Chapter 3

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Sophia The hot water was drizzling down and it slightly itched when water droplets slid down languidly against my skin. Nevertheless, the hot shower felt good and helped me calm down. It soothed my nerves and I needed nothing more than to throw myself on my bed willing to escape to a dreamland away from today's incident and humiliation filled with only good things, a world without those four. However, the irony is even sleeping has become difficult, they come to haunt me while I sleep taking the form of my nightmares. Mocking me as they laugh that there is no way to escape them. I stood against the wall watching the warm water cascading down like rain as it seemed to form a crown before falling on the marble tiles and some of it splashing on my feet and legs. I watched the elegant dance of water as I extended my hand toward the continuously falling water cupping some of it in my palm. The steam enveloped the room as I closed my eyes trying to concentrate only on the sound of the water. I didn't want to go outside and experience another one of their cruel pranks. Someone, please help me, anyone, just take me to my house magically disappearing from everyone's eye. I want to lay on my bed quietly. I opened my eyes when I felt tears pooling blurring my vision and just like my shrivelled fingers under the water, my pleas shrunk the same way. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around myself as I fetched the clothes Sir Maverick had promised to send me. I was surprised to see it was a beautiful dress, the one I had never worn before. I thought he would ask someone to get me my old clothes, the one I was wearing before changing into the village girl's costume however, it turned out to be such a pretty dress. It was a wine-red dress with a halter neckline, the blouse curved against my chest with strings of beads attached to the sides aligned next to my shoulders and the skirt opened up to a low-lying flare, it was a mermaid skirt with frills of beautiful wine-red net attached to it in elegant waves. Besides the dress, a pair of red strappy heels were also placed and I helped myself into them as there was no other option and couldn't believe my own eyes when I saw my reflection in the mirror. It was majestic. I could never believe that I could look so beautiful however there was no use of this dress and beautiful pair of heels. If there is another one of their pranks waiting for me as I step outside the room, it will end up getting ruined. Also, the plethora of snarky comments they would throw at me making a joke out of me would crush me. All the good things of my life end up getting ruined because of them. I will quickly leave the academy and go home. I wiped my tears and quietly got out of the performer's room and as I kept getting closer to the exit of the auditorium, I could hear music playing in the air. The Cultural dance must have started. It's the dance done every year on the anniversary of Howl Academy. Students gather in front of the academy and dance in circles with the biggest circle in the middle where even teachers participate as a large buffet is arranged and the chairman, Alpha Emanuel himself is present at every anniversary. Since it's the 30th anniversary, grander would be the celebration. Now I understand why I was given this dress however I am not going to participate in the cultural dance and make a joke out of myself in front of everyone. I am not going to face more humiliation for the night. Our Academy has four gates and right now, the dance is happening on the north gate which is also the main and the front gate. I will take the west gate and leave quietly. I quickly took off in the opposite direction from the auditorium slowly and sneakily to avoid anyone's eye and silently slip through the west gate leaving for my home. No one will look for me or even feel my absence since I am already everyone's favourite person to avoid and ignore in the room. I could finally see the large gates in front of me and there was no one on guard luckily. Everyone might be busy with the celebration. As I got closer, I found that the gate was not yet locked as well which almost brought tears of happiness in my eyes. Whatever the guards might have decided, it has been helpful to me! They haven't locked the gates which means I can easily leave. I grabbed the gate latch to open it but froze immediately when I felt a cold touch caressing my ear lobe and the studs I was wearing followed by a low throaty voice. "Leaving so soon, little deer?" I jolted as I felt my skin quiver under his touch, my heartbeat fastening and fear gauge rising. I quickly turned around to come face to face with a smiling Jayce, his canine showing as he watched me with his chestnut eyes glowing as if he was going to devour me. My heart started thudding against my chest. Fear was slowly taking over all of my senses, paralysing me as I shook like a meek animal, stepping back from him and that glow of his irises as he seemed to watch every step of mine like a predator watching his prey leisurely waiting to pounce at me with a bated breath. As I stepped back scared, the tip of my heel came in contact with a leaf placed on a muddy patch of the ground causing me to lose my balance as I slipped ready to plummet myself to the ground with gravity calling out strongly to me, I felt two arms strongly hold me ceasing me from falling and I stared back into those same chestnut eyes I have been trying to avidly escape. He quickly pulled me up stabilizing me and I again felt my footing back however he still hadn't left me and his arm encircled my waist as he stared at me. I tried coming out of his arm however he tightened his grip pulling me closer. I was still trying to get his arm off of me because I knew if he was here, the other three were not far away. I didn't want to face them all. I need to get out of here. "Now, now more the prey struggles, the more fun it becomes." I froze when he said that, his eyes glowing amber and canines showing with a wolfish smirk donned on his face. He looked ready to devour me and I wasn't going to give him that chance. I needed to run away. "You know that I hate it when someone doesn't answer me and when I hate something, I lose control and that's when my wolf takes over and I promise you, little deer, he is a bad guy." I gulped knowing very well that he was now losing his temper and I needed to answer his question to save myself. "I-I was-- "OH, so there you were, pretty Sophia. Seems like Jayce found you first." I was saved from the confrontation with Jayce when Elijah and Caleb suddenly made an entrance. "Yeah as we thought, the deer was trying to escape," Jayce spoke, his tone harsher as he glowered at me before finally releasing me. "How could you leave after giving us such good entertainment before pretty Sophia? Hasn't the night just started so why the hurry?" Elijah spoke in his sickly sweet tone wrapping one of my curly hair strands around his finger and making me shudder. "You are dressed so beautifully so how could you leave without participating in the cultural dance? You didn't even think how sad it would make us if you leave so suddenly without saying anything or should I say how dare you think you could leave without asking us?" His tone suddenly changed and he twisted my hair and tugged at it painfully making me hiss in pain "However, since you entertained us quite well, I won't blame you anymore since we found you at the right time. Now, let us all go and enjoy the cultural dance." He grabbed my hand and was about to take me away but stopped when Jayce made a suggestion "However before that, don't you think her dress needs a little makeover?" His eyes glinted with a shine I was awfully familiar with, the look he had always had when he was about to bully me. "Oh, now that you say it. Should we leave it to Caleb? He is good with his strength after all. This dress right now looks hideous on her, how about ripping it here and there to make it look more beautiful?" Elijah spoke placing one of his hands on Caleb's shoulder while he smiled sweetly at me. My face lost all its colour when they said that eying me evilly. I didn't want my dress to be ruined by them, I didn't want to be hurt by them. Please, no, someone save me. My body shook like an aspen when I noticed the same emotionless face of Caleb as he got ready to do the deed. His hands transformed into claws and elongated nails perfect to work like a pair of scissors. I knew what were they about to do. They would tear my dress and make it look like a rag and then bring me in front of everyone making a joke out of me however this dress is special to me. I can't let them do this to me. I stepped back trying to get away from them clutching the hem of my dress as I felt tears prick my eyes and suddenly a sweet scent started violating my senses. My body started heating up with a different sensation and fear disappearing into a smoke and getting replaced by a sweet haze. The scent was getting thicker and when I raised my eyes, my gaze locked with Kaiden who mirrored the same expression as mine however what shocked me was that when I peered at the other three, they too seemed as bewildered as me, slightly panting, their faces flushed and all four of them seemed to stare intently at me. The scent was getting thicker as the seconds passed and my head seemed to get dizzy with such a sweet scent, a scent so intoxicating and overwhelming that it seemed to take over my senses. I felt a strange attractive pull towards four of them who were gazing at me intensely and when my body moved towards them against my will shocking me, their eyes suddenly glowed and they let out a growl and I felt my heart beating at a pace it has never pumped before when they suddenly closed the distance between us in a blink growling even louder than before as all four of them seemed to say the same word. "MINE"
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