
The Little Rose Maiden


In the year 3030,

The world comes to a standstill, with the governments controlled by the different society’s hierarchy for every country.

A young 19-year-old girl was born into a family of wealth and high status within the community of Raven Wraiths Tribe of River Dreams Valley. She was abused mentally and physically by her family for being different. Her family decided to abandon her in another Valley, alone with no one there for her. One society has no place for people who judge the way they live. This place is called Rosemaiden Valley.

There is a place within the Rosemaiden Valley that helps the organization grow as a community. Sun Valley Crescent Academy is a boarding school located in the center of the community. This boarding school allows children, teens, and young adults to learn and grow into the daily lives of being a Dominant, Submissive, Switch. There are a few sub-categories within the b**m community of Rosemaiden Valley. Each family must educate their own children to understand their way of living. By the time, each child is at the age of 14, they will go to Sun Valley Crescent Academy to be tested on which role they will be a part of society's daily living in Rosemaiden Valley of the Iron Maiden Tribe.

Dominants and switches are the only ones to contribute to the workforce of Rosemaiden Valley's Society. They are the ones who are in control of the majority of everything. They will go through training to help them reach their own goals, find their submissive, take care of them, love them, and dominate them. Submissive, little's, pets and brats are the only ones who cannot be a part of the workforce within the community. They are only able to do so with the permission of their Dominants. Will this new life bring a happy ever after for the young girl? Will her past come out of the woodwork and destroy the new life she has? Will she be alone forever? Will she have her prince charming? Will life change for her?

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Prologue – Sun Valley Crescent Academy
Evelyn Monroe’s POV Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you were born into a loving family? I would dream about how different my life would be if I were loved by my parents and siblings. Unfortunately, that was not the case for me. Ever since I was small, my mother would ignore me and adore all my siblings, especially my twin sister Maria. When we were younger, Maria would always make sure that the blame was put on me. She would always do nothing wrong in my family’s eyes; I was nothing but a disappointment to them. Just for being different than the rest of my siblings.  We live on the higher end of River Dreams Valley. Where everyone is considered family in the small tribe, we live in. I am the only one that everyone hates. I do not know why they do. Every time I try to help or try to say hello. All that happens is ridicule, and hateful words are thrown at me. It hurts so much to know that no one is there for you. That you must fight to live, to survive on your own when you have no one to turn to. Sadly, that is my life. My mother is a doctor, and my father is one of the elders in our community. The last day of high school was horrible for me. My father had put me through hell, punishing me for absolutely nothing. He would beat me, starve me, and make sure no one even knew I was even alive. Every day I felt like it was my last day, till the happiest day of my life happened. I had gotten an acceptance letter from one of the top boarding schools for those just like myself. The school was in another Tribe. We had to drive for ten hours from our own community towards my new destiny. My parents took it upon themselves to make sure they can get rid of me as quickly as possible. This was my chance to be free from the reality I was living in with my family. The entire community had done nothing but cause me more pain mentally and physically. My whole life was based on being the perfectly obedient daughter. Since I was fourteen, I was different from everyone else. The only family member that even cared for and loved me was my grandmother on my father’s side. She accepted me for who I was, even when I would slip into my little self. The last time I had been little was the last straw for my parents. My father gathered everything I had ever owned, all my stuffed animals, my art books, most of my clothes when I was fourteen. He had burned everything I had ever owned, telling me I needed to stop being an i***t and grow up. I was devastated when I had lost the only thing given to me by my grandmother, my stuffed bear Roxy. She was lost with everything else. I was devastated when I had lost Roxy, my only true friend. My parents had no mercy when it came to me. My siblings had all their love and acceptance. I was the only one who had to grow up alone, to fight another day to survive in the household.  We are heading towards Rosemaiden Valley, where I will begin my new journey towards being who I am. “Evelyn, you stupid girl. We are here. Get out.” Hearing my egg donor’s shrilled, angry voice, I quickly made my way out of the car with my small black, worn-out book bag. Sighing from seeing both of my parents up ahead of me. I scanned around me, seeing a big, large, elegant building. I could see others talking in groups and such. “Evelyn!” shaking my head, hearing my sperm donor’s deep dark voice. I had quickly made my way towards them both. Keeping my head down, fearing the worse if I say or do something wrong. My father’s resentment towards me has hurt me more.  We head into the big building towards large wooden doors. “Mr. and Mrs. Monroe?” said a deep rich voice. Lifting my head up from the ground, I had noticed a very tall man wearing a deep blue suit that fit his tone body well. My eyes widen slightly. I can feel the dominance surrounding this large man. Quickly moving my eyes downwards, making sure not to stare too long. “Please follow me. We can discuss everything in my office.” The man had stated with a calm tone to his deep voice. With that, I followed closely behind all three adults inside the big, beautiful building. I looked around the inside of the school, and I could see beautiful works on the walls. What had caught my eyes was a picture of some handsome young man holding up a trophy of sorts; it looked like it was from a football game. With a shrug of my small, slender shoulders, we had made it to the dean’s office. Looking around, I saw he had photos on his desk and pictures on his wall. My eyes brightened when I saw he had one of my favorite books.  “Please take a seat, and we can get started.” The man had said with a sharp, calm tone. Trying to keep my own anxiety at bay, I can feel my mother’s dark look staring at me. I took my seat away from them all. While I continued to look around the office, I saw a small table in the corner with books and crayons. Tilting my head curiously, I walked over and sat down in the chair, looking over all the books. I had placed my small bag that only carried three outfits that are too small for me. I softly picked up a book to look at. Ignoring the conversation that was happening two feet from me. Picking up the small box of crayons, I began to start coloring. I miss coloring pictures with Roxy. With the burning feeling within my nose, I had to force myself to not cry outright. I knew what would happen if I started crying now. My body shivered from fear that my father would beat me till I could not stand it. With that in thought, I carefully continued coloring the page I was on. Finishing up the cute picture of bears and their cubs.  Letting my thoughts wander all over the place, ignoring everything around me. “Little one.” Spoke the same deep voice from earlier. I carefully lifted my eyes up towards the male voice. “Hello,” I said quietly, keeping my eyes glued to the man. “Well, little one, my name is Derek. Can you tell me your name?” Derek had asked me with a gentle stern tone. I could feel another anxiety attack happening. Closing my eyes tightly, I placed my head on top of the table, trying to calm down my racing heart from feeling the fear of being judged. Without realizing what was happening, I was being lifted into someone’s arms. I quickly wrapped my arms and legs around the person carrying me and hiding my face in their neck. Trying to hide my tears that have fallen down my face. Feeling my fears and knowing I was alone. Knowing that my family would be celebrating my non-existence within their household.   Just knowing the truth hurts with how much my so-called family detests my own existence. Squeezing my eyes tighter, trying to hold back the whimper and tears from falling. I want to just hide away and never show my face to anyone ever again. It is not like I am good enough for anyone. Letting my tears spill from my closed eyes, I could only wish for someone, anyone, to accept me as who I am.  “Sh Sh, little one. It is all right. You’re safe now.” Cooed Derek in my ear. Sniffling to his voice, I tightened my hold on him, afraid that I would be left alone once again.  “I’m sorry, sir.” I had said with a soft quiver in my small voice. Hearing him sigh next to my ear, I could feel him tighten his hold on me as we were walking to our destination. I let myself close my eyes, praying that this new journey in my life would bring me happiness. I laid my head against his shoulder, sniffling from the overwhelming emotions coursing through me. The lack of sleep finally caught up to me, and with that, I let the sweet darkness consume me. With my last thought, I wish that someone would love me and accept me for who I am.  

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