Chapter 8

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"Guys, I can't breathe." I managed to get out, and they finally let me go. They were already 19, and I could tell by the beautiful marks peaking out their tops that they were mates. As much as they were friends, I could always see they wanted to be more but were scared if they didn't end up being mates, but I'm glad the Moon Goddess paired them together. "Well, look who turned out to be mates." I said as I beamed at the pair of them Theo stood smiling blighting while Seb blushed a deap red and tried to hide his face. "We did indeed, When did you get into town? I can't believe you never told us you were coming bitch." Theo scolded me. "Love give the girl a break." Seb said as he pulled Theo to his side, wrapping his arm around his waste. I couldn't help but smile more seeing them together, "I only got in yesterday. I was going to call you sometime this week but i wasn't sure if you guys were still about." "Well lucky for you we are, were you off to?" Theo said as he linked his arm through mine. "I'm going over to the diner, you guys should come so we can catch up." i said as i looked at them hoping they would say yes. "Were just heading there ourselves, it must of been fate for us to run into each other." Seb said and we made our way to the diner. We got to the diner and sat down at one of the tables by the window, it was busy but steady too. Lou was behind the counter with another girl i didn't know. She waved at the three of us when we walked in. "So come on, I want to no everything!" I said before we had even sat down properly. "Well i was away for my birthday and come home just after Seb's, Lucky our birthdays are only 2 weeks apart and when we seen each other everything just seemed to make sense and our bond just snapped into place and his scent got stronger." Thoe beamed as he began explaining everything that had happened between the pair of them when they found out they were mates and Seb adding pieces Theo missed out or cut him off when he started going into too much detail. I really didn't need to no about there s*x life but i was so happy for the pair of them. "So come on what about you then? whats new? any new lovers? how long are you here for?" Theo asked while Seb just looked at me, as much as Theo was more outspoken and Seb was more on the shy side they both loved a bit of gossip. "Nothing's new not since the last time i spoke to you both, no new lovers you no i havnt got any interest in that and ive not decided yet, until Luca comes and drags me home i suppose." "This is great the gang back together again, we meet up with Amy and Ty when there not busy, You have to come out with us to. There is this amazing club that opened up a while ago." "I'm not just here to be social, im going to be helping Uncle Jack on the ranch and Lou here too." they both just looked at me as if I had grown a second head, "Girl please you need to let your hair down once in a while and coming out with us Friday night will do you the world of good, im sure Jack and Lou would agree." "We would agree with what?" Lou said as she came over and catched the end of the converstation. "Tell her she should come out with us Friday night." Seb asked Lou and they both looked at her grinning. "Yea you should go out, you no dad won't mind plus it's not as if you're going to be waking anyone up if you come home late plus it will do you good going and having some fun." "That's settled then, what shall we order." Theo said and left no room for me to argue, I didn't know how I felt about going out, and I didn't really have anything to wear either. Lou took our order, and we settled into an easy conversation, catching up and with the promise that the boys were going to take me to find something to wear for Friday and come over, and they would get ready with me, and we could all leave together. As we all finished our food and was getting ready to go and pay a group of kids come in, school must of ended and seemed this was the spot they came when they finished because i seen a few more groups sat on the benches outside. The group that came in went and pulled two tables together and started shouting Lou and the other girl who was named April to come and serve them. There was one boy in particular who thought he should've been waited on before he even sat down demanding they get him a milkshake. I was starting to get irritated by how he and the rest of them were speaking to my cousin and her staff. I don't care who you are or how old you are no one deserves to be treated like that. I got up and walked over to them before either Theo and Seb could grab me to stop me and walked up to the table. "Have none of you got no respect or manners? How about you all piped down and you will get served when there ready not because you're demanding it." I couldn't hold the harshness in my words, they all turned and looked at me and some put there heads down and some tried to hide there embarrassment, but only one of them stood and walked in front of me, I could feel Theo and Seb behind me, "Come on Lil leave it there not worth it lets go." "No i won't leave it, these little punks need to be put in their place." Before either of them could say anything the boy who stood up and walked in front of me said, "You can't tell me what to do, your not even from this pack. Why don't you just go back to were you come from the princess." Surely he cant be that stupid? I was fuming and Kara was pissed aswell trying to come to the surface to teach him a lesson. "Listen here child, 1 I'm not your princess and 2 I may not be from this pack, but that doesn't mean im going to sit back and watch you treat my cousin or staff with, anything but the respect they deserve so I suggest if you don't start showing some or you and your little pals can just walk right back out the door." I couldn't hold back, I really don't know what came over me but i couldn't sit back and listen to the blatant disrespect these lads were showing. Let me out, I'll show these pups some respect. Kara spat, trying to claw her way out. I got this Kara. Don't worry. She stopped trying to fight me but joined me upfront and made herself present with my eyes going from black to blue to show she was close. "You can't speak to me like that, you have no idea who i am or what would happen to you if you did." "I couldn't care less who you are pup, learn some respect or leave." I could feel myself getting more and more angry and my aura started to slip, though it may not be very strong some people around started squirming as they were getting effected. I took a deep breath and calmed myself and regained my aura under control. Before anyone could say anything, Lou came between us and looked at me. "It's okay, just leave it I'll deal with it. Please, Lilly." I just nodded at her and gave one last look at the boy and the group and turned and left before I lost control. I don't know what came over me. Normally I would never normally confront a group like that. "Dam girl, where did that come from? And when did our quiet little Lilly become so fierce?" Theo said as we left the diner and walked towards my truck. "Honestly, I haven't a clue but i couldn't stop myself, but I really don't think I should have said anything, this isn't even my pack." I leaned on my truck and put my head in my hands, what the hell was i thinking? Those punks deserved to be knocked down a peg or two. Kara said not caring. This isn't our pack Kara, it's not our place to say anything. What happens if Alpha Logan finds out and tells Uncle Jack makes us leave? I chimed back to her, she rolled her eyes at me and said, He won't, your worrying too much. She curled up in the back of my mind and closed her eyes, not caring about the situation I could put us in. "Hey don't stress, it's about time someone put them kids in their place. They have no respect at all and Alex thinks, because his brothers are the Alphas, he can get away with anything." Seb said, and it felt like all the air left my body. What the hell have I done?
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