Chapter three – Gabe and Nate

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Evenly Monroe’s POV Early today was fun in class this morning. Gabe and Nate were funny and entertaining, especially when they would argue and bicker back and forth. They really brightened up my day. Right now, Miss Bree is getting everything ready for our visitors. We are all cleaning the center. Ashley has made sure everyone would stay away from me. It hurts, knowing that no one wants to be my friend. I grabbed the washcloth I was using to wash the tables alongside James and Kody. I began to bite my bottom lip in frustration, as I was the only one to clean the tables. The boys had ignored what Miss Bree wanted. “All right, class! Let us finish getting ready to head to the lunchroom for lunch.” Miss Bree said, clapping her hands together. I quickly finished up my spot from the back end of the room. I had placed the dirty washcloth into the hamper by the small kitchenette sink. Drying my hands with the hand towel, I could hear the whispers around me from everyone else. I quickly made my way to Miss Bree with a sigh, trying to hold back the tears wanting to fall. With my head down, we all followed Miss Bree out of the room and towards the lunchroom. Looking up briefly, I had seen a beautiful dining room. With long tables a few feet from each other, beige tablecloths adorned the tabletops along with crystal glasses and silver plates. I wrapped my arms around myself to feel safe around my classmates and Miss Bree. I have a terrible feeling, not sure what exactly it could be. My gut instincts are never wrong. I know I will not be getting any lunch, as my sperm and egg donor never paid for me. With that in mind, I followed everyone to our big round table. Taking a seat near Miss Bree and next to Ashley. Sighing under my breath, I laid my head down upon my folded arms. Ignoring everything around me in the room. “Miss Bree!” whined Ashley next to me. Lifting my head up, I saw Ashley lying on the floor crying. Tilting my head to the side, I was confused about what had just happened not even a few minutes ago. “Oh, dear! Ashley! What happened, little one?” Miss Bree asked in worry. “Miss Bree, it was Evelyn! She pushed me out of my seat and yelled at me and called me a bad name!” Ashley cried out, whimpering from her place on the floor. “Evelyn! What In the name have you done, you stupid brat!” Miss Bree yelled at me. Feeling her grab my arm in a tight hold, hurting me. Whimpering from the severe pain in my arm, I fought back the tears that wanted to fall. “You damn brat, what do you have to say for yourself? I know you do not have anything. Hurting another, just out of spite. You are going to be punished for even thinking about hurting anyone else. I will not allow a stupid brat like yourself to be near any of the others.” Miss Bree stated in a harsh tone. We had entered a dark room. I quickly looked around the room while Miss Bree had thrown me towards the ground in her anger. I could only watch her gather a few things. My eyes widen in fear, seeing Miss Bree bring over a cat-o’-nine-tails whip. My body started to shake in fear. I pulled myself into a small compact ball. Crying in fear waiting for the pain to come. This is not the first time I have been whipped. “You will receive 15 whips? Do you hear me, brat?” I will not tolerate such manners coming from an ungrateful brat like yourself.” Miss Bree said, using the whip and hitting it against the air. I can hear the whip in the air. I was petrified, scared that she would even do this. She did not even ask me if I did anything towards Ashley. I knew my gut was warning me about something, and this was precisely what it was warning me about. I quickly stood up on my feet and made a mad dash towards the door. Opening the door, I ran away from the room, away from the vile Miss Bree. I felt more tears run down my face, whimpering from the pain in my arm. I held my left arm towards my chest, looking all over the place. Trying to find someplace to hide, to get away and to feel safe. My eyes caught a small indent in the hallway near the lockers of the east side of the school. Quickly making my way inside the small enclave in the wall. I closed my eyes tightly, curling into a small ball, holding my knees to my chest. Letting the tears fall, biting my lip, afraid to make a sound. Scared to even know she would do such a thing, especially towards an innocent. I laid my head on my arms, hissing softly in pain with my arm. A bruise will show up, sighing tiredly. I kept my eyes closed, waiting for sleep to arrive. My last thought before rest took over. “Why me? I never did anything wrong. It’s Maria all over again.” I cried myself to sleep, fearing for my life once again. Darius Greyson’s POV “All right, folks, thank you for coming! I will see you all next week.” I said calmly, gathering up my water bottle and gym bag from the floor. I made my way towards my office to change quickly into something more suitable. I still cannot believe Derek found someone that could be my everything. I have been searching for a long time to have someone to love, cherish and protect. With that in mind, I changed into my dark jeans, a white short-sleeved shirt showing off my muscular tone body. I put on my brown cowboy boots and grabbing my dark brown cowboy hat. Placing it upon my head, I grabbed my keys, wallet, and gym bag. Heading towards my dark green pickup truck, I got in, throwing everything into the back seat. Putting my seat belt on, starting my vehicle, I made my way towards the boarding school. Praying that this is not some cruel joke my brother played on me. Better be good, or else I will have my brother's ass. I saw up ahead a few teachers were outside looking for someone. I parked my truck in an available parking spot. Getting out, locking up the truck. “Hey, Derek!” I yelled at my brother, talking with one of the teachers here. Walking over, I heard them talking about someone that went missing. Raising one of my slender brown eyebrows towards the situation. “Derek, what is going on?” I asked Derek. “Darius, the little I wanted you to meet is now missing. From what I know, is something had happened during lunch. Miss Bree will not exactly tell me what had happened. As she was only concerned about Ashley.” Derek had said with anger laced in his voice. Narrowing my own cobalt blue eyes, I was now worried for the sake of the little. “What is the Little’s name? Maybe, I can help to locate them?” I said to my brother. Trying to hide the curiosity in my voice. Looking at my brother, seeing amusement shine in his eyes. “Darius, her name is Evelyn. She is a lovely young woman who has gone through enough in her short 19 years of life.” Derek said, laughing at me. Rolling my eyes towards my brother, I pushed him onto his ass. Leaving him behind, not waiting for him to follow me. I must find the young woman; she is probably scared right now. With that in mind, my thoughts were on the young woman hiding somewhere in the school. Humming to myself, trying to remember all the small enclaves inside the school. My only thoughts were to find her, help her, and figure out what the hell happened that made her terrified to run and hide. Shaking my head of the dangerous thoughts that my mind was conjoining up. Slowly making my way inside the one place that holds so many memories of my time here. Heading towards the east side of the school where the old science room was located. “I hope nothing has happened to the sweet little angel. The poor thing must be terrified.” I had thought. I heard a slight noise coming from inside the small enclave near the lockers stopping in my tracks. Furring my eyebrows together, I slowly made my way towards the entrance of the tiny enclave. Hearing a small whimper coming from inside. “Evelyn? It is all right. You can come out now.” I said, softening my tone.  
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