Chapter 10

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Damian POV It's been one hell of a long day, going over patrol schedules and warrior training and the mountain of paper work I had. I didn't have a minute to think. Then my jackass brother decides to cause trouble again. I cant believe how he's being. I get it's hard for him and rough, but it's not as if we were constantly hard on him and always in his business, but maybe that's the problem. I ran my fingers through my hair, i was at a complete loss. "Knock knock." Logan said as he walked into my office. "Where is he?" "Stormed off to his room. He's not impressed with working at the ranch on weekends." "Who was the girl?" I was intrigued to know about who put my brother in his place. Not many people have the guts to do that knowing who we are. "It's Jacks' niece. I got to the ranch and she still wasn't back. I think she was worried about what was going to happen once we found out." I just nodded. Alpha rouges spotted at the west border. "We have to go Rogues" was all I said as I jumped out of my seat and started running out of the office, as soon as i got out the pack house doors shifted into Atlas and I could feel Cain following next to me Logans Wolf. Alpha there are about 20 of them. They crossed the border and attacked. One of my warriors shouted through the mindlink, Lock the pack down all available warriors to the west boarder. Everyone else get to safety. I sent a wide pack link out and ran faster, I needed to shut this down and find out where all these rogues were coming from. By the time we got there, I could see all my men fighting in pairs taking on rogues. I was proud of how my men defended this pack. This was the third time this month we had an attack. Leave at least one alive, i need answers. Yes, Alpha. That was all I got back and jumped on the back of a rogue that was trying to attack one of my members from behind. I ripped a chunk of the back of his neck out and tossed it aside, a growl ripped through my chest and most whimpered while the rest backed away. I knew Atlas was a scary looking wolf, especially when fighting. Cain was ripping out another throat while I killed the one I jumped. I ripped my way through more, not caring about the sight I must have been, between gripping their throats or just tearing chunks out of them. It didn't take long before they were all dead, all but one. He was badly beaten and my brother had him by the scruff of his neck. I shifted back to human form and stood in front of him. I was standing there naked and had blood, mud and god no's what else covering my body, but I didn't care. "SHIFT" I commanded him and expelled some of my aura. The wolf whimpered and tried to fight my command but soon shifted. He couldn't have been less than 19/20 and looked absolutely terrified. "Take him to the cells." Two of my warriors grabbed him by his arms and dragged him back to take him to the cells, ill let him stew for while before speaking to him. "Burn the bodies outside the border and leave them there to warn anyone else who comes." i didn't wait for a response, i shifted back to Atlas and ran back to the pack house. I needed a shower and i needed to figure out were the hell they were all coming from and why. We hadn't had rogue attacks since the night my parents died so why now all of a sudden were they starting again. Once I got back, I showered, changed into something quick and made my way back down to my office. As I walked through the door I saw Logan, Rick and Danny waiting for me. "Selene and Estelle ok?" I asked Logan, who gave me a nod and i went and sat behind my desk. "Have we got anything new about where these rogues are coming from and why there not all of a sudden attacking?" "Nothing yet, we can't even figure out were there coming from but now maybe we have one alive we can get some answers." Rick said to me, I hate being one step behind it doesn't sit well with me. "We have to find something, this is getting ridiculous now." I said as I dragged my hand down my face. "Don't worry D, we will get to the bottom of this." Logan said and we all just sat looking over the maps trying to find some sort of pattern but there just wasn't any. We worked well into the night, even when the others called it a night, I just couldn't seem to shift this feeling that I was missing something. I must have fallen asleep hunched over the desk at one point because i woke up just after 6am and to say i was stiff was an understatement. I got up and went down to the kitchen to grab some coffee and some breakfast I walked into the kitchen and saw our head cook already getting things set up. "Good morning Alpha." "Good morning Marie." she was a lovely woman in her late 40's, shes been the head cook for a good couple of years and it was of the sweetest woman I had met, she kind of took the role of mother hen when my mum died, always making sure we were fed and even when i stepped up as Alpha bringing food to my office and taking care of us in a way we needed. "What would you like dear?" She asked as she handed me a cup of coffee and i sat on one of the stools, "What ever is quick and easy please." "Coming right up, if you don't mind me asking Alpha, how are you doing?" Definitely a mother hen. "I'm okay Marie nothing to worry about." She smiled gave me a slight nod and started to make me what i was assuming was an omelet. By the time i finished with my breakfast and was walking back up to my office, I saw Alex trying to sneak out without me catching him. i hadn't seen him yesterday when I heard about everything and he was definitely trying to avoid me. "Where are you sneaking off to?" He suddenly stopped and just looked up at me. "I was just going to grab some breakfast." "Well I think we need to have a talk don't you?" I grabbed him by the shoulder and walked to my office. "Sit" I said and he reluctantly sat infront of my desk while i sat next to him. "What's going on Alex? Talk to me because it's like we were just going round in circles all the time." "Nothing ok can we just drop it?" He rolled his eyes and slouched back in his seat. "Look, I'm trying here Alex ok give me something." "I don't need you to try ok, just leave it alone okay." he shouted and tried to storm out the office, I gripped him by his collar and pinned him against the door. "No i won’t drop it, what the hell is your problem? Why are you acting like a spoiled brat?" I seethed at him, my anger was building. I was losing my patients with him and i wasn't going to take much more of his attitude. Before he could answer Logan, Rick and Danny walked in and they all just looked at us. "What's going on?" Logan asked while looking at us curiously. "Nothing, trying to figure out what's going on with him." I let go of Alex and he chose the opportunity to scurry out of my office. Before I could make a move to try and stop him, Logan stepped in front of me and said "Let him go, he will tell us when he's ready. Right now we have more important things to worry about. Like the rogue in the cells." "Right, yea ok, have we any idea who he is or where he came from?" I sat down behind my desk and they sat down in front of me. "As of yet none. We have nothing on the guy apart from his name and age." "Ok Rick, do me a favor and look into him to see if you can get any information on him and we will let him stew for a bit longer and then go and get him talking." "Onto boss." Rick and Danny got up and left the office and ti just let me and my brother. "We need to do something about Alex." I broke the silence, "I got it D, he's going to be working at Jack's ranch on the weekends and I think it will be good for him." "Fine on your head be it."
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