Chapter four - Accused.

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Darius Greyson’s POV I sat down near the enclave. Waiting for the young woman to come out of hiding. What I did not expect was to see a beautiful petite redhead with bright round green eyes crawl her way out of the enclave, whimpering and crying. I quickly made my way towards her, picking her up into my strong arms. She promptly wrapped her arms and legs around me. “Shh, baby girl. I got you.” I whispered in her ear, placing her onto my left hip, holding her close to my fit-tone body. Hearing her sniffling and crying into my neck. This feeling was breaking my heart. “Baby girl, I need to take you with me to go see my brother. All right?” I had asked her softly. Feeling her nod her head yes, I made our way out of the school’s east wing and towards Derek’s office. “Who are you, mister?” Little angel had asked me with a quiet voice. Humming to myself, I adjusted my hold on her, carefully lifting her slightly higher on my hip. “My name is Darius, baby girl.” I had said to her. “I’m Evelyn,” she whispered in my ear. I placed a small kiss on her temple, hugging her to me. “That is such a beautiful name, baby girl,” I said in her ear. She nodded tiredly. Evelyn fell asleep in my arms. I had made it back to Derek’s office with Evelyn still sleeping in my arms. I noticed Erik was here along with his little Ashley and Miss Bree in the corner of my eyes. Tightening my hold on Evelyn, sitting down in front of my brother’s desk. “Shh, baby girl. It is all right. Go back to sleep.” I said quietly in Evelyn’s ear. Rubbing her back softly, having her sit on my lap sideways with her head now on my chest. Wrapping my arms tightly around her tiny waist, placing a kiss on the crown of her head. “Darius, it seems we need to wake Evelyn up,” Derek said with a calm, stern tone. Narrowing my eyes towards him and everyone in the room. “Of course, Derek,” I said with a clipped, cold tone in my voice. Looking down towards the little angel sleeping on my lap. Sighing from not wanting to wake up. “Baby girl, I need you to wake up now,” I said sweetly, kissing her forehead. Watching Evelyn slowly open her bright green eyes. They were scanning around the room. Once she saw something, she instantly tightened herself closer to me. Her small whimpers could be heard all throughout the room. I started to run my hand through her bright thick curly red hair “Baby girl, I need you to tell me what happened exactly?” I whispered in her ear, rubbing her back slowly. Feeling her start to shake in my arms worried me. I made direct eye contact with my brother. Knowing something was not right in this situation. “I’m sorry! I didn’t do anything.” Evelyn said quietly against my neck, crying her beautiful green eyes. Her warms tears were falling down her sweet angelic face. It broke my heart to see how much pain she was in. Fear was shining in her eyes; she was still shaking in my arms. “Baby girl, please. Tell me what happened? I can’t help if you don’t tell me what happened?” I told her calmly with a stern gentle tone. Evelyn looked up at me from her hiding spot against my neck, observing me. Seeing her calm down, with my help of rubbing her back softly. She was adorable, biting her lip and looking up at me with innocence around her. “I don’t know what happened exactly. All I know was that Ashley was on the floor crying, and I was just sitting in my chair, laying my head on my arms. Then suddenly, Ashley started to scream, and then Miss Bree ran over, and she was so concerned for Ashley. Then I was blamed for something I did not do. I was confused. Miss Bree did not even ask me if I did anything to Ashely. She dragged me by my arm and threw me onto the hard floor. She pulled out a cat o nine tails whip.  She told me I needed to be punished and whipped 15 times.” Evelyn stated with tears running down her sweet face. I pulled her face towards mine, kissing away her tears, leaving a gentle soft kiss upon her forehead. “Thank you, baby girl, for telling me what happened.” I had said gently. Looking up from Evie’s sweet face, I scanned around the room. Staring at everyone who was involved in this horrible situation. “What in the bloody f**k happened today?” I said harshly, narrowing my eyes towards my brother. Evie gently tightened her arms around my neck. She placed a soft kiss against the side of my neck, nuzzling her sweet face in my shoulder. Hugging her tiny body against me, I knew she was it for me. I will do everything in my power to love, cherish, and keep her safe from harm. “Darius, Evelyn had hurt my Ashley. Why are you allowing her to even fake being upset?” Erik had said, annoyed. Glaring my eyes harshly at the i***t in the room. “Tell me, Erik, what exactly did my Evie do?” I said with a cold, stern tone in my voice, glaring at Erik and Miss Bree. “Gentleman, why don’t we watch the CCTV footage. Maybe then we can find the truth in the matter?” Derek had said calmly, pulling up the footage from earlier today. My Sweet Evie curled herself on my lap, observing everything around us. When the footage began, we all saw what really happened today. I raised my eyebrow at Erik and Miss Bree. Watching them both sweat in their seats, I was annoyed that my sweet innocent little Evie was blamed for what? Jealousy? “Now that I have your complete attention. Miss Bree, I will be speaking with your Master about your behaviour today. Erik, I believe you need to control your brat and make sure she knows that consequences come with punishments.”  Derek stated with conviction in his stern voice. I let a slight smirk grace my sharp hardened features. Nodding my head towards my brother, I got up from my seat with Evie still in my arms. “Derek, I’m taking Evie with me. Can you get the paperwork for me to fill out?” I had said calmly with Evie hugging my neck, laying her tired head on my shoulder. “Come on, My sweet angel. We are going home.” I whispered to Evie, kissing the side of her head gently. Making my way to my truck, I gently placed Evie down on her feet, pulling out my keys to unlock my vehicle for us. I just noticed how tiny she indeed was compared to my 6’3 frame. Chuckling under my breath, I opened the back door, helping my baby girl to sit, buckling her in. Shutting the door, I made my way to my side, getting in and buckling myself in. I started the truck and made my way home towards the Sunrise District of Rosemaiden Valley. I took a quick glance towards Evie in the review mirror. My eyes softened seeing her fast asleep from today. Pulling up to my driveway, parking my truck in the garage. I stepped out of my vehicle, opening the back door, lifting Evie into my arms gently. I used my foot to close the door. Making my way inside my small cottage home, heading towards my bedroom. I placed Evie on my bed, realizing she does not have anything to wear. Sighing from today’s weird turnout, I quickly changed her into one of the shirts, respecting her boundaries. Till I can have the talk with her about what will happen next. Once I have her under my thick black blanket to help keep her warm.  I made my way towards my attached bathroom. Leaving the door open a crack in case Evie needed me for something. Turing on my shower and quickly stripping my clothes off. I hopped in to promptly get cleaned from today. When I finished, I dried off and wrapped the towel around my narrowed waist. “Darius?” Evie said from the bedroom. “I’m right here, baby girl. Just give me few moments.” I said back to my sweet girl. Walking inside my closet, I grabbed a pair of loose jogging pants, putting them on quickly. Placing the towel inside the laundry basket. I made my way back towards Evelyn, who is now curled up in my bed. Chuckling, watching her adorable self-try and find a comfortable spot to lay down. Getting into my bed, I pulled Evie flushed against my body. I could feel her stiffen under my touch. “Shh, baby girl. It is all right. Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.” I whispered gently into her hair. Kissing the top of her head, curling my large muscular frame around her tiny frame. Wrapping my arms around her slim waist, nuzzling into her soft red hair. “Good night, Darius.” Evelyn had whispered back to me. I could feel her finally relax in my arms. "Good night, baby girl," I whispered back tiredly.
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