
Their Omega Mate


"No, No this can't be happening. They can't be my mates! All four of them! No, mates are supposed to be special, soulmates. I can't have the only precious thing left for me get ruined. No! the moon goddess can't be this cruel to me!" Sophia despite being surrounded by the sweetest scent which violated her senses, her heart thudding against her chest couldn't think of anything except horror despite it being her special moment—the moment when she gets to know about her mate or mates.

"You were ours before and now too. Sophia Barnes, you will never escape us, ours to love, ours to cherish, our mate."

Sophia Barnes is an omega but also one of the most intelligent students at Howl Academy and popular as the famous four's plaything however, she can't do anything about the bullying because the people who are responsible for bullying her are the four famous students at Howl Academy and the sons of Alpha Emanuel of ClawRidge pack, one of the strongest and also the one who has set up this academy.

She had the biggest catastrophe fall upon her when those four popular students at the Howl Academy also her bullies turned out to be her mates on the fateful night of the full moon. Is it another of the 'devious four's' pranks or a real commitment to redemption as they seek their mate's approval? and will Sophia be willing to accept what they have to offer?

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Chapter 1
Sophia "Your hair is so pretty, Soph, soft and shiny. I wish mine were like that too. I hate my dull black colour." Jane, the only person who talks to me in the entire university, an omega, the lowest at the chain and the most popular loner of Howl Academy and also my only friend spoke as she braided my hair. I don't know what she sees in my rusty hair or even me but it feels nice whenever she compliments me. It's better than sitting alone in this giant room filled with many other students just like me dressed in different costumes for the play we have to perform in a little while and the several other props lying in the room however the only difference is that they are not as miserable as me. No one is. Right now too, although it has lessened from before, I have been still receiving those nasty and judgy glances from others and I am sure, Jane too but she doesn't seem to mind that much which surprises me every time. She says she likes me and likes my company...crazy right? but it makes me happy too. I have tried to warn her many times but she says she is no different from me and doesn't have many friends to talk to so it doesn't matter if others talk about her, it's better than being lonely. I haven't pushed her away since then because I too feel the same. Having her around is nicer than being alone and at everyone's constant mean comments and glares disposal and it wouldn't have gotten this worse if it wasn't for a new stigma, or should I say, a new identity because of the famous four. The most popular students at Howl Academy and my four bullies. They love to torture and ridicule me. I am also called their plaything, the reason why no one likes to be close to me and why they subject me to open disdain. The devious four, as I call them are my pack, ClawRidge's Alpha's sons whose father is also the owner of this Howl academy. The academy was initially set up for werewolves by our great Alpha, the current alpha's father however in recent years, other supernatural races's admissions are also allowed to follow the idea of harmony and not have conflicts amongst ourselves. Jane, my friend is also a witch. She is cute and wears these big round glasses and always has two ponytails resting at her shoulders however what I love the most about her is her eyes, they are shimmery violet which sometimes appear deep blue and I find that mysterious. "Have you rehearsed your lines, Soph?" "Yes, I have" We have a play to perform in a while. It's about a famous legend every wolf of our pack knows and probably the other packs too, the legend of the 'Jaded Claw' the warrior of the warriors and most heroic werewolf who used to help others in need at one call. It's our academy's 30th anniversary and thus the reason we need to act out this play. Today is the celebration day. It is said that he was from our alpha's ancestry but I believe it is bogus otherwise why would a great warrior's great great great and many great-grandsons bully me like this and make my life hell? It's unacceptable but here I am, already dressed and ready to play my role, a villager in need...not that great huh? Well, it's surprising to know that I have even gotten the chance to perform considering how big of a plague I am known as 'omega' and of course, the devious four's famous fellow packmate and the dearest friend they just love to torment a little. I believe even our drama teacher who selected me is a little weird as well. He is especially kind to me as if he doesn't know who I am or maybe he doesn't care much because he is one of the only exceptions. After all, first, he isn't a werewolf but a vampire considering how much of the academy's staff are werewolves and secondly, he is the youngest teacher in our academy, only five years older than even me, I am seventeen and soon going to be eighteen which is tomorrow only so he might be twenty-three according to the rumours. It's also why many female students are gaga over him. Well, he is charming and elegant. I too like his classes and way of teaching and above all the equality he teaches with extending it to me as well. "Then let's practise together. The play is going to start anytime and I am super nervous!" Jane spoke with her eyes clutched closed and teeth showing revealing excitement more than nervousness. "Sure" I gave her a nod and she cleared her throat straightening up and flexing her shoulders outward as if preparing to go on a war. Seeing her actions, I couldn't help but laugh as I broke out laughing not realising who were the new intruders who had entered the rehearsal room. "Oh, will you look at this, Kaiden? Seems like we had left her alone for quite so long." The sudden familiar baritone voice sent chills down my spine as I stopped laughing and my eyes immediately darting towards my front leaving Jane's face and I paled finding my thoughts turn out to be true. There stood the devious four like the devil incarnations, my personal devil's incarnation. "What's the joke? Care to share with us, omega?" Kaiden, the oldest of them all and the most fearful spoke as he tilted his head a little with a lopsided smile gracing his lips, the smile which left my fingers trembling and I hid them under my palms, making a fist, gripping the hem of my skirt. "Didn't you hear what my brother said, little deer?" The baritone voice spoke again and also the second brother, Jayce. Another frightening person I need to avoid at all costs but the thing is, he is the one who doesn't leave me alone and why does he call me a deer? They are the easiest to prey on and a ridiculous animal in a werewolf's eye...he always demeans me like this making me feel dirty and weak. I feel tears stinging my eyes but I can't cry. No! crying is forbidden because if I cry, the bullying doesn't stop for another 1 hour. I need to answer them immediately if I don't want them to be angry. I tried to calm myself down taking deep breaths before I opened my mouth but my poor voice came out to be stuttering and words jumbled. "I-I...w-we w-were discussing t-the p-play-- "Shush now, I am not interested in that anymore. Your stuttering is pathetic." I gasped and flinched when Kaiden suddenly came closer to me sitting down on one of his knees and his hand caressing the braid, Jane did for me. "So you are also a part of this play huh?" He spoke, his index finger now moving against my jaw and then he stopped under my chin raising it slightly as he forced me to look into his eyes, a deep emerald colour under his long thick eyelashes and perfectly shaped eyebrows. I nodded not being able to speak further and he smirked, his malice deepening as I saw his signature smirk he always adorned whenever he had planned something cruel for me in his mind. "How wonderful, the play will be more exciting to watch now, no Caleb? After all, I am sure, pretty Sophia is going to do an amazing job since she is unbeatable at entertaining all of us." This sweet voice belonged to Elijah, the third son and the most princely among all. The most gentlemanly and charming guy of the Howl academy with the sweetest smile but little do they know, all of it is a facade. He is cruel and savage from the inside, a person who kills with a smile and the Caleb he is referring to is the fourth son, the rigid one with an expressionless face and a scary body. At the start even I was fooled by Elijah's kind appearance since he was the only one who was kind to me among these four, always talking to me politely until that one day when he showed me his true colours. I get goosebumps whenever I remember that day which never escapes my memory when he is in front of me. No, No, please go away! Why are they here? Just quickly finish what you were going to do and let me be! "W-What do you think you are d-doing? S-Soph did nothing wrong so p-please stop bullying her." Jane spoke suddenly standing up and I looked at her with an aghast face. NO! "No, I apologize in her stead. S-She didn't mean to say that, so plea-- "Caleb, take her outside," Jayce spoke cutting me off in between and Caleb quickly took Jane outside. I panicked seeing him dragging her outside by holding her wrist. "And as for you, I will be awaiting your play," Kaiden spoke covering my vision with his handsome face and wide shoulders and I could see no one but him and his brothers who had surrounded me with no one to help me. "Yes, it's going to be fun. Don't forget to entertain us, pretty Sophia." Elijah spoke with his sweetest smile on display and suddenly I once again realised how bleak and dark my world was with them around always after me as I dreaded what was about to come next waiting for me in front of those ruby-wide curtains on that wooden stage.

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