เรื่องราวโดย Edgar Rice Burroughs

Edgar Rice Burroughs

La terra dimenticata dal tempo
อัปเดตเมื่อ Apr 18, 2023, 02:07
Nel 1916, mentre infuria la Prima Guerra Mondiale, il giovane Bowen Tyler cattura un U-Boot tedesco ma, impossibilitato a trovare un porto sicuro, finisce per approdare a Caspak, un'isola sconosciuta in cui l'evoluzione ha preso strade diverse rispetto al resto del mondo, e le bestie preistoriche convivono con gli umani, a loro volta suddivisi in uomini preistorici e creature più evolute.Mentre Tyler cerca di sopravvivere e fuggire, viene organizzata una spedizione di salvataggio. Ma anche i nuovi arrivati dovranno confrontarsi con i pericoli e i misteri dell'isola…Per la prima volta in italiano la trilogia di Caspak ("La terra dimenticata dal tempo", "Il popolo dimenticato dal tempo" e "Negli abissi del tempo") racchiusa in un solo volume.
Tanar di Pellucidar
อัปเดตเมื่อ Apr 18, 2023, 01:42
Le tribù umane, guidate da David Innes, hanno finalmente sconfitto i Mahar, ma un nuovo nemico compare all’orizzonte: e sono anch’essi umani, molto più avanzati delle popolazioni semi-primitive incontrate finora.Tanar, figlio del re di Sari, viene fatto prigioniero, e viaggiando per territori ancora inesplorati del continente interno, cercherà di scoprire la verità sui misteriosi Korsar.Terzo capitolo del ciclo di Pellucidar, classico dell’avventura fantastica presentato per la prima volta in edizione italiana.
Al centro della Terra
อัปเดตเมื่อ Apr 6, 2023, 00:05
Quando decide di testare la sua invenzione – un potente scavatore minerario – il giovane David Innes non può immaginare che il macchinario lo porterà al centro della Terra, dove esiste un mondo, Pellucidar, ancora allo stato primordiale.A Pellucidar gli uomini sono schiavi dei crudeli Mahar, e così David, tra inseguimenti e combattimenti mozzafiato, e scontri con creature mostruose, decide di capeggiare una rivolta per conquistare il potere, e il cuore di Dian la Bella.Per la prima volta in italiano la saga di Pellucidar, una delle opere più famose di Edgar Rice Burroughs, maestro dell'avventura fantastica.
La Terra dell'Orrore
อัปเดตเมื่อ Apr 5, 2023, 19:09
David Innes, imperatore di Pellucidar, si trova di nuovo da solo ad affrontare i terribili pericoli del mondo interno. Di ritorno dalla spedizione di salvataggio di Wilhem von Horst, David viene prima catturato da un gruppo di donne-guerriere, e poi si ritrova ad affrontare popoli selvaggi e cannibali e formiche giganti.Ma durante il viaggio verso Sari scoprirà che la sua compagna, Dian la Bella, è scomparsa, e la sua missione sarà quindi ritrovarla…Sesto capitolo del ciclo di Pellucidar, pubblicato per la prima volta in italiano.
Tarzan al centro della Terra
อัปเดตเมื่อ Apr 4, 2023, 01:40
David Innes, l’Imperatore di Pellucidar, è prigioniero dei Korsar. Sulla Terra esterna viene organizzata una spedizione per portarlo in salvo, e a capo della spedizione viene chiamato Tarzan, il Re delle Scimmie.Attraverso un passaggio al Polo Nord la spedizione raggiunge in dirigibile la terra interna ma qui il gruppo si divide e Tarzan smarrisce i suoi compagni, trovandosi da solo ad affrontare le terribili belve di Pellucidar.Quarto capitolo del ciclo di Pellucidar, e cross-over con Tarzan, per la prima volta in italiano.
อัปเดตเมื่อ Apr 4, 2023, 01:31
Dopo essere stato tradito e riportato sulla Terra con l’inganno, David Innes riesce a penetrare di nuovo la crosta terrestre e tornare a Pellucidar.Inizia così un viaggio allucinante in territori sconosciuti per ritrovare i suoi amici e soprattutto Dian la Bella. Dopo aver scoperto che, durante la sua assenza, i progetti per formare l’Impero di Pellucidar sono andati a monte, David rimette insieme il suo esercito per affrontare Hooja il Furbo.Secondo capitolo del ciclo di Pellucidar, classico dell’avventura fantastica presentato per la prima volta in italiano.
Ritorno all'Età della Pietra
อัปเดตเมื่อ Apr 3, 2023, 23:40
Dopo la conclusione della spedizione di Tarzan e Jason Gridley, un uomo rimane disperso nella selvaggia Pellucidar.È Wilhem von Horst, rimasto separato dal gruppo e in seguito catturato da uno pterodattilo che gli inietta una sostanza paralizzante.Inizia così un viaggio allucinante nel mondo interno, sotto il sole perenne che non dà riferimenti spazio-temporali. Tra amicizie insperate e vili tradimenti, von Horst dovrà cercare di riunirsi alla sua spedizione prima che sia troppo tardi.Quinto capitolo del ciclo di Pellucidar, pubblicato per la prima volta in italiano.
The Girl from Hollywood (Annotated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Feb 1, 2023, 22:01
The Girl from Hollywood by the most well-known author of the Tarzan series.  All of the words have been rewritten in a unique way to grab your interest. The best fictional novel.
The Bandit of Hell's Bend(Annotated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Feb 1, 2023, 22:01
The Bandit of Hell's Bend by the most well-known author of the Tarzan series.  All of the words have been rewritten in a unique way to grab your interest. Western, action, and adventure are the genres of this novel.
Land of Terror (Annotated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Feb 1, 2023, 22:01
Land of Terror by the most well-known author of the Tarzan series.  All of the words have been rewritten in a unique way to grab your interest. Science Fiction and Action are the genres of this novel.
Beyond The Farthest Star (Annotated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Feb 1, 2023, 22:01
Beyond The Farthest Star by the most well-known author of the Tarzan series.  All of the words have been rewritten in a unique way to grab your interest. action, and sciene fiction are the genres of this novel.
The Lad and the Lion (Annotated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Feb 1, 2023, 22:01
The Lad and the Lion by the most well-known author of the Tarzan series.  All of the words have been rewritten in a unique way to grab your interest. The best fictional novel.
The War Chief Annotated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Feb 1, 2023, 22:01
The War Chief  County by the most well-known author of the Tarzan series.  All of the words have been rewritten in a unique way to grab your interest. The best western fictional novel.
The Land of Hidden Men (Annotated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Feb 1, 2023, 22:01
The Land of Hidden Men by the most well-known author of the Tarzan series.  All of the words have been rewritten in a unique way to grab your interest. The best action and adventure fictional novel.
The Girl from Farris's (Annotated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Feb 1, 2023, 22:01
The Girl from Farris's by the most well-known author of the Tarzan series.  All of the words have been rewritten in a unique way to grab your interest. Western, action, and adventure are the genres of this novel.
The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County (Annotated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Feb 1, 2023, 22:01
The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County by the most well-known author of the Tarzan series.  All of the words have been rewritten in a unique way to grab your interest. The best western fictional novel.
Apache Devil (Annotated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Feb 1, 2023, 22:00
Apache Devil by the most well-known author of the Tarzan series.  All of the words have been rewritten in a unique way to grab your interest. Western, action, and adventure are the genres of this novel.
The Mucker
อัปเดตเมื่อ Jan 12, 2022, 22:58
Billy Byrne is a low class American born in Chicago's ghetto. He grows up a thief and a mugger. "Billy was a mucker, a hoodlum, a gangster, a thug, a tough." He is not chivalrous nor kind, and has only meager ethics - never giving evidence against a friend or leaving someone behind. He chooses a life of robbery and violence, disrespecting those who work for a living. He has a deep hatred for wealthy society.He trains as a prizefighter but cannot stop drinking. When falsely accused of murder, he flees to San Francisco and is shanghaied aboard a ship. Enforced sobriety, brutal ship's discipline and productive work improves him. The ship's secret mission is soon enacted - the hijacking of a specific yacht to take a millionaire's daughter, Barbara Harding, for ransom. Billy Byrne brutally beats her suitor, Billy Mallory, leaving him for dead.
At the Earth's Core (Illustrated)
อัปเดตเมื่อ Sep 15, 2021, 06:36
-- Collector's Edition cover with one-of-a-kind art by Wayne Kyle Spitzer -- Interior illustrations “But when I saw these sleek, shiny carcasses shimmering in the sunlight as they emerged from the ocean, shaking their giant heads; when I saw the waters roll from their sinuous bodies in miniature waterfalls as they glided hither and thither, now upon the surface, now half submerged; as I saw them meet, open-mouthed, hissing and snorting, in their titanic and interminable warring I realized how futile is man’s poor, week imagination by comparison with Nature’s incredible genius.”
Barsoom Omnibus
อัปเดตเมื่อ Sep 15, 2021, 05:52
1. A Princess of Mars 2. The Gods of Mars 3. The Warlord of Mars 4. Thuvia, Maid of Mars 5. The Chessmen of Mars 6. The Master Mind of Mars 7. A Fighting Man of Mars 8. Swords of Mars 9. Synthetic Men of Mars 10. Llana of Gathol 11. John Carter of Mars
Tarzan Lord of the Jungle
อัปเดตเมื่อ Sep 15, 2021, 03:13
Cruel slave traders have invaded the jungle domain of Tarzan of the Apes. Now they head toward a fabled empire of riches that no outsider has ever seen, intent on looting its great treasures. And toward the same legendary land stumbles the lost James Blake, an American whom Tarzan has vowed to rescue. Following their spoors, the ape-man comes upon the lost Valley of the Sepulcher, where Knights Templar still fight to resume their holy crusade to free Jerusalem. Soon Tarzan, the true lord of their ancient motherland, finds himself armed with lance and shield, partaking of jousting and ancient combat. And then it is that the slavers strike!
อัปเดตเมื่อ Mar 4, 2021, 18:16
Pellucidar is a 1915 fantasy novel by American Edgar Rice Burroughs, In this sequel to At the Earth’s Core, return to the world of Pellucidar – an exotic, savage land at the centre of our Earth, an untamed wilderness where time stands still. When American explorer David Innes first discovered Pellucidar, he fell under the spell of the strange world, earning the respect of many, the undying hatred of a few, and the love of the beautiful Dian. Torn from the arms of Dian by trickery, Innes vows revenge and returns to the Inner World in his most exciting adventure to date. But David Innes appears in Pellucidar far from the land of his beloved and is forced to cross a fierce, unyielding world to reach her. Inne’s epic journey through the many strange lands of Pellucidar, including the brilliantly conceived pendant moon and Land of Awful Shadow, and his heart-pounding encounters with prehistoric beasts and strange peoples ranks as one of the best adventures ever penned by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
The Lost Continent
อัปเดตเมื่อ Mar 4, 2021, 18:16
The year is 2137. Two hundred years ago -- in our time, more or less -- Eurasia fought a war to end all wars, a war that meant, for all intents and purposes, the end of the Old World. The Americas managed to retain their civilization -- but only by engaging by the most extreme form or isolationism imaginable for two centuries, now, no American has ventured east of the thirtieth parallel. "East for the East . . ." the slogan went, "The West for the West!" Until a terrible storm at sea forced American lieutenant Jefferson Turck to disobey the law, seeking safe harbor in England -- where he found that two centuries of isolation have desolated the land. The damaged ship found a Europe that is no longer an enemy -- a ruined land that is utterly unable to be an enemy -- or a friend.
The Land That Time Forgot
อัปเดตเมื่อ Oct 19, 2020, 20:08
The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs is a fantasy novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs. One of the most popular and influential science fiction tales of all time, The Land That Time Forgot was first published in book form in 1924. Set on the lost island of Caspak in the South Pacific, this novel is a blend of imagination, daring adventure, and intriguing scientific speculation.
Tarzan of the Apes
อัปเดตเมื่อ Apr 10, 2020, 09:24
I had this story from one who had no business to tell it to me, or to any other. I may credit the seductive influence of an old vintage upon the narrator for the beginning of it, and my own skeptical incredulity during the days that followed for the balance of the strange tale. When my convivial host discovered that he had told me so much, and that I was prone to doubtfulness, his foolish pride assumed the task the old vintage had commenced, and so he unearthed written evidence in the form of musty manuscript, and dry official records of the British Colonial Office to support many of the salient features of his remarkable narrative. I do not say the story is true, for I did not witness the happenings which it portrays, but the fact that in the telling of it to you I have taken fictitious names for the principal characters quite sufficiently evidences the sincerity of my own belief that it MAY be true. The yellow, mildewed pages of the diary of a man long dead, and the records of the Colonial Office dovetail perfectly with the narrative of my convivial host, and so I give you the story as I painstakingly pieced it out from these several various agencies. If you do not find it credible you will at least be as one with me in acknowledging that it is unique, remarkable, and interesting.
The Return of Tarzan
อัปเดตเมื่อ Apr 10, 2020, 07:38
"Magnifique!" ejaculated the Countess de Coude, beneath her breath. "Eh?" questioned the count, turning toward his young wife. "What is it that is magnificent?" and the count bent his eyes in various directions in quest of the object of her admiration. "Oh, nothing at all, my dear," replied the countess, a slight flush momentarily coloring her already pink cheek. "I was but recalling with admiration those stupendous skyscrapers, as they call them, of New York," and the fair countess settled herself more comfortably in her steamer chair, and resumed the magazine which "nothing at all" had caused her to let fall upon her lap. Her husband again buried himself in his book, but not without a mild wonderment that three days out from New York his countess should suddenly have realized an admiration for the very buildings she had but recently characterized as horrid. Presently the count put down his book. "It is very tiresome, Olga," he said. "I think that I shall hunt up some others who may be equally bored, and see if we cannot find enough for a game of cards."
A Collection of Mars
อัปเดตเมื่อ Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Edgar Rice Burroughs created the well-known character Tarzan, as well as John Carter, the adventurer of Mars. This anthology contains five novels of the adventures of John Carter : 1 - A Princess of Mars : A Princess of Mars is the first volume in the Barsoom Series, telling the adventures of John Carter, a confederate veteran of the American Civil War, who finds himself mysteriously transported to Mars, called Barsoom by its inhabitants. On Barsoom, John Carter will find himself in the middle of a civilisation"s war, and will fall in love with the fascinating Dejah Thoris, a princess in danger. What side will John Carter choose, and how will he win the Princess of Mars" heart ? 2 - The Gods of Mars : The Gods of Mars is the second volume in the Barsoom Series. On Barsoom, John Carter found love, but was transported back to Earth, unable to go back to Deja Thoris, the princess he fell in love with. After ten years of separation from the love of his life, John Carter is sent back to Barsoom. But his arrival takes place in the worst possible location : the Valley Dor, which is the Barsoomian afterlife ! Will John Carter get out of this terrible place, and will he find again the princess he loves ? 3 - Warlord of Mars : Warlord of Mars is the third volume in the Barsoom Series. On Barsoom, John Carter gained her lover back, Dejah Thoris, only to see her imprisoned in the Temple of the Sun. Carter learns that the entrance of the cell can be opened only once in a year. Will John Carter manage to save the Princess he loves ? 4 - Thuvia, Maid of Mars : Warlord of Mars is the fourth volume in the Barsoom Series. On Barsoom, Carthoris, the son of John Carter and Dejah Thoris, is deeply in love with Thuvia, the Princess of Ptarth. But she is already promised to another man, and on Barsoom, this type of engagement can"t be broken, except by death. What will Carthoris decide to do in order to be with the Princess he madly loves ? 5 - The Chessmen of Mars : The Chessmen of Mars is the fifth volume in the Barsoom Series. On Barsoom, we follow Tara, Princess of Helium, the young daughter of John Carter and Dejah Thoris. After being captured by the terrifying Kaldanes, Tara and the young man who wants to win her heart have to participate in a terrible game of life and death : the Jetan, a Barsoomian game ressembling chess, and using people as pawns. Will Tara survive this ordeal and go back successfully to her parents ? And will she fall in love with this mysterious young man ? You"ll find the answers to all of these questions in this Collection of Mars.
The Gods of Mars
อัปเดตเมื่อ Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Edgar Rice Burroughs created the well-known character Tarzan, as well as John Carter, the adventurer of Mars. The Gods of Mars is the second volume in the Barsoom Series, telling the adventures of John Carter, a confederate veteran of the American Civil War, who finds himself mysteriously transported to Mars, called Barsoom by its inhabitants. On Barsoom, John Carter found love, but was transported back to Earth, unable to go back to Deja Thoris, the princess he fell in love with. After ten years of separation from the love of his life, John Carter is sent back to Barsoom. But his arrival takes place in the worst possible location : the Valley Dor, which is the Barsoomian afterlife ! Will John Carter get out of this terrible place, and will he find again the princess he loves ? You"ll discover it in this second volume of the Barsoom Series.
Warlord of Mars
อัปเดตเมื่อ Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Edgar Rice Burroughs created the well-known character Tarzan, as well as John Carter, the adventurer of Mars. Warlord of Mars is the third volume in the Barsoom Series, telling the adventures of John Carter, a confederate veteran of the American Civil War, who finds himself mysteriously transported to Mars, called Barsoom by its inhabitants. On Barsoom, John Carter gained her lover back, Dejah Thoris, only to see her imprisoned in the Temple of the Sun. Carter learns that the entrance of the cell can be opened only once in a year. Will John Carter manage to save the Princess he loves ? You"ll discover it in this third volume of the Barsoom Series.
Thuvia, Maid of Mars
อัปเดตเมื่อ Mar 19, 2020, 05:31
Edgar Rice Burroughs created the well-known character Tarzan, as well as John Carter, the adventurer of Mars. Warlord of Mars is the fourth volume in the Barsoom Series, telling the adventures of John Carter, a confederate veteran of the American Civil War, who finds himself mysteriously transported to Mars, called Barsoom by its inhabitants. On Barsoom, Carthoris, the son of John Carter and Dejah Thoris, is deeply in love with Thuvia, the Princess of Ptarth. But she is already promised to another man, and on Barsoom, this type of engagement can"t be broken, except by death. What will Carthoris decide to do in order to be with the Princess he madly loves ? You"ll discover it in this fourth volume of the Barsoom Series.