The following day

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I put on a pair of blue jeans and a butter soft red long sleeve shirt. It was getting colder outside, and it would be comfortable and warm. I put on makeup to hide the bruise. I had Serina heal my lip a little so that it wasn’t so noticeable. No one would really notice except Brandon anyway. There was no way he was going to say anything. I went down to the common room where everyone was talking and eating. People were on edge. Some of the warriors looked tired. I asked the nearest warrior, “is everyone OK? Anyone injured?” He looked at me with a tired smile. “Little Luna, do not fret, we are all OK. Just tired. Perhaps we can go to another less crowded area to talk?” I nodded, and we walked to a more secure, quieter area out of earshot of the main dining room. “There were rogues and they were all feral. We took some alive, but their minds are fried. It’s almost like they are on drugs. They shifted into their human forms and quickly died.Nothing they are saying is making sense. 2 of them had tattoos, but no pack association. We can’t make sense of the tattoos or what they want or who they work for. I’m sorry Little Luna, we have very little to go on.” I nodded and smiled. “Thank you. You guys are doing a great job. Please make sure that you eat and definitely get some sleep. Do not skip either one.” He nodded. “We already have shifts set up and are going to do just that.” I left to go get my breakfast. I sat down with Brenda and Brandon. Before we could even talk, my father entered the room. I didn’t have to look to see who was coming. I could tell by how quiet it got and the sudden chill that went down my arms. He sat down at the head of the main table. The tables in the dining room were set up for picnic seating. There were chairs at the ends of each table for my family and honored guests. Our pack was very large, and we all ate together. Some members had their own houses spread throughout the land, so they had the choice of coming here to eat or staying in their own homes. After the attack last night, this morning’s breakfast was definitely more crowded as people were waiting for announcements. My father grabbed some coffee and no food and drank it all in one go. He took his cup (metal) and banged it on the wooden table. “Quiet. Listen up. Last night we were attacked by rogues on the outskirts of our territory. There is nothing to fear. The warriors and I have stopped any attack that would come close to the center. As of right now, curfew is 10 pm. You can still go about your daily lives and chores. Patrols will be increased. If you have any concerns or issues, please feel free to come to myself or Luna Ann or my daughter Amelia. As you know, we take pride in this pack, and we will not let anything happen to anyone.” I looked at my dad with a tight smile. I stood up slowly. “I have some things to do in town to get ready for the upcoming ball. I shall be gone all day, but I will still be available for you. My team and I (I pointed to Brenda and Brandon) will be in the Alpha library should you require anything of me, if my father and mother are unavailable.” My mother, who had entered, was standing at the back, glaring at me. She knows that I will be gone today and thanks to this announcement, She will have to act like a Luna and do her job. Hopefully she remembered how. I looked at Brenda and Brandon and, without saying a word, the three of us just got up and left. There were murmurs among people as they ate and a few nodded to us without saying much of anything. We went to the garage and Brandon picked up a set of keys hanging on the wall. There were 12 different sets. He grabbed one for an SUV and climbed in. This particular SUV was bulletproof and had pure silver lining so that if you managed to get the outer part off it would still cause damage before getting to the occupants. Brenda up front and me in the back. Brenda went into her purse and pulled out a list. I stretched out in the back seat. I was going to try to get some much-needed sleep. “Ok OK, we need a dress, shoes, nails, hair accessories, cloak, and makeup.” Brenda started to rattle off a list as I fell asleep. Brenda POV Brenda looked over at Brandon. “ We can probably get this done in a few hours, but for her sake we are going to take all damn day. I know the Alpha and especially Luna are going to want to see receipts, so we will space this out. First go to Sephora, I can get her makeup while she sleeps. I bet she didn’t get much last night. I’m going to try to get as much stuff as I can while she sleeps. Since she has been volunteered to do even more by her father.” Brenda continued her rant, “You know this is going to be perfect. These balls only come around once every 5 years. This one is going to be remembered for all time. We can pull it off. For her sake, we have to pull this off.” I looked at Amelia in the back seat sleeping. I know she’s under immense pressure. I also think that her father threatened the cells if she screwed up, being that is his go-to threat. In the 20 years that I have known Amelia, she has been in the cells 3 or 4 times. She always comes out haunted. She never talks about it, and she’s always so determined to do the right thing. I really hope that she finds her mate at this ball, and he takes her away. I started to laugh to myself, “wouldn’t it be funny if she was mated to the Lycan Prince, Bran? He could take her away, and she could have some peace?” I said out loud. Brandon side eyed me as he was driving, “Not to rain on your musings and parade, but what if Emily is mated to the same guy?” I looked at Brandon with horror in my face, “The Goddess would never make Amelia suffer like that. That would be cruel and unusual punishment. Amelia would probably break under those circumstances. No way would that happen.” Brandon pulled into Sephora. I jumped out and went in, knowing exactly what to get but also taking my time in acquiring it, Whatcha doin? I mind linked Brandon. Distract me please. It smells like Emily’s bedroom here, which is equal to a French w***e house here, and I might pass out. Well, Princess here is snoring. I’m recording it as proof that she does indeed snore, because what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t record it? So what kind of makeup are you looking for and where to next? –Brandon Well, first of all, that’s freaking hilarious. Second, she needs, well, everything. So foundation, blush, mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner, lotion, lip liner, fake lashes, and fake nails, setting spray, hair spray, an excellent curling iron, and I'm getting new nail clippers, an at home foot bath massager, nail polish for her toes. Hair accessories such as hair ties, and jewels for her hair. Hair glue for said stones..ummm and a really good groomer set so i can do her eyebrows and what not. –Brenda Damn, she needs all that? –Brandon Nope, but the Alpha is paying, so i'm going to make him pay. Plus, you know damn well he’s going to clock the miles and time. I keep letting people go ahead of me. I have a basket of stuff overflowing. How is she doing? –Brenda Still sleeping. Still snoring. Restless. Hey hurry up, there are some others headed in there that could ruin this. Be quick and don’t let them see you. They may ask where Amelia is. –Brandon With that warning, I looked toward the door and saw Emily and her crew walk in, being loud and obnoxious as usual. I quickly paid once they had gone down an aisle. I grabbed the bags and the receipt and literally ran out the door. I walked around the corner of the building, knowing that Brandon was there waiting. I climbed in. “Floor it. Get the f**k out of here!” Brandon didn’t need to be told twice. Once we were a safe distance away. I gave Brandon directions to The Lux. It was a high-end mall that had everything, both humans and wolves came here. Mostly, though, it was wolves, as everything was super expensive and only packs would be able to afford things here. With the high expense, that also meant virtually no crowds, and since invites had just gone out, that meant that we were guaranteed to get the good stuff first. Shoe stores, tux stores, dress stores, accessory stores. There were 4 high-end floors, expensive stuff that was required for a Ball of this magnitude. Once, Brandon got a parking ticket for the underground parking lot. We looked at each other. I sighed “paper, rock, scissors, who gets to wake her up?
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