
My unexpected mate


Lilly has always thought she never fit in with the rest of the pack while growing up. After her parents died and it was just her and her brother left she isolated herself of from everyone. She excelled at everything she could but could never escape the feeling she didn’t belong. She has secrets and doesn’t trust very easily and even being quite and abit of a loner she has a stubborn streak in her. She decides to go visit her uncle for the summer and work on his ranch but what she wasn’t expecting was to find comfort in a wolf who won’t share his identity………

Damian has led his pack with an iron fist and never taken kindly to rogues or strangers near his boarders, his priority has always been protecting his pack and his brothers after the tragedy that struck when his parents were killed in a rogue attack. He closed himself off from the world and become one of the most feared alphas and many no knowing his identity, what happens when he comes across the most beautiful girl he has ever seen and not matter what he does he can’t seem to get her out of his head………

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Chapter 1
Lilly's POV I left before my brother woke up before he could try and talk me out of leaving again. I love him dearly but he had his place in the pack being the beta and I was just his weird baby sister, I needed to leave before I completely lost myself. It was hard after my parents died while out doing pack business and I just shut myself away from everyone. I never felt like I belong there even before my parents died I just needed to be on my own doing my own thing for a while. You’re not completely on your own Kara said to me. I no and I would be lost without you. Kara is my wolf, she literally my only friend and the best wolf a girl could ask for. I shifted earlier than I should have I think it was due to the stress of loosing my parents but I’m glad I did because she is just amazing. She’s not like an average wolf and I’m not sure why but I don’t care she’s absolutely beautiful, she is pure white with purple at the tips of her fur and while I’ve never heard or seen a wolf like her and trust me I have searched records she is literally one of a kind. Half way to my uncles ranch my phone started ringing through my truck. “Lills where are you?” My brother’s voice came through the truck with a slight panic init. “I’m on my way to Uncle Jacks Luca you knew I was leaving today.” “I didn’t think you would leave without saying goodbye.” I could hear the sadness in his voice and as much as it hurt I knew I needed to leave otherwise I’m not sure he would let me go and I couldn’t face saying goodbye to my brother even if I know it’s not going to be forever. “I know I’m sorry Luca but we both know I’m not good at bye’s and you would have tried talking me out of it again and I need to do this.” I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone and it went silent for a while, none of us saying a word because he knew I was right. “Okay Lills you’re right I’m sorry but I’m just going to miss having you here and waking up and you were gone I just panicked.” “If you went into the kitchen you would see the note I left you dummy.” I chuckled to try and make the situation abit lighter, I love my brother but he is way too serious sometimes. I pray to the goddess his mate can make him looses up abit more when he finally meets her. “Yea okay I’m sorry.” He chuckled, “How long until you get to the ranch?” “I’ve got about another 2 hours left and I’ll get there, I’ll ring you when I get there okay?” “Okay make sure you do please okay otherwise I’ll ring uncle Jack” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, I get he’s the older brother but he’s only 4 years older than me and it’s not like I’m young anymore I’m nearly 19 and nearly ready to be able to meet my mate, not like I want to meet him I would rather stay on my own. Our mate will make us whole Lilly, the moon goddess doesn’t make mistakes and I want my mate kara whimpered at me, I knew she wanted her mate but I just didn’t have any interest in meeting him or any other male for that matter. “Yes Luca I will ring you I’m not a little girl no more that needs protecting, you really need to meet your mate to have someone else to focus on” “You’re still my baby sister so mate or not I’ll always worry and protect you, love you lills” “love you too bro” I ended the call before he could say anything else, I needed this space away from him and the pack and I’ve always found peace being at Uncle Jacks ranch. Two hours later and I’m finally driving down the road to the wood meadow ranch. It’s been in the family for as long as I can remember. As soon as I come to the road that leads down to the ranch, peace finally comes over me like a weight has been lifted. Watching the horses run free in the fields either side of the road no worries other than being a horse. Life is a lot different here than back home it’s not restricted by busy towns and loads of people, there are two packs here. Uncle Jack is part of one and even though there separate packs and they have two separate alphas, there is only a slight border. There like sister packs. Both alphas are brothers. One is called Blood Moon and the other is called Opal Moon. I hear the brother of Black Moon is hardly ever seen and has quite the temper, while the other brother is more approachable, but there both ruthless you dont want to get on the bad side of. There are loads of horror stories around about the brothers and there younger brother too for being ruthless and showing no mercy to the victims but they also care dearly for there packs and there people they just don’t like outsiders very much. Lucky for me Uncle Jack told his alpha I was coming so it shouldn’t cause any issues. I don't pay too much attention to the stories because they could just be that, plus an Alpha has to look out for the pack and eliminate any threat that comes about. As i come to the end of the road i can see the barn and just across from that is Uncle Jack's house. It's truly picture perfect and each time i come it gets more and more beautiful. i pull up infront of the house and as i start to get out the truck the front door comes swinging open and I can see Uncle Jack coming out with my Cousins Amy and Lou. "There she is, I wasn't expecting you till later." Uncle Jack said to me as he approached me and wrapped me up in a tight bear hug. "Can't breath Uncle Jack" I managed to get out, and he chuckled and let me go but as soon as i was out of his arms i was pulled into Amy and Lou's. Amy is a year older than me and has just found her mate and Lou is the same age as my brother and her and her mate live closer to the pack grounds as her mate Kaleb is a warrior. "We have missed you so much lilly, were so glad you come to stay for a while." Lou said as she let go of me. "I'm so excited your here I can't wait for you to meet my mate and get to all hang over together!" she shrieked while still holding onto me for dear life. I couldn't help but chuckle, even though Amy and I are complete polar opposites, we are really close, and she's really the only friend I've got, even if she is my cousin. we all walked into the house and i always loved how cosy and homely it was. I really missed this place and feeling it always brings me when ever im here and i can finally feel like i can breath properly.

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