Chapter 9

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"What do you mean, the Alphas Brother?" I managed to get out while trying not to have a panic attack. "He's the little brother of the Alphas of Blood Moon and Opal Moon. That kid is always getting himself in some sort of trouble and it's not the first time he's been in the diner and anywhere else, for that matter demanding things." Okay, now I really couldn't stop the panic attack from creeping up. My hands became all sweaty and I felt a little dizzy. I steadied myself on the hood of my truck when I saw Lou walking towards us. "Hey are you okay?" "Yea I'm really sorry Lou, I don't know what came over me." I got my breathing under control and managed to get myself centered with Kara's help, she always helped when ever I was on the verge of a panic attack but ive not had one for a long time. "Don't worry, honestly its fine I should have told the Alpha what he has been doing for a while now but." she left rest of the sentence just floating in the air, she didn't need to finish it everyone knew that family stuck together and were fiercely protective of there family. "I'll have a word and explain what happened okay, don't worry it's going to be fine." "I've got to go im sorry." Before any of them could say anything else I jumped in my truck and just started driving. I drove around for hours, i couldn't face going back to the Ranch yet. Everyone had texted me asking where I was and if I was okay, I only replied to Uncle Jack telling him i would be home later. I found myself sitting in my truck at the side of the road just as the sun was beginning to drop. I had been gone all day and i knew i needed to go back i just couldn't force myself to drive back. Everything is going to be fine, trust me. Kara finally piped up. You don't know that Kara. This could cause a lot of trouble for Uncle Jack. I rolled my eyes at her. Let's just go back and you will soon see that I'm right. She huffed to me lazily. You won't be saying that when both Alphas are skinning you and taking it in turns to use you as a rug! She didn't even respond back to me just turning herself away from me and curling up to go to sleep. All I could think was I had signed my own death. Why did I have to open my bloody mouth? By the time I finally got the courage to drive back to the ranch it was just beginning to get dark. i pulled up in front of the barn but as i was getting out of my truck, Uncle Jack walked out with Alpha Logan and his brother who didn't look too impressed. I felt sick, surely he was here because of what i had said to his brother and was looking for me. "Lilly there you are, i was beginning to get worried." Uncle Jack said as he came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, i couldn't move or respond it was like i was frozen waiting for some sort of punishment. "Alpha Logan came over to speak to you and me about what happened today with Alex." He let me out of his embrace and Alpha Logan and his brother who i know no is called Alex walked over to us. "I wanted to come by because Lou told me what had happened at the diner today." He said so casually and i couldn't get a read on his emotions and that made me more worried. "Alpha i apologize for how i treated your brother" "Please let me stop you there, the reason i came because after i spoke to Lou a couple of other people spoke to me about how my brother has been treated others. i spoke with my brother and were both in agreement that you was well within your right to pull him on his shit." I didn't know what to say, Told you so. That's all she said then retreated, not giving the situation a second thought. "My brother and i have decided Alex needs to learn some basic social skills and some humbling, so I've spoken to Jack and, as of this weekend Alex will be starting to help out around the ranch on weekends. Our mother would lose her s**t if she was here to hear about how he's been behaving and maybe this would keep him out of trouble too." I honestly didn't know what to say and I'm pretty sure if my jaw could hit the floor it would. Alex didn't look impressed about learning he would be coming to work on the ranch, and I'm guessing he didn't no until Alpha Logan said it. "I just wanted to come and thank you as well, because if you hadn't put my stupid brother in his place, this would have carried on so we would be been none the wiser, so thank you." Alpha Logan left with Alex and i still couldn't believe how that turned out. I was so sure I was either going to be kicked out and sent back to my brother or worse. "Hey, are you okay?" Uncle Jack asked me looking concerned. "Yea I'm okay, I honestly thought I was going to bring trouble to you and i was scared about what was going to happen." He wrapped his arms around me and just hugged me. "Don't worry kiddo, it all worked out fine in the end. Although I would have loved to have seen Alex's face when you called him out." He laughed as he let go of me. "He was being a jack ass." Was all i could say trying to hold my laughter back. "Well, now that sorted I left some food upstairs for you because you missed dinner, eat and get some rest okay?" "I will thanks." he gave me a nod and started walking back over to the house and I made my way upstairs, Know all the stress left me i was starving. I practically inhaled my food and changed and crawled into bed and sent a quick text to Theo and Seb telling him what had happened and i would tell them properly when I saw them. It would be interesting to see Alex working on the ranch. Although I knew he was a cocky and a loud mouthed kid, I couldn't shake the feeling there was more to him than meets the eye. I don't know what it was or maybe my mind was just going on over drive. I shut my mind down and tried to get some sleep. I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the clock and it was just after 9.30am. I dragged myself out of bed and went and grabbed my phone, I was confused because it was a blocked number, "Hello?" "Hey, hey pretty girl, how you been." I couldn't help but roll my eyes, why the hell was this jack ass ringing me. "What do you want Chad?" I met Chad a while back, he runs the street fights i fight in and gave me this stupid nickname even after I put him on his ars.e countless times for calling me it, but it still doesn't seem to stop him. "Now come on why the hostility?" "If you don't tell me what you want im hanging up, im so not in the mood for you mouth before I've had coffee." He laughed on the other end of the phone, he wasn't really a bad guy he was just a pain but looked out for me when fights go out of hand or people didn't like loosing against a girl. "I've got a couple fights coming up next week and one of my fighters dropped out I was wondering if you wanted to fill the slot?" It had been a while cinch my last fight and honestly I was itching to get back in there, and atleast this time I wouldn't have to worry about Luca seeing me with any bruises this time. "When and how much?" "Next weekend, $5000." It wasn't as if I really needed the money I had quite abit stashed away, but I couldn't say no. It will be good to get back at it again, Kara said right upfront. She was always too eager to get into these fights, she loved the rush as much as i did. "I'm in. Send me the location and time." I hung up before he could say anything else. We need to train. Crap, I knew I could handle myself, but I never knew who I was going to be fighting and i always liked to be at my best. I'll speak to Uncle Jack. I quickly got dressed and ran down to go and find him so I could try and get this sorted soon to find a place to train and prepare. It was only Wednesday so I had just over a week to get ready. I couldn't wait to feel that rush and adrenalin coursing through me. I started running down the stairs ready to go and hunt down my uncle when I ran into Ty. "Hey, where's the fire?" "s**t sorry Ty, have you seen my uncle?" "Yea he's just left to go and check the fences in the back paddock, Yankee is all saddled up if you need to take him" I looked and see Yankee all saddled and ready to go. "Thanks Ty youe the best." I ran over to Yankee and took off in search of my Uncle, I knew what part of the paddock he would be so it tshouldn't take long to find him.
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