Chapter 4

1282 Words
'Present time' "The fight went good, the guy got a good couple punches in and broke one of my ribs but apart from that it was a good fight, Luca caught me the next day. I thought he was out and i only had shorts and a vest top on and he seen the bruises and lost his mind." I shrugged."Have you thought about maybe telling him about the fights?" i moved out of his embrace and looked at him asif he was crazy, "You cant be serious, he lost his mind just over the bruises he would totally loose his s**t if he knew i was competing in fights. hes way too overprotective as it is never mind telling him what ive been doing in my spare time." I told him and move my attention back to the sandy colored horse who wasnt impressed i stopped petting her. "Okay you no i wont tell him but your going to have to tell him before he finds out from someone else." "Ill tell him when the time is right." Neither of us said another word on the matter and we just stood in silence enjoying the view and each others company. "So what are your plans for while your here then?" Uncle Jack said breaking the silence, "What do you mean? Im going to be helping out on the ranch and im going to ask Lou if i could get some shifts in the diner." "You don't have to work while your here kiddo." I smiled up at him and said, "I no but i want to other wise im going to be bored out of my mind." i chuckled to him and before he could say anything else i seen Amy walking towards us hand in hand who i could only assume was her mate. "Lilly id like you to meet my mate Ty, Ty this is my cousin Lilly." "Its nice to meet you Ty." I said to him as i held my hand out to shake it, he was a good looking lad. well built but not too much so i don't think he was a warrior and just abit taller than Amy. Kara came upfront to get a look at him to size him up and when she was satisfied she reseeded to the back of my mind again. "Its nice to meet you too, Amy has told me all about you." I spent the rest of the afternoon with Amy and Ty getting to know him. I found out as much as he likes to work out, and he could hold his own in a fight. He was far more interested in animals and was a vet. I can see why the Moon Goddess paired them together, they really were made for each other. I spoke to Lou to see if i could help out at the diner. It was a cute little diner in town not far from the ranch she owned and said it was perfect timing because it was coming up to the summer break soon and it would get busy. We agreed to me doing some opens and closes for her but to also give me time to help out on the ranch and also enough time so i still had free time for myself, not like i needed any. Kara kept grumbling about finding her mate when we were around Amy and Ty so i blocked her out. It wasn’t as if I never wanted to find my mate because i wasn't completely sure about meeting him. I just needed some time to myself and to work out who i wanted to be and from past experiences, I don't trust men outside my family. In my eyes there nothing but players and man wh*res that liked to play with girls feelings. Our mate wont be like that though the Mood Goddess made him for us, he will be perfect. Kara said and i could tell she ease getting annoyed. Look, we can't find our mate until we’re 19 anyway and that just over a month so can we just drop it now please. I snapped back at her and placed the block back up. I was sick of having the same argument with her all the time. The rest of the night wasn't eventful. We had dinner together and i called it a night around 7.30pm. I had been traveling since 6am and I just wanted to shower and get an early night to have a fresh day tomorrow. I woke up just as the sun was beginning to rise, it was the most beautiful site i had seen. i quickly got dressed in some sports leggings and my sports bra and jacket, grabbed my phone and headphones and went to go and start my morning with a run. I ask Uncle Jack if i ws ok to and he said as long as i stayed on the property it shouldn't be a problem. Even though the Alpha knows im here i would still be classed as an outsider considering im from a different pack. I was planning on going into to town and go explore later when i got back and then hopefully go for a ride on one of the trails. i put my headphones in and made my way from the back of the barn to the fields that surround the ranch. I had been running for about 45 minutes when i came to a stop when i got to one of the bigger fields and seen a heard of wild horses. Uncle Jack told me some had made them selves at home here every now and then but i wasn't expecting to see them so soon. i turned my music off and just sat staring at them for a while, there must of been about maybe 20 of them and there was a foal clinging to there momma. i quickly got my phone out and started taking pictures. After about 10 minutes of just sitting here watching them i noticed the most beautiful stallion walking over to me, he was pure black and his eyes looked like they held a storm. you could tell he was the leader of the heard he just screamed leader. i stood up and stayed as still as i could as he walked up to me until there was only a few feet between us. I slowly put my hand up to see if he would come any closer, Kara was right up front with me completely stunned by the horse just as much as i was. it felt like time just stood still as i was waiting to see if he would come any closer, just as i was about to drop my hand he moved closer to me to sniff my hand, i held my breath so i wouldn't scare him away and he finally lent his head into my hand. it was like the world stopped and it was just me and him in bubble, i slowly moved my other hand to rest it on the side of his head and he moved bit closer to me. it wasn't until a twig snapped and the bubble broke and he soon run off and the rest of the heard followed. the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and i could tell someone was watching me but as i looked around i couldn't find anyone and there wasn't any scents around. i shrugged it off and began running back to the ranch my mind on the mustang and trying to figure out if someone was watching me or not.
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