Chapter 7

1301 Words
Lilly’s POV My whole run back I couldn’t believe the encounter I had with that mustang, it still didn’t feel real but I also felt some sort of connection or trust in him. I still wasn’t sure if I was imagining things about someone watching me, but I just put it down to maybe it was someone passing, and I was practically a stranger. As I got back to the barn I saw Uncle Jack and Amy taking some of the horses out and putting them out in the field. “Hey kiddo. Good run?” He said to me as he put the halter and lead on Yankee, “Yea, it was incredible I saw that herd of mustangs there beautiful.” “I didn’t think it would take long for you to come across them.” He said chuckling as he led Yankee out the barn. I helped them get the rest of the horses in the field and gave them a hand mucking the stalls and laying fresh saw dust and fresh hay. We chatted for a while and Amy told me she had a client coming today, so her and Ty were going to be busy most of the day and Uncle Jack had some odd jobs to do today, “When is Aunt Lisa back from France?” I ask. “She should be back at the end of next week, she has a couple of loose ends to tie up and then plans on coming back.” Aunt Lisa owns a vineyard in France and sells all over the world so she travels quite abit, but it works for them both because Uncle Jack is always busy on the ranch and there both family businesses so they both understood, but when there together it’s like no time has gone by it’s cute really. I went upstairs and grabbed a shower and got ready to go look in town and nip into the diner. Once I was showered dry and dressed, I grabbed my phone keys and went down to my truck. As I looked over to the house, I noticed Uncle Jack talking to a woman, a man and what I could only assume was their daughter. He noticed me and called me over, so I jumped in my truck and drove over so I didn’t have to walk back over once I was finished. I felt uneasy as I got closer. I didn’t know who they were, but just the way they looked screamed power and authority. I pulled up just in front of the gate, jumped out and walked over to them. Now I could see them properly i could only assume there was one of the higher-ranked families. The man was id say was about 6'4 well-built as his arms seemed to want to pop out of his shirt. He has short messy dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. The woman was slightly built about 5'8 with strawberry blonde hair that fell down her back in loose curls and she just looked effortlessly beautiful in a pair of sui pants and green blouse that seem to make her own bluey/green eyes pop. The little girl was a perfect mix of them both having his bright green eyes and a lighter shade of blonde but she got her mother's curls. I'd say she was about 3 maybe 4 and she was clinging on to Uncle Jack like she had not a care in the world. I smiled brightly at them all and Uncle Jack introduced me when i got to his side. "Alpha Logan Luna Selene this is my niece i was telling you about Lilly. Lill's this is the Alpha and Luna of the pack." My mouth dropped open and i had to force it shut. I wasn't expecting them to be the Alpha couple but i composed myself quickly and put my hand out to the Alpha. "Its a pleasure to meet you Alpha, Luna thank you for allowing me in your territory." "Please while were here its just Logan and Selene, any family of Jacks is always welcome." He shook my hand and gave me a genuine smile. “It’s so nice to finally meet you Jack has told us a lot about you, you will probably see us around a lot and Miss Estelle loves to come and see her Gigi Jack and the horses.” Selene said to me and looked at the little girl in Uncle Jacks arms, I knew there was a story there, but I’m sure he will tell me at some point. I still felt a bit uneasy around Alpha Logan I had heard a few stories about him and his brothers and as much as I don’t listen to the stories I knew some must be the truth. I trust them, Kara said as she looked at the couple and then retreated back into my head. She’s never been so easy to trust new people before, but she has never led me wrong before so I guess I would trust her word. “Have you come to see your horse?” I said to the little girl still clinging to Uncle Jacks neck. She peaked at me slightly and all of a sudden smiled and put her arms out for me to hold her. I looked at Selene and she just nodded before I took Estelle from Uncle Jack. “I’m going to see all the horses and Gigi Jack is going to let me ride misty.” She spurted out so fast and happy I couldn’t help my smile back at her, she was so sweet and happy just as any little girl should be. “I’ve never seen her take to anyone so quickly as she did you, she’s never going to leave you alone now.” Selene said laughing and leaning into Logan. Once I finished chatting to the Alpha couple and Estelle finally let me go after promising her she would see me next time she came I said goodbye and headed into the little town to go and explore. It didn’t take long to get there as everything was sort of close to each other, it wasn’t as busy as back home and was only a small little town with a couple of shops and restaurants. I parked my truck up outside the diner and went to explore the little boutique shops and clothes shops that were here. I got a cute dress and some little trinkets but just looked, some people were eyeing me suspiciously and a few people recognized me from the last time I was here. I felt a bit awkward when they told me how sorry they were when they heard my parents had passed and didn’t really no what to say. After a while i started walking towards the diner to grab some lunch and speak to Lou to see when she wanted me to start. Just before i reached the diner i heard my name being called and started looking round to see who it was. As I found the voice that was shouting me i was shocked to see Theo and Seb walking towards me hand in hand, smiling brightly at me. I couldn't believe after all this time i would see them again. I met them one summer while i was visiting and hit it off with them straight away. They were very gay but the most genuine people i had met, we began hanging out whenever I came and even stayed in touch when i went back home. "Well look what the wind blew in." Theo said as he approached me and they both wrapped me in their arms and i was crushed inbetween the pair of them.
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