Shoes and Jewelry

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“How much longer ladies? I’m starting to get tired.” Brandon said. “My leg is starting to hurt too.” Amelia and I looked at Brandon with sympathy. We were the only 2 that he would tell about his leg. It was prosthetic and if he had been doing a lot he would get tired and need to rest. I looked around and found a bench, knowing that he wouldn’t want to go to the SUV to wait. Amelia looked at Brandon, “There is a bench there, and it's right across from the shoe store, so you can still see us. Will that work?” Brandon smiled and went to sit down, stretching out. “Thank you. I’m sorry. I just hurt right now.” “No need to apologize. I’m sorry I didn’t take more care and put more thought into this adventure.” I mumbled. “We will be quick. I promise. I know exactly what shoes we are going to get. And don’t worry Amelia, no high heels for you. You would probably fall and break something important.” I said, laughing. We walked into the shoe store. It was one of the biggest in the mall. I went to the flats and picked up a pair of dainty soft crushed light green velvet ballet flats. Comfortable, but still practical for a ball. “Here are yours, my dear, and mine are over here. “ I went to the wall and picked up a silver pair that had a 3-inch heel and wrapped around my calf to buckle in the front. The buckle was once again a silver wolf. I got silver wolf add-ons for Amelia’s shoes. We did the usual of paying and sending everything to the reception desk. We walked out as Emily and her crew were walking in, “Hope you didn’t spend too much of daddy’s money. You know he would be mad if you did,” Emily said with her hand on her hip. Amelia didn’t say anything, and she shook her head at me as I was about to. I so wanted to ring that girl’s neck and teach her a lesson about manners, but it would have to wait. We walked out without saying anything. Brandon looked up with concern, “ You guys OK?” Amelia, through gritted teeth, “Fine. Is there any place else we have to go? I want to leave. Even if it means going back early and dealing with pack drama. It's easier and better than dealing with her.” I looked at my two friends. “Just jewelry, but I can do that another day if you want. I know what we are going to wear.” I added, “It's on the way out, the store is by reception, and we can have them get the car and load it while we get the jewelry. There is even a bench for you, Brandon.” Amelia shook her head in a no, “Let's just get this s**t done, then I can just stay at the pack and do whatever is being demanded of me. I doubt I will get to come back out. I actually have responsibilities, unlike my dear twin.” We walked in silence, our moods had gone down since the two Emily encounters. Brandon went to sit on the bench while giving reception the keys to the SUV and all the tickets for our s**t. I hurried back and told them it would be all set by the time we left. I walked into the store. “Hi. I’m Mindy, I’m also Hildy’s cousin. I have your jewelry all set. Come check it out. My cousin sent me the dress pictures. Also, if I may say, don’t worry about Emily. Her dress is going to be plain and so will her matching jewelry. You will both shine and shimmer and be belles of the ball, so to speak,” Mindy said with a knowing giggle. “For Miss Amelia here we have a custom piece necklace.” It was silver and in the cursive script it said Little Luna. In between the little and Luna was a crescent moon with the profile of a wolf howling at it. The eye of the wolf was a diamond. There were simple earrings of pearl and a small tiara again with the crescent moon and the profile of wolf howling. It was a swarovski crystal. There was a long bead that hung freely that could swing with every movement. To complete the outfit, there was a diamond tennis bracelet that had emeralds opposite diamonds all the way around. It was gorgeous. Amelia touched each piece lovingly. “Thank you.” She whispered, again in awe of such mastery. Mindy smiled and looked at me. “Your turn. I know you two are best friends and thick as thieves. So here’s yours”. She opened the box and my set was just as beautiful. There were two hairpins that were silver and had wolves in the center. A tear-drop necklace of diamonds that would decorate my neck and chest. I also had a matching bracelet of emeralds and diamonds. I had teardrop diamond earrings. I looked at Mandy and just handed over the card. “Wow. That is all I got. Just wow” Mindy beamed. “Also, ladies, just so you know there is a spell on these that they will look dull and drab until the night of the ball. No copies of these are available. A certain someone wanted these hairpins and ummm well they just didn’t suit her.” She slid the card. “ I know how your dad is, so my cousin and I adjusted our pricing. You paid more for the dresses, and she will give me the money from that. We can’t have your dad or mom too suspicious, now can we?” Apparently these women had talked and just somehow knew how things were at our pack. I halfway suspected they could tell you everything about every pack. Both Amelia and I gave Mindy hugs and many thanks as we headed out. The jewelry was in a plain bag so as not to arouse suspicion. We all got into the SUV. This time I was driving and Amelia was a passenger. Brandon was in the back, so he could stretch out his legs. We got on the highway and realized it was almost dinner time. We did a quick drive through at McDonald's and got fuel at the same time. We went to the post office and dropped off the invitations to be mailed. After a brief conversation with the Post master letting him know that people were going to respond by a QR code and not return any paper, we left. Our hard work is about to be tested. We all tried to come up with literally anything that could keep us out later.
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