Chapter 5

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Sophia "Alpha and Luna are about to give a speech and have called for all of you." It was Beta Charles who had come seeking the four alpha sons. The Alpha and Luna must be waiting for their presence before they announce the start of the festival which goes on for a full night. All four of them looked agitated as if they didn't want to leave. "We must hurry. Luna is waiting for you all." He said once again and as if sensing the atmosphere between us, he cast a slide glance at me before averting his eyes and once again looking back at those four. I knew that gaze very well. It was dry and equally haughty which seemed to say that I am merely someone who doesn't have a presence and doesn't exist in their world, like a fly. I couldn't hold back the self-deprecating smile which graced my lips at that moment. Yes, this is what I am used to and even more so if it's coming from these four. However, right now, the beta has come at the right time. No one else wanted them to leave more than me. Finally, I saw Kaiden nod as he once again looked at me as if hesitating a great deal before he turned around to leave with beta Charles, the other three seemed to do the same thing, their gazes not leaving mine till the very end however they all eventually left. As soon as I couldn't see any strand of their hair, I quickly turned around and fled the academy. I ran straight for my home. It wasn't very far, our pack was near the academy and my house was on the outskirts. I reached my house and quietly opened the door so I wouldn't disturb my sleeping mother. It was over 12 and she was probably asleep. It has been a week since I have been staying at my house and travelling to the academy from here since this week wasn't that busy due to the preparations for the anniversary. The day after tomorrow, I will have to again start living at the dorm. Although it's more peaceful there, I still miss my mother and our cosy little home. After watching my mother sleep peacefully, I quietly tiptoed to my room and closed the door without making any noise and then slumped down on the floor, uncontrollable tears streaming down my face. I broke down as I wept. My body shook with despair and sadness. I looked up at the moon shining from my window and nothing but an endless misery and resentment crawled on my skin. The silver moon didn't shine for me, it only tarnishes, for me, it was never the ethereal silvery hue, it was always a dark black which looked back at me. All of my unanswered questions and the unfairness in my heart seemed to choke me up as all the bad treatment I had received till now plagued my mind. I had somehow accepted my fate as an omega but I never wanted the moon goddess to steal my special thing away from me too! I also wanted to live a happy life away from all this prejudice with a nice mate who would see me for who I am and not my status with which I was born! but all my hopes were shattered in the cruellest ways. How big of a shock it will be for everyone if they get to know that their precious alpha sons have an omega for their mate. Surely, once this news reaches everyone's ears, especially our Luna, I will be rejected without any mercy and who knows what else she might do. I can even be subjected to the worst punishments! What a wretched fate I have. Fresh tears pooled in my eyes as they fell on the floor joining the puddle of already shed tears. No, I need to collect myself. I can't break down like this. I know what awaits me from now. I will stick to my original plan, I will leave this pack with my mother and settle down in the human world. I only have to endure it for a year, this year I will graduate from the academy. Till then, I will stay as if I am dead and then leave forever. As for the rejection...before they reject me and subject me to unfair punishments, worst comes to worst, I will reject them first and escape from here to never return. I leaned back my head against the door taking deep breaths and steadying myself when I felt tears pricking my eyes. I quickly stood up trying to look up to prevent any more tears from falling when suddenly my eyes went to the mirror placed in my room. I took a look at my appearance. The dress still looked stunning however my face was gaunt and tear strains were apparent on my face. If not for the dress, I looked horrible. Suddenly my thoughts went to the play, the buckets falling and then Professor Maverick. The dress is truly beautiful. I wonder if I am allowed to keep it. I was right when I thought he was different from others. He took care of me without any discrimination whether it was in the play or his lessons, I never once felt ignored like I do in other professor's classes. No matter how much my fate tried to fill my life with nothing but anguish, I still have some good things happening around to keep me sane. A loving mother, the books, the professor and now I have my wolf as well. A companion who will always be with me. My wolf whined in my head a sif agreeing with me pacing back and forth which brought a smile on my lips and made my aching heart pain a little less. When I was accounting for the good things in my life to make myself feel better, I suddenly remembered Jane and how I forgot to talk to her after all that. I need to see her even if she asks me to break our friendship...I sighed once again feeling tired of all this as I sagged down on my bed and all of a sudden I heard someone knocking on my door.
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