Chapter 11

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After Logan left, I made my way over to the training grounds to look at the new warriors and see how they were doing. Some people don't have what it takes to make the cut. I expect the best of the best. We have our elite warriors and then our normal warriors. We have a couple of elite teams in groups of 8 that get sent out on recon and missions and gather intel when we need it. It's a tough process to try out for the elite warriors, but still just as tough for a normal warrior. Everyone who wants to train can from the age of 16. It doesn't matter your gender or sexuality, I don't care about that, all I care about is them taking it seriously and always exceeding to be the best. I walked up to Danny and began observing, not saying I word just making mental notes to talk about later. Some had great potential. I was impressed and the way Danny ran training was great. He was tough, were needed and let people no when they needed bit more help.I definitely fell lucky with the second and third in command. It helped that we all grew up together but Danny was a machine. He could hold his own in a fight and could even go longer than anyone else against me. Rick was a great fighter as well and handled all the business sides of the job amazingly. They were always there when needed and didn't mind getting their hands dirty and they loved the park just as mch as I did. They were also the only people apart from Logan who could handle my rage and aura without flinching as long as they needed to but depending on the circumstances, they got head aches and nose bleeds sometimes. I had to hold it all day it was that strong. I've never known an alpha aura be as strong as mine but it definitely came in handy when i needed it. The Moon Goddess blessed us being an Alpha. Atlas said, he said it a few times but i never actually knew what he meant. sure we were bigger than a normal alpha an our aura was definitely stronger. Any time you care to explain would be great. i said back to him and finished watching the training and then went to check on the kids training session. The morning went by quickly and I managed to finish some paperwork and work emails before Logan, Rick and Danny walked into my office. "You ready?" Rick asked me and i simply nodded, closed my laptop and we headed down to the cells. i think our prisoner had waited long enough and so had I, i wanted answers and I was going to get them. We passed the guard at the first set of doors who gave us a simple nod as we passed. Our cells weren't anything special. We had about 20 holding cells and 2 interrogation rooms, they had more than what they would need. I gave them old lumpy mattresses and they had a toilet and depending on the information or how much of a threat, I deem them some are allowed food and water and others are left to rot or i put them out of there misery. But one thing for sure is i don't do second chances so not many made it back out alive, i had a pack to protect and i don't take kindly to attacks that put my pack at risk. As we out outside of the cell were the prisoner was being kept i felt myself s**t into the side of myself i only showed to the people who threaten me. i took a deep breath and headed to the interrogation room were im assuming Danny set everything up with a little table of instruments for me if i needed them. It didn't take long before the others joined me and cuffed the prisoner to the chair who looked petrified, he was looking down at the group shaking when he came in. "So Jonah we can either do this the hard way or the easy way, i wont ask twice and i will be getting answers." i let my aura slip slightly and he couldn't help my bare his neck in submission. he didn't say a word just nodded. "Who sent you?" I said as i was playing with a blade that was pure silver. Luckily for me it didn't affect me as much as everyone else but I knew it hurt like a b***h for others. "I don't know his name, he paid a few of us to attack your pack." "He who?" Atlas right upfront with me and i could tell the kid was scared my eyes were black and the cold energy i was expelling was making him visually shake. "I don't know, my old pack was attack and only a few of us made it out." "What pack were you from." "A small one called Meadow Point." He's telling the truth boss, the pack was only small and was wiped out a couple of months ago. Rick's voice came through the mindlink. "What was the mission?" "Just to attack and try and take out as many as we could and we would get the money when we finished. Please Alpha im sorry i was desperate, i have a sister i have to take care off." He pleaded as he began to cry, This kids no fighter. I almost feel sorry for him. Atlas said as he went back bit so he wasn't so present, i understood protecting family and something inside me felt sorry for the kid, he was just trying to take care of his family. "How does he contact you?" "We were suppose to go to a meet point and find the money when the job is done." "Were is it?" i needed to send some warriors to check it out and try and catch any scents. "In an Abandoned building in the next town over." Send someone to go check it out. I linked Danny and knew he would already be getting a team ready. "Were is your sister?" He began shaking his head and crying moper, jesus Christ i cant cope with this crying s**t. "Please Alpha she had nothing to do with this please just kill me and let her go." We left the cell and i turned to Danny and Rick. "Send the team to go find the sister and bring her back." "What are we going to do with her?" Rick asked. "Maybe seeing her might jog something else in his memory but nothing just help them. that kids not a danger hes just brother trying to protect his sister. He wont be leaving the cells but i don't like the fact of he being out there alone." Rick nodded to me and left with Danny, "f**k its been a long day, we need to find out more about who's sending people to attack. i don't like being in the dark and we have to many enemies out there to just pick one." "We will find him, in the meantime we add more patrols and see what the team finds out when there back. there isn't much more we can do apart from wait." I knew he was right but i i still didn't like it, there were too many questions lying out in the air and something about this is bugging me and i cant put my finger on it. "Go home. There isn't much more we can do, go to Selene and Estelle. I'll see you tomorrow." he nodded and left my office. I had too much frustration coursing through me, i needed a release. i decided to go down to the gym for a couldn't hours to try and let off some steam and go check some of the boarders, i just my warriors but i had to check myself. i grabbed a pair of shorts out my locker changed and made my way to the punch bag. i bounced from the punch bag to the treadmill weights and ropes. i don't know how long i was down here when a few warriors walked in and i was dripping with sweat. They nodded at me out of respect and began their own work-outs. i grabbed a towel wiped down my body and decided to go and check the borders, as soon as i exited the pack house i let Atlas take control and we just ran. We ran the borders between Blood Moon and Opal Moon and when i was happy with my side i went and checked the other. We must of been running for maybe over an hour and the sun was beginning to sink in the sky. I slowed as i approached the field by the ranch again. I didn't even notice Atlas coming in this direction until i realized were we was. What are we doing here? I asked and looked around. I don't no I just felt drawn here. That was all he said and then i realized why. The girl i seen the other day was sat under a tree just watching the herd.
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