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“I’m up,” Amelia said with a yawn, “Dare I ask where we are?” I looked at Brandon, “Well, this adventure is for everyone, so let's go. I feel like I’m the only one that is going to have fun.” Brandon laughed and Amelia moaned. I knew this was going to be torture for them, but not so much for me. I had a vision of how I wanted us 3 to look. We went to the tux store first. Men are always easier to dress than women. I went over to the racks and started looking. A swarthy, nicely dressed man came over , “Do you need help, Miss? I’m not sure if you are in the right store.” He said, looking down at me. I laughed, “I'm going to disregard that and if you notice my 2 friends over there. One of them is indeed male, and the other kind sir is Little Luna, so show some respect. When and if I need you, I will let you know. You are dismissed.” The man looked at me wide-eyed and looked over at Brandon and Amelia. “I see. I’m sorry. Have a nice day”. The guy bowed slightly to Amelia and left me alone. I pulled out a white short sleeve button up that had silver buttons, a cumberbond that had silver thread throughout. A dark gray vest with 3 black buttons. Black pants, a black belt that had silver and a diamond buckle, but wasn’t obnoxious. I looked at Brandon “ short jacket or tails?” Brandon looked at me in that knowing look. “Jacket it is.” I started to laugh. I grabbed an all-black jacket. I started to peruse the cufflinks. and found a silver wolf with diamonds for the eye's cufflinks. “I want those please.” The man quickly grabbed them and put them on the counter. I looked at the bowties. I grabbed a silver one. I went to the pocket squares and came up with a green one that had silver threads throughout with a zigzag pattern. It was perfect. I also grabbed some of the whitest gloves I’ve ever seen. This is all coming together nicely. “Got shoes here sir?” I asked. I put all the items I had collected and put them on the counter. I already knew Brandon’s sizes. Without a word, I was led to another part of the store that had men’s shoes and socks. I grabbed thick black socks with silver thread and then looked at shoes. Black polish would do the trick. They had wolf accents that you put on the tongue of the shoes. I grabbed them too. I went back to the counter and added those to my treasures. “All set sir, please ring these up.” “Does the young man need to try any of these on? There is a no return policy in this store, as are most of the stores in this building.” He said in a haughty tone. I openly sighed and rolled my eyes so hard I was going to give myself a headache. “Bran, do you trust me?!?” I said loudly, never taking my eyes off this man. Brandon came over and raised himself to his full height. “Is there a problem over here? Because I trust you with my life, and you know everything there is to know about me, so uhm yeah, I trust you. Does this man not trust you?” I smiled and bit the inside of my cheek. He will never know what he does to me when he gets all protective like that. “No-no sir no problem. I just wanted to make sure everything fits.” The man stuttered, “ We- we- we just ha-” “Just ring all this up! We have other things to do and places to be. Don’t have time for your drama or BS. Now ring it up so we can pay please. Give her the ticket and send all this to the damn desk for us to pick it up later. K? Thanks” The man rang it all up and quietly told me the total. If I wasn't a werewolf I wouldn’t have heard him. “That would be $3,450.95. Cash or charge?” I pulled out the black card and paid without blinking. I took the ticket as all of Brandon’s new stuff was being bagged and boxed. “Have a nice day.” I said extra sweetly and left before he could say anything. The Lux was so high end that you could go shopping and if you didn’t want to hold your purchases you could ask for a ticket. A person from the equivalent to customer service would come pick up your stuff and store it for you while you continued to shop. The only way to get your purchases was to match up the tickets. I joined back up with Amelia and Brandon. “Bran you are all set, now for us girls, bwahahahaha.” “Oh f**k. We have let the monster loose, “ said Amelia, laughing. Brandon just smiled, “ladies let's go. We only have 7 more hours to kill, and I'm sure that Miss Brenda here has it all planned out.” I grabbed Amelia’s hand and Brandon’s arm and started leading them to the biggest dress store in the mall. It was my moment and I knew exactly how I wanted Amelia to look. Once she was taken care of, then I could get my things. We entered Girls Dreamland. I looked at Amelia. “This place is run by witches and humans. For an extra fee, the witches will put some magic in the dress and once it's there, it cannot be repeated. If it is attempted, that light goes red. I pointed to a light in the upper corner of the store. “How do they know if it's repeated?” Amelia asked. “They take a picture of the dress, and it's fed into a computer, complete with magic details. It’s so cool. I know that we can find your dress here and neither Emily nor your mother can upstage you. I will make it so.” I said so vehemently and so sure of myself. Amelia came over with tears in her eyes and hugged me. “Thank you,” she whispered with tears in her eyes. I knew from the last ball my best friend was overlooked for several things, but mostly, Luna Ann made sure to put Emily at the center of attention. That was when we were all 15. I was determined from that point on that Amelia was going to shine, or my name wasn’t Brenda Morningstar. I went over to the lady at the counter. She was a witch who I had secretly emailed my design to. I used a throwaway email and only emailed her once. Her name was Hildy, and she was around our age. We hugged as we had been fast friends from forever ago. “Is it here? Is it ready?” I asked excitedly. Hidly squealed and ran over to Amelia. “Can I touch your face and neck? I know it's a weird request, but you can see….I cannot. I’m blind, and I use my fingers to see.” Amelia stepped forward and took Hildy’s hands. Hidly started to move her fingers over Amelia’s face and just smiled. “You are pretty. So pretty. Inside and out. I can tell these things. You are gentle and kind, but still firm when needed. So pretty.” Hildy turned toward me. “I need to make 1 adjustment as she has a long slender neck. Would you guys like to see the process?” I won’t show this to just anyone.”
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