward, looking directly into the angular face of the lean man, who had upset her balance. The need to shout at him was strong, but then, his pale-green, calculating gaze captured hers and snared her in his intense stare. Her teeth snapped together, and she swallowed her angry words. Her fingers reached up, and unconsciously, she anchored herself to the man who had taken little time to assess her features thoughtfully. Her reaction to him befuddled her. Lily shook her head off to clear it. At the same time, she swiftly raised a prayer of gratitude. At least, she hadn't sprawled on the hard pavement. The man didn’t need much time to make up his mind. The corners of his mouth curled in a satisfied grin and Lily stared at him. He freed her shoulders. However, his fingers curled around her wrist to hold her on the spot. He grabbed one of the bags scattered in the street, and then he snatched his cap and shoved it into the bag. The winter sun shone over his disheveled, copper hair. The man gazed at Lily again and pulled her to him. His speed shocked her. Lily's eyes rounded, and she opened her mouth to protest. "Please, don't fight me here," he whispered, leaning over her. "I need your help," he said with urgency in his voice. Then, he captured her mouth in a sizzling kiss that went directly to her toes and made her head spin. She whimpered, her fingers burrowing into his shoulders to keep her balance. A scattered thought reared in her mind and told her to fight him. Yet she let herself get wrapped in the passion of his kiss. The man brought her closer to the hard planes of his lean body. A shiver ran along her spine when her body molded against his. She knew that she must have lost her mind but forgot about fighting him back. She responded to his demanding lips with a hunger she hadn’t experienced before. Hasty, heavy steps came around the corner, and the noise registered in her mind as something coming from afar. But then, her heart was beating too hard for her to notice that someone passed by them. She pushed the distant sound out of her mind. She melted against the man's body, her fingers grabbing the chest pleats of his thick jacket. The guy knew how to kiss. She would give him that. Her thick lashes lowered over her eyes, and she forgot about everything else but the man whose arms chained her to him, keeping her prisoner in their enclosure. A few heartbeats later, the man lifted his head just a fraction and stared into her wide eyes for a few seconds, before pulling back and glancing over her shoulder. The left corner of his mouth turned upward in a sarcastic grin, and scorn glimmered in his pupils. In the distance, three men sprinted down the street. They pushed the people in their path aside, insensible at the stares they attracted their way. A woman got knocked to the ground, but the men didn’t react to her distress cry. They didn’t spare a look for her. Lily sensed the change in the man’s stance and opened her eyes. What she read in his pupils froze her to the core, and she stepped back, trying to put some distance between the two of them. "No, you won't, sweetie," the man shook his head, his gaze turning back to her, while his greedy hands yanked her into his hold again. His lips lowered over hers once more, and Lily shivered, bemused of what was happening to her. In the normal course of events, she would have fought such a brutal display of force. She wouldn’t have accepted any kind of intimacy with a man she had just met and with whom she had never interacted before. She wasn’t prudish, but she wasn’t easy either. Not even as a schoolgirl would she have allowed a man to do to her what he wanted or when he was feeling like doing it. Looking roughly handsome and being a good kisser wouldn’t have tipped the scales in Lily’s world. Nevertheless, she couldn’t find the strength to push the stranger away. Quite the opposite. She clung to his shoulders, and not only because she was trying to keep her feet under her. The man broke the kiss, and his fingers touched her face. Lily lifted her lashes slowly. They seemed to weigh a tone. The man gazed into her eyes for a few seconds and then stepped back. Lily’s eyebrows bunched together. Stormy fire glinted in the dark blue of her eyes. The corner of the man’s mouth turned up. Lily noticed that he was trying to keep his mirth at bay, and she thought that he’d better not laugh at her or she would punch him in the face to the next kingdom. “Now don’t get upset, little girl,” he said in a gruff voice, his thumb brushing over her chin. His words prompted Lily to arch an eyebrow, and she drew back. He towered over her, but she wasn’t tiny. The top of her head reached only up to his shoulder, but she didn't deserve that appellative. The man merely grinned, and the abrasive skin of his thumb brushed her lower lip. Her insides quivered, and she tried to hide her reaction to his touch. “Thank you,” he murmured his gaze on her lips. “And not only for the kiss,” he smiled at her. The force of his grin brought new tingles in her belly, and that puzzled her. She would have thought she had already reached her quota. “What was that about?” Lily dared to ask, although she feared that her voice would tremble. Tremors still ran along her spine, lodging somewhere in the lower side of her body. The man breathed in deeply, reflected at what he should say for a second, and then shrugged. “Just trying to save my hide,” he replied, lifting one shoulder with nonchalance. Lily’s eyes widened, and the black of her pupils invaded the dark blue of her eyes. She was smart enough, and she had learned her lessons well. She didn’t expect love declarations out of the blue. Nevertheless, she hadn’t imagined that he would brush those hot kisses aside with so much carelessness either. His words banked the fire in her eyes, and she tightened her fists, ready to retaliate. His blatant disrespect proved too much, coming on top of the hottest kiss she had ever shared with a man. Flurries suddenly whirled furiously around them, and the man shook his head in disbelief, looking around. The wind slashed at his face with icy claws, and anxiety whispered in his ear that something didn’t feel quite right. The wind hadn’t seemed so high before he literally bumped into the woman. But then, he shrugged. He couldn’t discount that a change in the weather was possible. It might have occurred while he was otherwise occupied with the willowy young woman he was still holding in his arms. The woman packed a hell of energy in her body. He had felt it running under her skin, and that jolt of energy translated in her kisses as well. He could forgive himself for not paying attention to the changes in the air currents. His gaze returned to the redhead before him, putting aside the feeling that something must have been wrong. The wind had merely picked up some more velocity, as the street was close enough to the lake. He was pretty sure that the area was windy even in summer. “I didn’t mean any disrespect,” he lifted one hand to stop the woman’s imminent verbal attack. “I don’t like to lie in such matters, and that’s how it started, anyway,” he confessed. “But it wasn’t a hardship to kiss you, believe me, quite the opposite,” he grinned. “I wouldn’t mind doing it again and again,” he waggled his brows, a smile in his pupils. “And you did save me in the process,” he brushed one finger on the side of her face. “I’ll have to thank you properly for that. You can call the favor any time,” he grinned, searching her face with a greedy gaze. Lily’s eyes rounded, and she blushed under his charming and inquisitive eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched at her reaction, but when her eyes narrowed, he took one step back, out of the fire line, bent and retrieved all her bags off the pavement in a swift move. “What are you saying if we go somewhere and get to know each other a little better?” he proposed off-hand once he had all her things well secured in his hands. She looked at him askance, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. “Define that ‘to know each other better,’ she demanded in a harsh tone of voice. She had recovered already, and she promised herself not to allow him to play her as he had done before, no matter how sizzling his kisses proved to be. “Not what you suppose, of course,” he waved her worries away. “I was thinking we would introduce each other and talk for a while. Somewhere with a cup of coffee in front of us,” he pointed out. “It’s cold out here if you haven’t noticed already,” he waved one of his hands. “And I think it’s worth learning a few things about each other.” Lily hesitated for a moment. Her pride nudged her to turn down his invitation, but then she had to admit that she wanted to get to know him. It had been a while since she enjoyed a kiss so much, if ever. She had liked the feel of him and his taste, and she wouldn’t have minded feeling that again. “All right, then,” she said briskly. “There’s a little thing just right around the corner, and we can buy some coffee there,” she pointed toward the direction from which he had come before bumping into her. She stretched her hand to take the bags from him, but he shook his head, denying her silent request. He handed her the shoulder bag but held onto the others, waving his free hand in the direction of the place she was talking about. Lily noticed that his jaw was set and imagined he wouldn’t change his mind. She gauged him for a few more seconds and then shrugged and turned around leading the way. The man fell in step with her, biting his lower lip. She amused him with her way of checking him up out of the corner of her eye, making efforts not to be observed.

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