Chapter 2

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Sophia The play has started and I have been waiting for my turn to go on stage. My anxiousness keeps on increasing with every passing dialogue and applause. If possible, I want to stay hidden behind these curtains only and not appear at the front and experience whatever prank they have designed for me. All of the ghastly things they had ever done to me started spinning in my mind from being their servant to a laughing joke for all the students. The time when they suddenly cornered me alone in the woods in their majestic wolf forms while I was a small trembling wolf in front of them. I had to hide in a ditch all night alone in the woods scared, hurt and hungry. They didn't even feel remorse for what they did to me however the worst among them all was when they bathed me with deer blood just to mock me in front of everyone in the academy. It took days to wash the stench of the blood but that gore memory still haunts me up to this day and despite being a werewolf, I can't stand the sight of a deer anymore, it's almost as if I am afraid of one. It's pathetic, truly shameful. My body starts convulsing and I break down into a fever whenever I see a deer. Incidents from that day cloud my mind making me dizzy as I feel my sanity slipping away. One of the reasons why I hate Jayce is that he loves to call me a deer. I hate him, I hate every one of them. E-Even if I am an omega, I am a werewolf too! Why! oh just why can't they treat me so, I am also a part of their pack so why must they make me feel as if I don't deserve to exist and breathe in the same space as them? They make me realise that fact every day, every night. No, I can't cry right now. It's going to be my turn soon. I can't break down into tears every time like this. I am not weak! I quickly wiped my eyes with the sleeves of my dress and patted my cheeks collecting myself but the dark haze of the torrential memories doesn't seem to leave me alone. The next dialogue I heard quickly pulled my attention away from my thoughts as I jerked forward straightening my spine while hearing the familiar voice. It's Jane! I couldn't see her after Caleb took her. She was not even present backstage where everyone else awaits their turn. I was worried for her but now that she seems to be playing her part in the play well, I believe they didn't do anything harmful to her. I am so relieved, she is the only friend I have. I will go look for her immediately after we get done with this play. I have to apologize to her and should I really go meet her? What if she asks to end our friendship? I am afraid to go see her because if she asks to end it, there's no way I can deny it. Do I even have the right to do so? It would be better if she ended it because it would be safer for her that way however after so long, I finally made a true's so upsetting. Why is it happening to me? Why? Oh dear moon goddess, if you really do exist. Don't forsake me once again, I too am your creation. I let a lone tear escape pitying my fate when suddenly the stage manager appeared backstage calling out the names of the actors who were supposed to play next including me. I quickly wiped my tears and made my face presentable checking on my makeup one last time in the mirror. The makeup team responsible for the deed wasn't willing to do mine and Jane was the one who helped but now since she isn't here, I am the one doing it. No, I can't be weak here. I clenched and unclenched my hands to rein in my trembling. It's finally my turn now. It's the scene where the pack village has already been ransacked by the rogues and is in a terrible state. They all cry for help and that's when Jaded Claw, everyone's saviour comes into view. I am the villager girl who will volunteer to go and ask Jaded Claw for help for our pack village and everyone will be grateful towards me. The current scene is the one when Villagers are seen crying. 'Ohh, our village! What will happen to us now? we have been raided by those devil rogues.' 'Someone help us. Protect us from this misery.' 'W-We can ask Jaded Claw to help us. I have heard he helps packs like us in need.' 'But w-who will go and ask him for help. I-I have heard he is very dangerous a-and not easy to talk to' 'However, someone from us needs to go. W-W need help otherwise we will all die. I could hear the dialogues echoing through the hall. It wasn't hard to imagine who was speaking what in my head since I had seen them all rehearsing and now it was my turn to make an appearance. "I will go and ask Jaded Claw for help. I am certain he will heed our pleas and come save us." I spoke with the spotlight shining on me, I was wearing a worn-out village dress. "Reina, you will go?" Miley another villager like me asked and I turned towards her nodding. Everyone's face lightened up as they exchanged looks with each other watching me with a grateful gaze A perfect play indeed otherwise all these people never even spare a glance towards me normally. It makes me realise all too strongly that I am playing my part in a play and like me all these are also playing their characters. The light died down and soon it was time for the next scene, my final scene which was going to be between me and the person playing the character, 'Jaded Claw'. There are hardly a few lines I need to speak and then he will agree to help my village and I will take my exit. Just a few more minutes, please please don't let anything else happen! Soon the lights glowed once again and there sat the Jaded Claw on the rock. The spotlight was centred on us as I stepped closer to him, my face etched in worry and urgency. I looked at him as if he was my only hope to save our village trying to immerse myself into the character when all I had in my mind was to run away and hide myself backstage and get done with this scene as soon as possible. "Jaded Claw, Oh the great warrior of the warriors, I a poor villager have come to-- 'SPLASH' I stopped speaking midway when a bucket of frozen cold water splashed down on me in this cold weather. It wasn't a part of the play...then I turned towards the audience and there they sat, all four of them in the front row watching me all drenched and shivering as they laughed and enjoyed my suffering. Kaiden was smirking while Jayce was all smiles as he looked at me before he waved and then I looked at Elijah, he had a surprised expression on his face as he covered his mouth with his palm and not long after I could see him smiling behind his palm. Cruel, all of them are the worst. While Caleb sat there with an emotionless face as usual. It was them, they did this, however, I refuse to give up. I can't leave the play in between. I turned towards the Jaded Claw once again and decided to finish my dialogue. "I a poor villager have come to seek your aid. Oh mighty-- 'SPLASH' Another bucket but I can't stop. I will finish this. They need entertainment, so I will give them one. "Jaded Claw, I came here to beseech you to help our village. It has been raided by those devil rogues." 'SPLASH' "We need y-your h-help o-otherwise we all will die. PLEASE GREAT WARRIOR, SHOW US SOME MERCY!" I finished my dialogue as I slumped down on my knees with tears streaming down my face, my last act. I cried in my misery dreading another bucket to fall on me any minute however it didn't happen and instead the scene progressed further when the jaded claw helped me up promising me that he would help my pack people. My part was finished, the lights died down and I immediately stormed backstage not wanting to be on the stage for another minute with my clothes drenched and bra showing as I watched those four laugh at me. I was shivering due to the cold. I didn't care whether other students waiting backstage were giving me weird stares or not or if the stage manager was cursing at me for letting it happen and increasing their work of mopping the stage. I needed to be out of there, somewhere alone. I rushed to get out of there as I walked speedily towards the corridor away from the loud noises coming from the stage. However, I suddenly halted when I felt something warm covering my shoulders. A blazer. Soon a strikingly charming man with hair as dark as the raven night, eyes as sparkly as rubies, a straight nose and red sultry lips came in front of me. He was dressed in a black dapper suit. "S-Sir Maverick." He is the youngest teacher and he is also a vampire as well as the one in charge of the play however he looks distraught and solemn. "I deeply apologize that something like this happened on my watch. Please go to the performer's room and take a hot shower. I will send someone with the exchange of clothes." I listened to him as I held the blazer draped on my shoulders tightly feeling as if I would burst down into tears the next moment swiftly turning around and wanting to escape from him, from the humiliation I faced on the stage and those beautiful downcast eyes which looked at me with sincerity holding a genuine hurtful apology. The last thing I would want is for him to console me as I burst into tears and appear in shambles in front of him, the only teacher who has always treated me right and equally as a student.
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