Chapter 2

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"So how have you been Lills what's new? How's Luca?" Uncle Jack started Firing questions at me. "Hes Good Uncle Jack busy with pack business but he likes his role, nothing new just same old same old." i said while i smiled, Uncle Jack knew i closed myself off from everyone when my parents died. He came to stay with us for a while because my dad was his brother so he came to watch over us until he had to come back to the ranch. He seen how closed off i became from everyone and tried everything he could but he knew i just needed space and time. No body else knows this not even my brother but while Uncle Jack was living with us and my brother was getting ready to step up as beta i had so much rage and grief and my Uncle knew i needed an outlet for it. He trained me and helped me get all my emotions under control in a way I could. I actually really began to enjoy working out and getting stronger and knowing i would be able to protect myself if the time ever came. It was peace of mind and not having to rely on anyone else to help me. after he left i carried on training and without anyone knowing i applied for a few fights that payed and made some cash. It was a hobby for me that no one knew about and it helps me release some frustration. Being the Betas weird little sister who didn't have any friends made me the prime target for people to pick on. But jokes on them because if i wanted to i could easily put them in there place but in all honesty they wasn't Worth my time or effort i just took my frustrations out on a punch bag or if i could get a fight int he ring. I never Told Uncle Jack about my fights i didn't want him to worry at first but then he came to visit one time and seen a couple of bruises and i told him what i was doing to say he was happy was an understatement but when we sat down and really spoke about it he supported me and even came to watch a few of my fight and promised to keep it a secrect. "We had the top of the barn all furnished and kitted out last summer so your welcome to stay up there if you want so you have your own space." Uncle Jack said to me pulling me from my thoughts. "That would be great Uncle Jack thank you." "Come on ill show you it and i can introduce you to my mate too." Amy said pulling me up from my seat. We made our way ober the the barn, it wasn't a massive barn but it could hold up to 15 horses and they still had extra space round the side of the barn to with horses that don't do well inside. Amy works with troubled horses who have been in accidents or just need abit of extra support, she even made a buissness From it and have people coming from all over for her to work with there horses. She led me up a set of stairs and i was completely shocked and what i seen, last time i was here this space was just an emptied space that they used for storage and extra stuff they had. They turned it into a beautiful space with a kitchen bathroom bedroom and living space all open plan with some curtains around the bed. "Wow, this is incredible." i couldn't help but look around in awe, from the windows you could see different parts of the ranch but the next view was looking out into the back paddock were some of the horses were grazing. "I knew you would like it, we cleaned it up and changed the bed for you coming. No one has stayed here for a while." Amy said to me as i carried on looking around. "Ill let you get settled and go find Ty, so you can meet." she gave me a brief hug and left. I rang my brother when Amy had left and told him i arrived safely and told him about what they had done to the barn. It was a brief conversation but i honestly didn't mind. I knew he was busy and i needed to unpack. I ran back over to the house and got my truck to moved it infront of the barn and grabbed my stuff and unpacked. When I was done i went down and made my way over to the paddock some of the horses were in. You would think horses would be scared to come near us with us being wolves but i think it depends on the person and sometimes how strong there aura is, i think it also depends if you treat them right to. ive never had trouble getting near any type of animal they always seem to flock towards me no matter what animal is was but i didn't mind i preferred the company of an animal to a person sometimes because animals don't judge you because of who you are. My dad always use to call me the animal whisper because no matter were i went i always had some sort of animal trailing behind me and when ever we came and visited Incle Jack he sometimes had trouble getting by some of the horses and so did some of the others but i never had that trouble. i was worried how they would react to me now i have Kara because last time i come i didn't have my wolf. Hey you wont have any trouble with them i bet some would even like to run with me Kara said as she come slightly to the front to see the paddock and the horses that were out. I hope so i would like to go riding and running with them. i said back to her and just looked out, it didn't take long before a few of them come trialing over to me and a few new ones i hadn't met had no problems coming over to meet me. Kara began to purr in my head as they come closer to me reach them. It looked like she might be able to go running with them after all. "I knew I would find you out here with an audience." I jumped, as Uncle Jack said, walking closer to me. "You scared me, how long have you been stood there for?" "Not long, I just wanted to come and see if you need anything and if you found everything ok." he draped his arm over my shoulders and kisses the top of my head. "Yea im okay thanks, i see you have a few new horses since I last came." a beautiful sandy horse kept nuzzling me, she was stunning she had patches of white on her, and you could tell she was still young. "Thats misty, she's belongs to the Alphas family." I just nodded to him and kept petting her. "I also came over just to check in while no one else was about and see how you really were and how your last fight went? You didn't really say much when we last spoke, and I'm assuming you couldn't." I cringed, thinking back to my last fight and when Uncle jack rang I couldn't really talk because Luca wouldn't stop hovering over me questioning me when he saw a few bruises on my back.
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