Chapter five – Daddy Darius

1840 Words
Evelyn Monroe's POV  For once in my life, I felt safe. The warmth of the sun was shining in from the open curtains. Sitting up in the bed, I shared with Darius. I stretched my arms up above my head to help wake up my body. Getting out of bed, I looked around the large room. The walls were a warm brown, with hints of hunter green on the trim of the walls. In the corner of Darius' room, I had noticed a study desk with the latest computer. Shaking my head, trying to figure out what is going to happen. Yesterday had been far too much for me to handle. I still cannot believe Miss Bree would even accuse me of something that I had no control over. I quickly made my way out of the room, heading towards the house's open floor plan. The house's interior was beautiful; it felt like I was in a cozy wooden cottage with how the dark wood of the walls contrasts with the rest of the house. "Little one?" Hearing Darius's voice from the entryway of the kitchen. I made my way towards him. Darius, I may not know him very well, and we had just met yesterday. But, for some reason, I have these weird feelings in my tummy that scare me.  "Darius?" I said quietly, entering the kitchen. My eyes widen slightly after seeing Darius casually stand in front of the stove cooking some breakfast. I could feel my face flush apple red. I have never seen a man with no shirt on before. I mean, I have with my older brothers, just not a blooded male who has a body of a Greek God. I bet he works out a lot, now seeing him for the first time. I now can see the similarities between him and Derek. I walked over and took a seat at the island in the kitchen. I could only watch Darius gather everything for us to eat. I have never had this much food in my life. I am so used to eating out of the garbage or the scraps my parents would leave me. This is all new to me; I know I am not normal. I just want to be accepted for once in my life. I hope this is not a joke or a game being played on me. "Baby girl. I need you to eat. We must go see Derek and figure out what needs to happen from here on out. You still need to go to school and get your education, baby." Darius said, his tone was gentle and stern. I looked up at him, feeling how scared I was becoming. Biting my bottom lip to help keep my tears at bay. I nodded my head, agreeing with him. I had to trust Darius for everything that has happened so far in my life. I knew I could trust him. "Yes, Darius," I said softly to him. "Good girl. Let us eat, and then we can go see Derek." Darius had said. We both sat in our seats. I looked down at my plate to see pancakes, bacon, and some grapes on the side. Everything was already cut up for me, I started to eat slowly. I was afraid I would not be able to handle eating the food Darius had made for us. "Baby girl, it's alright. You don't have to finish." Darius said with a hint of worry in his voice. Our eyes made contact, and I quickly pushed my plate away. I wrapped my arms around myself, closing my eyes tightly. I could feel the tears falling down my face. Shaking my head aggressively to try and stop myself from bawling my eyes out. I felt someone lift me up into their arms. I wrapped my tiny arms around their neck. I then realized Darius had picked me up. "Shh, baby girl. It's all right." Darius whispered in my ear, moving us around slowly in the kitchen. Laying my head against his chest, I could hear his intense heart beating. I slowly took in three deep breaths; listening to his strong heart helped me to calm down. "Sweetheart, after we go see Derek. We are going to go shopping for you. All right?" Darius said softly. I felt him leave a small kiss against my temple. I quickly hid my face in his neck. Afraid he would start judging me for being flustered. Without realizing it, we were already in the truck, heading towards the boarding school once again.  "Baby girl. If you start to feel anxious or scared, just grab ahold of my hand, all right?" Darius started to me with a warm stern tone. "Yes, Darius," I said. We were now parked in the parking lot of the school. My eyes widen slightly from seeing the entrance of the school. I could feel my hands start to shake and sweat from feeling anxious. "Shh, baby girl. I got you. Everything is going to be all right. I'm not leaving you." Darius whispered to me. I made eye contact with him, letting my tears fall. I leaped into his arms from my seat he had unbuckled. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, afraid to let him go. "I'm scared, Darius," I said, crying into his neck.   Darius Greyson's POV Lifting my baby into my arms, holding her tiny body close to me. Seeing her tremble and shake with fear. Broke my heart. She should not have to fear going here. Making my way into the building of the school towards Derek's office. My poor baby kept tightening her hold on me. I do not mind. I am glad she trusts me enough to keep her safe. I made a promise to myself last night while she was sleeping next to me all night. It was the best feeling, for once I was able to sleep without any worry. This meeting, I hope to go the way I want it to. If not then, I will just have to consider homeschooling my baby girl and take her with me to work. I will not allow my Love to be hurt any more than she has been.  "Darius, good, your both here. Oh, is she sleeping?" Derek said with a soft, quiet tone. Nodding my head yes, I took my seat next to Aaron. He and I go way back since we teenagers. I quickly and gently situated Evie on my lap. She was straddling my lap with her arms still wrapped around my neck. I started to gently rub her back in small soothing circles. "All right, Derek. Tell me exactly what happened? Bree kept dodging the conversation all night." Aaron said with a harsh edge to his voice. "Aaron, Bree was going to punish Evelyn for something she did not start. I have decided to suspend Bree from teaching. It has come to my attention she has been favoring Ashely over everyone in the classroom." Derek said with a calm tone. "Darius?" Hearing a small soft voice, I looked down, seeing her bright green eyes looking up at me with such peaceful innocence in their depths. "Yes, baby girl?" I said softly, placing a small kiss on her tiny button nose. Hearing her giggle from my affection. We both had ignored everyone in the room. I could give two f***s, on what was going on. My baby is more important than what needs to happen, really. "Evelyn, is it all right if you can go sit at the table and color for us? Maybe your daddy would love to have a picture?" Derek said with a soft, calm tone. Seeing my little Evie nod her head towards my brother. I helped her off my lap, giving her a small warm smile, letting her know she can go color. My eyes widen slightly, feeling her soft, warm lips against my cheek. I watched her for a few minutes, ignoring both Derek and Aaron laughing at me over what my baby had done. "idiots, shut up!" I said, seething between my teeth angrily. Trying to hide the red blush on my face. "Dude, you should see your face. I will admit, you have a good one on your hands. She seems sweet and innocent." Aaron said with amusement in his voice. I had kicked Aaron in his shins, making sure it hurt. "Dipshit!" I spoke with slight annoyance in my voice. "Okay, guys, stop," Derek said, still chuckling at the situation. Shaking my head, I turned my eyes on my baby girl, coloring and sucking her thumb? Raising one of my eyebrows in thought. "Baby girl, can you come here please?" I asked Evie. Watching my sweet girl, stop what she was doing. Her eyes connected with my own. "Yes, daddy." Evie had said softly. She made her way over slowly towards me. Once she was in front of me, I quickly picked her up and sat her on my lap. "Baby, can you tell me how old you are?" I whispered into her ear. Feeling her cuddle into me, I noticed Derek watching us closely. Derek narrowed his eyes in thought, watching the situation with Evie and me. Aaron was in the same boat. He was watching my baby and me with curiosity. "I'm five, daddy," Evelyn said sweetly against my neck. Wrapping my arms tightly around her tiny waist, I placed a kiss on the crown of her head. "Good, baby girl. Now, try not to suck your thumb, all right, my sweet girl?" I said with a stern gentle voice. Looking into her eyes, I saw how happy and playful emotions shine in her green depths. "Daddy, can I please go color?" Evie asked me with a cute pout on her face. Nodding my head, letting her go back to coloring her pictures. I could not stop the massive smile from forming on my lips. I am glad she felt safe enough to show me and those in this room her little side. I was damn proud of her. I know this must have been hard on her, having to hide behind a fake façade around everyone. Seeing her like this, watching how happy she was just coloring. Now, I need to make sure I have a bunch of paint and art supplies for Evie. I can see how happy she is just by watching her. "Okay, that was super adorable. I have never seen a little; that is adorable and respectful." Aaron said with an amused tone to his voice. Sighing from my seat, ignoring them, talk about whatever. I just continued to watch my little Evie color without a worry in the world. "Don't worry, Love. I promise you; I will do everything in my power to make sure you have the world." I had thought, watching, and listening to them both argue. "Guys, let's just get to what needs to be talked about," I said calmly, watching them both.  
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