Returning home

1102 Words
I looked at Amelia, knowing that she wished she could have that, but not saying anything else. We quickly said goodbye and left. Brandon was watching out the window, but didn’t say anything. We quickly got back on the road and headed back to the pack house. We made it back to the pack with several hours to spare before curfew. The guard looked at the license plate and us, and waved us through. “Let the Bullshit begin,” said Amelia with a sigh. I mind-linked two Omegas to help me take in all the bags and boxes and goodies that we got to Amelia’s room, including my stuff. Brandon took his stuff and got out. Amelia was about to grab stuff when we heard Luna Ann at the top of the stairs. “You're back early. Good. I need your help. Just you. I don’t need the misfits.” She clapped her hands twice and began to go inside. Amelia gave me her keys. I didn’t say anything, because I knew what that meant. Lock her bedroom door. Once everything was inside, Brandon told people that he had a headache and was worn out from all the shopping we forced him to do. I knew the truth though. He was in pain. We did too much today. I felt bad if, in a way, it was my fault. I continued to put stuff away in Amelia’s room and lock up the clothes in the closet and put the jewelry in the safe. Only myself, Brandon, and Amelia had the combination and there was only 1 set of keys. We made sure of that. I snuck a witch friend of mine over to make sure that no duplicates could be made. No need for Alpha or Luna or Emily to get in here. There was not much to this room. Amelia had a plain queen-sized bed that was against one wall. Her dresser was brown and had 6 drawers across and 3 drawers down. It had a granite top that held all of her pictures and precious books. She had another bookshelf that was filled from floor to ceiling. Her room wasn’t fancy like Emily’s. She had a well-loved used rolltop desk. The closet was only half full but completely lockable. She had had an extra lock put on it so no one could get into it. I loved this girl. She was the sister I never had. I made sure everything was set and carefully closed her door. I went to my room to lay down as I knew Brandon wouldn’t want company. I still felt bad about dragging him all over and causing him pain. Amelia’s bathroom was her favorite place. Here was a shower with jet settings and two different bathtubs. She had a clawfoot bathtub that would hold heat for hours and could fit 3 people easily. The other was a hot tub with jets and both heat and cool settings. She used both of them frequently. Amelia POV We got back from our shopping adventure. I was glad it was over. It was exhausting. The guard waved us through the gate. I saw my mother at the top of the steps, “Let the Bullshit begin,” I said in disgust. She summoned me and only me to her office. She already had the laptop pulled up of everything that we bought. “Do you know how much you and those misfits spend today?” she screeched. “Really? Mother we have been over this, they have names. Everyone in this pack has a f*****g name. How do you not remember this? I can name them all and so can father. Why won’t you learn them?” I ignored her question. “Young lady, do NOT forget your place. You are not Luna or Alpha so…Stay. In. Your. Lane. If I didn’t need you to handle pack business and this ball I would throw you in the cells for your contemptuous behavior. You are acting like a brat. We gifted you all this freedom and money today to go do what you wanted and needed and this is the thanks we get.” Luna Ann came around the desk and slapped me so fast and hard I fell down. I didn’t see it coming. Lovely more bruises, well at least it wasn’t the damn cells. I stood up slowly as my head was swimming. I closed my eyes as I could feel my wolf coming forward. Shhh Serina. Not now. Shhh. We can handle it. We can take it. Shhh.. Please not right now. They can’t know about you. Shhhh… that seemed to calm her, so she went to the back of my mind. I could feel her pacing there angry over my treatment. My mother was speaking and since I was talking to Serina I didn’t hear her. “I'm sorry I missed that.” I knew my mother was bound to repeat herself, as she thought that I was an i***t of sorts. Sure enough, I figured out what I had missed in the next couple of sentences. “We have guards everywhere, including the North gate. We also have some at the South gate that we haven’t used in years. There was another attack by feral wolves. They came to the center and trampled my roses and went to the fountain and killed themselves. We had to turn the fountain off and clean it to make sure that their toxicity didn’t infect the water. Can’t be too careful now. Nothing can happen to Emily…or you, of course. You will be the one to make sure that she shines.” My mother looked at me, “You are so useful darling and I love you. I want you to know that.” She gave me a hug and kissed my bruised cheek. I winced “It's too bad you never got your wolf. Your Lunda duties make up for it though, so there is that. Emily’s wolf is so pretty. Chocolate brown fur. Amazing. So pretty. So gorgeous.” I looked at my mother and in a dejected tone, “Yes mother, so sad I never got my wolf.” I said in a stilted voice. Apparently, it's been long enough that everyone has forgotten that I got my wolf and my father Alpha’d it away. Unfortunately for both of them, I make sure that my wolf is nice and strong. He couldn’t kill her or get rid of her. I smiled at this thought. My mother kept talking and I pretended to listen.
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