
Matt's Dilemma


Matt Winston, member of a family with paranormal abilities, is a good and caring man. After a bad experience, he enjoys only brief affairs, unwilling to engage his heart. Yet, life doles its own brand of fun and changes everything when it throws Nora Barnes into his path. Nora’s marriage comes to a bitter end and she is determined to make ends meet and offer a good life to her son. A shooting changes everything for her, and Matt Winston’s interference in her life will turn it upside down. Surprises never end. Rebecca Winston, angry with her husband’s betrayal and her daughter’s suicide, cursed the younger generations of the family. The curse has a deadline, and Matt, her oldest great-grandson, with only two months to spare, knows he is out of time. He decides to live his life exactly the way he wants and forget about curses and love. He doesn't believe in a special someone to spend his life with and who could help him lift the curse. In this second novel of the Winston series, Matt finds his peace of mind and happiness after a long battle with himself and others, and especially with the woman he loves. If you love a paranormal romance, with strong characters and a touch of humor, then this is the book for you. 

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CHAPTER ONE –––––––– “BECKA, MOVE YOUR BUTT upstairs now,” Bryan’s voice boomed and made Matt smile. Matt knew Becka’s policy of not locking the front door. He also knew that Bryan didn’t have much success in making her heed his advice. That was why Matt didn’t even bother knocking. He just came inside. After all, he felt there like at home. Becka and Bryan were some of the kindest in the family, although their couple was strange by far. “I thought you liked my butt,” Becka shouted from the study and then stormed out of the room. She missed Matt by an inch. She didn’t even notice him and started taking the stairs two at a time. “I love your butt, and you know it. But right now, bring it up here. Lea levitates, damn it, and she won’t listen to me,” Bryan’s harangued voice came from somewhere above, and Matt burst into laughter. Matt’s imagination wasn’t very active, but at least, he guessed how stressed Bryan felt, having two gifted children. As an outsider in the Winston family, Bryan had to put up with a lot of things. However, no one could say that he shrunk his responsibilities. Even if he didn’t have a clue what to do in some circumstances, he dug his feet in the ground and took everything in stride. Now, though, he seemed overwhelmed with his one-and-a-half-month daughter, who inherited her mother’s family’s heritage. Only whispers came from upstairs, so Matt decided to go there and visit with his niece and nephew. He knew his apparition would make Bryan roll his eyes. He would understand that Becka had failed to lock the door again, and he would probably give her hell after Matt left. He wouldn’t say a thing in front of Matt. No matter how upset he was, Bryan never said anything to Becka in front of others. He thought they had judged her enough for marrying a man twelve years older, and she didn’t need to hear any ‘I told you.’ Matt knocked on the nursery door, and Bryan looked up, concern edged on his face. When his eyes fell on Matt, his tension eased away, and he smiled, shaking his head. “You haven’t locked the front door again,” he said in a resigned voice, glancing at Becka. “I forgot,” she shrugged, and patted his hand. “Don’t worry, no one will come in, but Matt. Hi, Matt, what’s up?” Matt couldn’t hide his amusement. His younger cousin was always a delight, and he enjoyed seeing Bryan struggle both with his concern for Becka, and his ineffectiveness in making her understand the dangers of the city. “Just passing by. I’ve got an hour to kill and thought of coming and seeing you two. And the munchkins.” Matt came inside and went to Becka, who was holding Lea in her arms. He kissed Becka’s cheek, and then, he stroked the baby’s head and put a kiss on the top of her head. “She’s already causing problems, I hear,” he turned to Bryan, who raised an eyebrow inquiringly. “I heard you when I came in,” Matt confessed, and a naughty smile appeared on his lips. Becka blushed. She remembered what Bryan had shouted to make her come upstairs. She speared him with a pointed look, and Bryan just grinned. Matt chuckled. He loved both of them, and his heart burst with joy whenever he thought how good they were together. Yet, he was jealous of them sometimes, because he couldn’t have the same thing. “So, the problems started, I understand,” he said, nodding to the little bundle in Becka’s arms. ‘Yep, and it scares me shitless, to tell you the truth. Thank God, Sean hasn’t manifested any powers yet,” Bryan replied. “He will... In time,” Matt told him, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “You’ll manage, don’t worry. You’ve never struck me as a man who can’t handle everything.” Bryan scowled but didn’t reply. He glanced at Becka, ready to say something, but she shushed him, putting her finger to her mouth. “She’s asleep again,” she whispered, and Bryan came to her to take his daughter and replace her in her crib. Becka and Matt started to the door, expecting Bryan to follow. When Matt looked back, Bryan was still watching his daughter sleep, and his expression was priceless. Matt had liked Bryan since the moment they met. Yet, once he got to know him, his respect and feelings for the man evolved. Bryan was a devoted husband and father, and it crushed Matt to see that hulk of a man so deeply in love with his family. Matt followed Becka downstairs and found her in the study. She was typing something at her computer while checking a pile of papers at her elbow. “What are you doing?” he asked her. “I have to finish an essay. I have two more lines to write, and I’ve done it,” Becka replied but didn’t look at Matt. Matt leaned on the doorjamb, crossed his ankles, and kept silent so that Becka could finish her work. A minute later, Bryan came downstairs, as well. Bryan waved to Matt, inviting him to the kitchen. Even before stepping into the kitchen, the aroma of a beef stew reached Matt's nostrils. The scent pleased him, and his belly growled. Bryan, who close behind Matt, chuckled. “Ready for lunch?” he teased Matt. “I suppose that you cooked,” Matt inquired in a dry tone of voice. “You suppose well,” Bryan replied. “I wouldn’t let Becka in the kitchen. She’s a walking disaster,” he shrugged, and going to the stove, he picked up a wooden spoon to stir the stew. “Am I?” Becka bristled from behind Matt, and Bryan winced. “Come on, sweetie. You know that you can’t boil an egg,” Bryan replied. However, Matt didn't discern any reproach in his voice. “And we’re fine, aren’t we? It’s no need for you to cook when I can do it very well,” Bryan added. He came to her, took her head in the cradle of his palms, and kissed her lips tenderly. Matt turned to look out of the window. The tender display touched a yarning in his heart. Matt thought that he had squashed that feeling long ago. “Hungry, everyone?” Bryan asked. He turned off the stove and went to take the bowls out of a cupboard. “I’ll set the table,” Becka intervened. “What’s there to set, baby?” Bryan wondered. “Just take a seat, and I’ll bring everything to the table.” “But I want to help,” Becka retorted with annoyance. Matt knew that she didn’t want him to think that she wasn’t doing anything around, but he knew better. Bryan didn’t allow Becka to do much. “You’ve had enough to do today, Becka,” Bryan stroked the side of her face and kissed the tip of her nose. “You had to go to school, and you forgot to lock the door in the process,” he thought to add. “And you worked on your paper for the last couple of hours...” “Yes, and you cooked, cleaned, and took care of the babies,” she replied. “And in a couple of hours, you’ll have to go to the dojo for your afternoon and evening classes, so...” “I can do it. Don’t worry,” Bryan waved her concerns away, at the same time, leading her to the table and helping her to sit. “You’re a new mom, and you must rest as much as possible,” he pointed out. “I was a new mom a month and a half ago, Bryan. I’m perfectly fine now,” she replied stubbornly. “And that’s how you have to remain,” he pushed on her shoulder when she tried to stand up. “Come on, Becka, only take a seat. I can carry three bowls to the table myself,” he said in a frustrated tone. Becka just shrugged but didn’t try to stand up again. Matt, who always enjoyed their sparring immensely, watched her. She was biting her lower lip, annoyed with something. “What’s the problem, pumpkin?” he asked quietly. “He won’t let me do anything,” she snapped. “As if I were fragile.” “I never said that you were fragile,” Bryan’s voice came from a few feet away. Becka and Matt turned to him, and Matt immediately stood and helped Bryan to put the heavy tray on the table. Bryan had filled three bowls to the rim and also sliced fresh homemade bread. “I'll tell you, man. You cook as well as my mom,” Matt sniffed the stew and grumbled in satisfaction. Proud of Bryan, Becka smiled. Aunt Marjorie was the best cook she had ever known, and Matt’s praise meant something. Then she dipped her spoon in the stew but fidgeted a little in her seat before carrying it to her mouth. “Out with it,” Bryan said. “Something’s bothering you,” he added, looking at Becka sideways. Matt already knew that Becka couldn’t even sneeze without Bryan getting concerned. “Well,” she started saying hesitantly, “if you want to know, I don’t think it is right that you do everything. It’s already been a month and a half since I gave birth, so I am perfectly able to...” Bryan stopped her, touching her hand. “Don’t worry about it, Becka. You do more than enough. You have to wake up at night and breastfeed, and...” “Huh!” she snorted inelegantly, and Matt had to hide his smile. “Huh?” Bryan asked. “What does that mean?” “Whenever I wake up, you wake up too. So don’t try to sell me on that stuff,” Becka shrugged. “I might wake up, but I don’t breastfeed,” Bryan retorted, miffed. Matt couldn’t hold it anymore and burst into laughter. “You two are comical. You're the first couple I’ve seen quarreling because the other is doing more,” he shook his head. “You eat and shut up,” Becka snapped at Matt. “I’m serious, here. Yes, I breastfeed. And yes, I go to school. That’s the sum of my accomplishments,” she sulked. “I wouldn’t say that,” Bryan murmured. “You keep me happy, Becka,” he said, taking her hand and squeezing it with tenderness. “And don’t worry so much. Your mom will send Rosa’s daughter here tomorrow. She’ll clean and do the laundry, and I won’t have much to do.” “Finally,” Becka said, relieved. “At least, you won’t do those anymore.” Matt grinned. He knew that Becka wouldn’t accept Bryan’s hard work for long. Now at least, she knew that someone else would take up the brunt of the housework because Bryan would have never accepted her help. It wasn’t easy to hire help in their houses, though. They needed to keep the family’s secret, and they couldn’t hire just anyone. Luckily, their hired help worked for them generation after generation. Rosa was Becka’s parents’ housekeeper and Uncle Michael’s housekeeper’s daughter. “So, will she start tomorrow?” Becka asked. Bryan just nodded and spooned more stew. Matt knew that the man must have been exhausted. Bryan had started doing everything by himself long before the birth of his children, and he had also respected his training schedule. They savored the beef stew in silence for a few minutes, and then Becka looked at Matt. Her glance held a lot of questions. “What?” Matt asked her. “I was only wondering if you had any news,” she shrugged and took another slice of bread. “What news are you expecting?” Matt asked Becka, and following her example, he helped himself to another slice of bread. Bryan did know what to do in the kitchen. Matt imagined that Bryan knew what to do in almost any situation. Bryan, his cousin by marriage, was one of the most resourceful and talented men in their family. “You know, Matt,” Becka insisted. “It’s May 19th already.” “And?” Matt asked with dismay. He knew where the conversation was going and didn’t like it. Only Bryan looked from one to the other with curiosity. “In July, it’s your birthday,” Becka doggedly continued. “On 27th,” she thought to specify. “So?” Matt asked, feigning disinterest. “Are you planning a party for me, or what?” “Don’t try to play games with me, Matt Winston,” Becka snapped, and her small fist hit the table. Bryan’s eyebrows shot up. “You know very well what I’m talking about.” Matt shook his head, scooped more stew, and chewed. “Not really,” he replied. “I was thinking of taking a cruise or something. That’s true. I haven’t made my mind yet, though,” he shrugged. Becka stared at him with disbelief. Then she took a breath, ready to launch herself in a lecture. Bryan touched Becka's arm and calmed her. “Matt,” he said. “I see that there’s something the matter here, and I really don’t want Becka riled up. So what is it?” “Why don’t you ask her?” Matt replied in a stubborn tone of voice. “I don’t know what she wants from me,” he answered with indifference and continued eating. He didn’t regret coming to their house. He liked watching Becka and Bryan interact and loved the little ones. Moreover, he always ate well in Bryan’s kitchen. “Okay, sweetheart. What is it?” Bryan asked Becka. He understood Matt wouldn’t give in. “He’ll be thirty-five on July 27th,” Becka pointed out. “And?” Bryan insisted. He knew that there must have been much more to that than Matt’s birthday. “He’ll lose everything then.” “What will he lose?” Bryan asked again, feeling like he was pulling teeth. “His powers and trust fund,” Becka said “Oh, I see, now. So that thing has a deadline,” Bryan nodded when the truth dawned on him. He turned to Matt, expecting that he would say something. Yet, Matt only continued eating, uninterested in expanding on the story. “Come on, Matt,” Becka said. “You still have a little over a month and a half.” Becka's words made Matt's hand freeze with the spoon halfway to the mouth, and his baffled eyes locked on her. After a few seconds of deafening silence, Matt put the spoon back in his bowl and asked, “Are you for real?” “What now?” she asked, throwing her hands in the air. Bryan mused. Becka had a real talent for drama sometimes. With regret, Matt pushed the bowl away. He did want to eat that stew. A frown appeared between his eyebrows, and he stared Becka down. “So far, I haven’t found a woman that I could love, Becka, but you seriously think that in the following month and a half, I'll find one,” Matt shook his head. “Bryan, your wife has lost her mind. I’m really sorry for you,” he said, turning to Bryan. “Nah,” Bryan replied. “Becka’s smart, and you should listen to her. It doesn’t always take years to fall in love. It took me a day and a half, maybe less. And you still have over forty-five days, I think,” Bryan shook his head, chastising Matt. “Okay, I see it now. You’re nauseatingly happy, both of you, and you see everything through pink glasses,” Matt concluded and started to stand up. “Maybe that's true,” Bryan replied to him. “That doesn’t mean that you can’t finish your stew. Both Becka and I,” he said, throwing a meaningful look at Becka, “will refrain from talking about this matter anymore. Am I correct, sweetie?” Bryan said to her, and after a brief hesitation, Becka nodded. Undecided, Matt looked from one at the other, and, in the end, his hunger won. He sat back on his chair and pulled the bowl back in front of him. “So, how’s your schedule these days?” Bryan asked. “You said you’d like to come by my dojo for some training,” he observed. “Not today, though,” Matt said with regret. “I have a late meeting. An ugly divorce case,” he specified. “Are you there tomorrow? In the morning, for instance? I have a couple of free hours then.” “Yes, I am. It’s Becka’s day off school, and she’ll be staying with the brats. See, sweetie, you do things, so don’t complain anymore,” Bryan turned to her.

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