Chapter 6

1175 Words
I got back to the pack house to find Logan and Selene waiting on the front steps for me, I walked over to the spot I had left my clothes and shifted back and threw them on. “Where's Estelle?” I asked as I got closer to them. No sooner had the words left my mouth I heard a giggle and the sound of a little girl running through the hall towards us. She ran straight past her mum and dad and jumped in the air towards me with the upmost faith I would catch her. “There’s my little star” I said as I court her in my arms, twirling her round. She giggled as she held on tight to my neck, “Uncle Damian guess what?” She said when I finally stopped spinning her round and we started walking into the pack house with Logan and Selene walking behind us. “What?” “I’m going to see Gigi Jack today and the horses.” She said as she smiled so brightly. She loved going over to the ranch, Logan bought a horse and boards it there, Jack found Selene when she was kicked off out her old pack and was wondering, she was abit under weight and slightly dehydrated so he took her back to the ranch and help her feel better. It was a blessing really because when he took her to see my brother a couple of weeks later it turned out she was his mate and he couldn’t thank Jack enough, Selene didn’t have any family left and she treated Jack as family that’s why Estelle calls him Gigi Jack, that man’s a blessing he’s help me and my brothers a lot aswell as other people who need it. We got to my office and I sat with Estelle on my lap while Logan and Selene sat on the sofa that was on the wall under the window. “Where's Alex?” I ask Logan when it finally dawned on me both my brothers are normally here. “That’s what I was going to ask you but I’m guessing he snuck out again.” I pulled my hand through my hair, my little brother was a pain in my arse. He really needed to stop pulling this kind of s**t and disappearing all the time. “Have you asked patrol if they have seen him your end?” “Yea none have seen them although you really need to stop scaring the patrol all the time coming out of no where.” I rolled my eyes, it’s true because of my bigger size and the fact I was jet black and had only a slight white strike down the middle of my back I was hard to see in the dark and would often scare the warriors that were on patrol. “Yea yea back to the real issue were would he have gone this time.” I said as I rolled my eyes at my younger brother. Just as the words left my mouth the door opened and Alex came strolling in covered in got knows what and what looked like a shiner forming on his right eye. “What’s up with you guys? You seem so serious?” He asked not caring about what he looked like, I could feel myself starting to boil and Estelle must of felt it too and she wrapped her arms around my neck, “Selene could you take Estelle and go get some breakfast we need to have a word with our brother.” I said to her through gritted teeth looking no where else but at my brother. I didn’t want my niece to see me loose my temper and Alex always gets a rise out of me because he doesn’t see the wrong or worry he causes every time he sneaks out. Selene took Estelle and they both waved bye and left to go to the dining hall. “Where the hell have you been?” I shouted as I slammed my hands down on my desk letting my aura slip a little, my brother stepped back a little and put his hands up in front of him, “I just went out for a bit what’s the big deal?” Before I could react Logan stood up and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and made him sit in the seat infront of my desk. We have too many enemies out there that would love to hurt us in any way that they can and Alex being the reckless teenager her is, is always going picking fights with anybody. “This has to stop Alexander! You will stop leaving the packs to go and pick fights with who ever, you need to stop being to reckless!” He knew I meant it when I used his full name, he didn’t answer back just nodded his head and looked at the ground. “Go and get your self cleaned up and ready for school.” He was about to say something but the look on mine and Logan’s face told him not to argue back, he got up and stormed out my office and slammed the door on the way out. “I’ll sort him out he can come and stay with me for a while if you want?” “No he can stay here, I hate being hard on him but if anything happens.” I couldn’t finish my sentence, I would die before I let anything happen to my family and I would murder a whole army before I let them get anywhere near them. After dealing with my brothers I run up to my room and grabbed a shower to get ready for a long day ahead. I had a mountain of paper work to get through and needed to meet with Rick and Danny to go over the patrols and training schedules. I walked into the bathroom and switched on the shower, I undressed and climbed in letting the hot water pour all over me. I stood there for a while leaning my hands on the wall in front of me letting the water just wash over me and I couldn’t stop my mind wandering back to the girl in the field. What was it about her that I found so enticing? I’ve never been like this before hell the only people who really see the true side of me are my family, I was the most feared alpha for a reason but yet with her I didn’t want her to be scared of me or to believe any of the stories that were going around about me. Even Atlas whimpered in my head at the thought of this girl being scared and judging me by the stories that were going around. I needed to find a way to learn more about her and figure out who she actually was and why she was having this effect on me.
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