Chapter 3

1296 Words
"Flashback to after the fight" I felt exhausted, the person I was fighting got a few good punches in, im sure he managed to break one or two on my ribs. I didn't mind because it wasn't the first time i had a few broken ribs and its the price you pay for involving yourself in street fights. I was walking up the steps to my house praying Luca was still at the packhouse, so he didn't start asking me questions, I didn't have the energy to deal with him right now. I just wanted to get in and have a long soak and get to bed. As i opened the door, my Brother and a few of his friends were all sat in the living room watching telly and having a few beers. i cursed under my breath when I saw them all. I'm glad i was covered, and my bruises weren't showing just yet. "Hey, Lill's there is pizza on the side if your hungry." My brother called to me as i tried to make my way upstairs quickly, but as i was so focused on trying to get away so quickly i walked into someone. "Oh s**t sorry." I said as I looked up and realized it was our future Alpha Marcus, he gripped my shoulders so i wouldn't fall back and said, "Hey Lilly don't worry we both must not of been paying attention." Once he was sure i was going to fall he let go of me and then got a confused look on his face and pushes some hair out of my face, "What happened to your cheek? Did someone hit you?" He asked me looking concerned. I quickly moved my face from his hand and looked away from him. "Nothing im fine Marcus." Before he could say anything else, I ran up the stairs and straight to my bedroom. I'm glad i had a ensuit and lock on my door i just hoped he wouldn't say anything to my brother. The next morning i felt more relaxed after a long soak and slept like a log, i made my way downstairs hoping none of my brothers stayed the night and the house was empty. I looked out the window and see my brothers car was gone so it looked like i was home alone, i was just wearing a pair of shorts and a vest top ready for a day of binge watching Criminal Minds. I had a couple of bruises on my thighs and arms and a couple on my back but a deep purple one of on my side i had definitely broken a rib or two. For some reason i dont heal as quickly as everyone else and im not sure why but they will be gone in a couple of days and would take just over a week so my rib wasnt broke anymore. I was in the middle of making a sandwich and grabbing a plate from the top cupboard my top rode up just as my brother came into the kitchen. "Lilly what the hell happened?" he said as he stormed over to me and lifted my top up so he could see my side while i was trying to move my top so he couldnt see it. Your lucky he went this long without catching on. Kara grumbled to me as she retreated into the back on my mind and huffed as she put her head on her paws lying down. You could of warned me he was still in the house or atleast close. I lashed back at her and she just rolled her eyes at my response. My brother was standing infront of me and he could see the little bruise under my eye and probably the rest of the bruises because i was only in shorts and a vest top. "Nothing Luca im fine." "Thats not nothing Lilly who the hell did this to you." He was getting angry and i could see his wolf come forward aswell, i knew him and Leo wernt angry at me but ever since our parents died they have become too protective over me and Kara even though im pretty sure we would be able to hold our own in a match between them both. Hell yea we could, i love our brothers but i would love to put them on the arses sometimes. Kara said puffing out her chest. "Luca, Leo please calm down i promise you im okay." at the moment my phone rang and i seen that it was Uncle Jack, i could see Luca and Leo talking so i chose this opportunity while he was distracted to answer the phone. "Hey Uncle Jack, hows everything going on the ranch?" i ask him, we came up with the plan of if he ever rang after a fight and i couldnt talk about it because Luca was with me or anybody else i would ask about the ranch and he would no not to mention the fight. "Hey Lil everything's good just checking in on you and your brother and seeing if your still coming next week?" "Were good and yes im still coming i cant wait to see you guys." All of a sudden i heard a loud band and turned a realized my brother had left slamming the back door probably to go for a run to cool off but i knew he wouldnt be done with his questions. i was internally cursin my wolf healing and that it wasn't like everyone elses. "Okay then well ill chat to you later kiddo Take care." "Bye see you next week." I hung up and grabbed my sandwich and headed back to my room, i knew Luca wasn't going to let this go, and it was going to be a battle to try and get him to drop it. A couple of days later I finally managed to get Luca to drop it but it wasn't easy. He even told Marcus and i had them both questioning me and Luca even tried to get him to Alpha command me lucky he didnt. After i begged and promised him no one in the pack did it to me and that i was really okay he finally stopped but he wouldnt leave my side and became even more protective. Kara even told Leo to drop it and they currently wernt talking because she told him he if carried on she would shove a stick up his arse and he finally stopped. i couldnt help but laugh that we both put managed to get them to drop it with abit of violance from Kara. "Were are you going Lill's?" My brother asked as i was trying to sneak out the back door. "Im going for a run so Kara can stretch her legs abit." "Hold up and ill come with you." I couldnt help but roll my eyes, i needed to get away from im for abit he was driving me crazy. i turned to look him and him and noticed a couple of warriors were sat around the table and they all seemed to be playing cards. "Luca i dont need baby sitting and if you didnt notice you have you friends around. i promise im not going to leave the boarder and ill be back in an hour." He sheepishly looked back at his friends and turn back to me and gave me a quick hug and kiss my head and said "Okay Lil mindlink if you need me okay." i nodded and walked off to go and let Kara take over for a while, she loved when she had control on our runs and i didnt mind giving it to her.
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