Chapter 4

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Sophia I couldn't believe it. No, it can't be. All of this couldn't be true. I can't be their mate! All four of them. NO! Oh moon goddess, what kind of a cruel joke is this? I can't have my special thing get ruined like this! Mates are the most important for a werewolf and yet for my fate to play such a mean joke on me can't be true. I can't accept it. How can my bullies be my mates? and yet this sweet scent seems to be coming from them, they are looking intently at me as if they would mark me here and now, my heart seems to be soaring in joy however this is only because of the mate bond but it can't fool me, I won't forget who they are and what they did to me. I know this is all momentary like a puff of smoke, it will all blow once they fight the mate bond, everything will go back to how it was, they can never change. I can't trust them. I tried backing away fighting my wolf and my instincts which were telling me to cling to them and shower in ultimate bliss when one of them suddenly pulled me towards them encircling my waist as he nuzzled against my hair bending down and sniffing me out. "So divine, so sweet." The deep voice reverberated through my heart making my walls clench-unclench preparing to take the pressure with which it was pumping, ready to pop out of my chest. My wolf purred with satisfaction after feeling the touch of our mate. The voice was of Kaiden, deep and rich, he looked almost like an innocent puppy bending down and nuzzling against me sniffing me out like the giant and tall puppy he was but I knew it was all mate bond speaking, he could never be a sheep, he was born a wolf, a ferocious one at that. I fought my way through the pheromones which kept getting stronger, I couldn't get carried away. I can't lose rationality and then get treated even worse. My wolf doesn't know anything, it hasn't been days since I shifted for the first time, no one knows anything! However I know, I remember all those times when they bullied me. I can't lose to these fleeting feelings. They are soon going to reject me subjecting me to greater agony so it's wiser to step back before then because they are always like this. I won't let them play me! I tried pushing Kaiden but it wasn't easy. He was heavier and stronger than me. His grip tightened around my waist when suddenly I felt someone kissing the back of my hand. I looked to my side and found Jayce kneeling on one of his knees looking at me with lovesick eyes, an emotion I saw for the first time from him. He looked at me as if I was his whole world. He then nuzzled against my hand as if telling me to pet him as he murmured. "Adorable, my little deer." I could feel goosebumps from inside while my wolf and heart seemed to say the opposite. I couldn't believe any of them, the way they were reacting sent chills down my spine. What kind of a ploy they were plotting this time? I know it's all a facade. The Jayce I know would never do that. He would rather have me kneel, or better grovel at his feet. I can't endure it anymore, I need to run before things escalate. Before I could push both of them away violently, I felt someone grab my shoulders from behind, his hold was gentle and his long slender fingers parted my hair revealing my nape and I shivered when I felt my neck exposed to the cold air. I could feel a cold fear invading my chest when I felt my neck exposed. I tried to jerk away when suddenly I felt him pressing his lips against my neck. His lips were warm and soft, I almost let out a noise. My legs were turning jelly and my knees were weak. The pheromones were getting stronger conquering my senses and I seemed to lose myself in this haze. I was about to kneel on the ground when I felt Kaiden supporting me, he shifted my weight so that I was leaning onto him. He was now looking at me. He had stopped taking in my scent and was peering at me, his cool emerald eyes contrasting with the forest behind him which was now appearing almost black due to the night. They seemed to sparkle like real gems and involuntarily as if in a daze, I reached out my hand and cupped his cheek. I could see his pupils changing size, widening a little before they shrank back and soon closed down with eyelids falling like the curtains revealing his long black eyelashes. He nuzzled against my hand moving his lips as he kissed the inside of my hand and opened his eyes as he locked gazes with me looking at me intently making my heart thud against my chest. He held my hand and was about to place a kiss on my wrist when suddenly a melodious voice played in my ears. "Pretty Princess, your skin is so soft and delicious." I gasped when I felt Elijah rubbing his nose against my nape. It was he who was standing behind me. I quickly broke out of trance and retracted my hand swiftly realising what I was doing. I must have gone crazy! I need to escape right away. I tried again to break free when I felt someone holding my hand which I used to caress Kaiden's cheek before, it was Caleb. He held our hands in the air and interlocked our fingers looking at me without saying anything, a pure gaze. "I would like to know more about you." His curious and intrigued voice came with a hint of interest. After all this time...I scoffed. He wanted to know more about me. About me whom they have mercilessly bullied, did he want to push me into a deeper pit by knowing me well? wielding my weaknesses against me? After ruining my life, he now wants to know more about me. Don't kid me! I can't ever forgive them and the moon goddess who has thrown me into this jeopardy. A cold fear still overwhelms my senses when I am near them, insufferable resentment and hatred seem to eat away at my brain and yet I find them all changed in just a blink of an eye whispering sweet nothings to me as if the past has been wiped away from their memories. Just a while ago, they splashed me with freezing cold water during the play and now they expect me to believe them, believe the s**t moon goddess has orchestrated for me as if nothing has happened to me before. How can I forget those terrible days of my torment where even mere seconds were hard to endure? Why? Why me? Why must I be the most unloved child of yours, the moon goddess? and now even my body is not moving according to my will. Tears started falling down my eyes as if a suppressed dam of emotions had broken down. I could feel all four of them who had been clinging to me till now suddenly flinch and step away giving me the much-needed space to breathe. "Sophia? Why are you crying?" I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Kaiden's overly concerned voice and my name for the first time from his mouth. So he knew all this time and yet he would coldly mock me by calling me an omega and not addressing me by my name. I looked at all of them and they all had the same look as Kaiden, they were concerned about me and I couldn't believe that they were the same people I had known all this time. My tears didn't stop, they kept on falling. I was tired, scared, hurt and sad. I didn't want them to be my mates, I couldn't believe the way they were treating me now, all of it just pained my soul. "P-Please, d-don't come any closer," I muttered clutching my dress and stepping away from them. All of this was too much for me. When I looked at them, they all looked dejected as if the world was ending. There was no longer malice or contempt in their eyes just longing, a yearning for me I could see my reflection shining in their irises. It made my senses go haywire, I didn't know what to feel anymore. My wolf was satisfied under the gaze of her mates and urged me to be closer to them but I could feel the jitters of scary fear grip my body every time they were near. There's no way I can go near them. Elijah was about to say something when we heard sudden footsteps approaching our direction.
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