Chapter six – Shopping Trip

1911 Words
Darius Greyson’s POV It has been an hour since we have started this meeting. I had my back leaned against the hard chair, sighing, annoyed that I will have no choice but to keep my little Evie homeschooled. With that in mind, I knew what I needed to do. “Daddy, where are we going?” Evelyn asked me, holding my hand in her small one. Bringing her hand up to my lips, I gave her a quick kiss. “Well, my sweet Evie. We are going shopping. You, my dear, need clothes and everything your little heart desires.” I said softly to my Evelyn. “Daddy, I don’t want you to have to spend money on me.” Evelyn had said, biting her lip. We stopped walking towards the school entrance. I turn her around to face me. Kneeling to her height, I lifted her chin up to see her bright green eyes. “Baby girl, Listen to me. I want to buy everything for you. All right? All I ask is for you to help me, and we go from there?” I told her gently, kissing her forehead. Standing back up, I grabbed her hand again, lacing our fingers together. I gently pulled her next to me while we continue our way towards my truck. Pulling out my keys, I unlocked my vehicle. Helping my baby into the back seat, buckling her in. I placed a quick kiss upon her forehead. Shutting her door and making my way towards the driver's seat. I started my car, heading towards the mall. “Baby girl, there will be some rules I need you to follow for me, okay?” I asked her calmly. Watching her from the review mirror, seeing her nod head yes. I let out a chuckle shaking my head at how adorable she was with her antics.  We had made it to the mall. I noticed a few people from work and those that were visiting from out of state. With a heavy sigh, I got out and helped my little Evie out of the truck. I quickly grabbed her small hand in mine, lacing our fingers together. “All right, sweetheart. I need you to listen to me now. I need you to try and be a good girl for Daddy. There are a lot of people here, and we must always stay together. If you see something or need something, you need to ask me, all right?” I stated clearly with a stern tone. Picking her up into my arms and placing her on my left hip. My baby girl quickly wrapped herself around me. “Yes, daddy,” Evelyn said with a quiet voice. “Good girl,” I said gently to her. Leaving a small kiss on her temple. We made it to the entrance of the mall. I placed her down on her feet. Evelyn quickly grabbed my hand, holding on tightly. I looked down at my girl, seeing how nervous she was. I guided her towards one of the stores that hold everything we will need for her. “Baby girl. This is where I need you to stay with me at all times.” I whispered in her ear. I let out a small chuckle, watching her try and hide by curling herself around my large frame. “Baby, it’s all right,” I told her gently, keeping the smile on my face. I quickly picked her back up into my arms, letting her become my cute little koala bear. “Daddy, stop. I’m scared.” Evelyn whined in my ear, hiding her red face in my neck. Leaving a kiss on her head, I tried to hold back my laughter. She was way too cute for me not to enjoy this happy moment. “Sir, how can I help you today?” Turning my eyes away from my baby, seeing a store clerk. “Yes, I had made a huge order last night. It’s under Greyson, Darius Greyson.” I said with a hint of cold to my tone. My little Evie kept tightening her hold on me. She was even eyeing the store clerk with a slight glare. “Of course, sir. I will go have a look and see if your order is ready.” The store clerk had said, walking away from us. “Daddy, I don’t like her.” My baby said with a whine. I raised one of my eyebrows towards Evie. Trying to hide my amusement from her. “Sweetheart, you’re the only one I want, my sweet girl,” I whispered in her ear. Dropping my voice down an octave, watching her face flush bright red once again. “Sir, we have your shipment. How do you want to handle this?” The clerk said from behind me. Turning around to face the clerk. I raised one eyebrow towards the clerk. I scanned her from head to toe. “Lady, I swear all that is holy, please stop trying to take my Daddy from me.” My sweet little Evie stated from her place in my arms. “W-What?! Sir, you’re not going to allow her to talk to me like this, are you?” The store clerk said in a high-pitched voice. Cooling my facial features, I could feel my baby try not to laugh at the situation. I need to keep from making this worse than it should be. “Get my shipment dropped at my house by tonight. What is worth it, miss Ari. My baby has a right to stake her claim. You, on the other hand, need to have your eyes checked.” I stated calmly, shushing Evie, who was trying so hard not to laugh. “Yes, sir,” Ari said. Watching the store clerk walk away, I made our way out of the store, heading towards the Art supply store. “Baby girl, I appreciate you staking what is yours. Next time we need to be nicer.” I said with a small smile on my face. I placed her back on her feet. “Yes, daddy, I’m sorry, daddy,” Evelyn said happily and hugging my waist. “Sweetheart, I want you to get whatever you want in here,” I told Evie. Seeing her eyes light up with pure happiness brought a warm feeling within my cold heart.  “Thank you! Daddy,” Evelyn had said, grabbing my hand in hers. She happily skipped into the art store, pulling me along with her. I grabbed a basket with us to put all the stuff she wants into the basket. Watching her look around each section of the store and seeing her happy about art. I let a smile show, feeling the warmness in my heart grow more. “Daddy,” Evelyn said, pulling my shirt sleeve. “Yes, baby,” I said softly to my little Evie. Looking towards what she had in her hands, I noticed a small teddy bear that was a panda with a red bow in its ear. “Um, can I please get her?” Evelyn had asked me, hugging the bear to her chest, biting her bottom lip in worry. My eyes softened towards my baby, seeing her look sad and worried. “Sweetheart, if you want her. We can get her along with all of your art supplies.” I said softly, running my hand through her red hair. “Thank you, daddy,” Evelyn said softly, hugging my waist again with her new stuffed panda. We quickly finished our shopping in the art store, after paying for everything. I picked her up into my arms, along with the two bags. We made it back to the truck, I put her back down. I felt her arms wrap around my waist tiredly. I pulled my keys out, unlocking the car. I quickly placed the bags on the floor, picked her back up, and placed her in the seat, buckling her up. With a kiss on her forehead, I gave Roxy to her. Her new panda. With that, she was out like a light. I got into the truck, starting it up and heading back home where Derek and his family will be. I made it back home, seeing my brother’s car in the driveway. I quickly parked my truck and turned off the engine. Getting out of the driver's seat, I noticed that my nephews grabbed the bags from the back seat. Shaking my head, I unbuckled my sweet girl, lifting her tired body up into my arms. “Daddy?” whispered Evelyn. “Shush, baby girl. Go back to sleep. We are home now.” I said softly in her ear, holding her closer to my body. I made my way inside, walking towards my bedroom. I placed her down under the blankets. I leaned down to kiss her forehead good night. I tucked her in with Roxy, her new panda. “Goodnight, baby,” I whispered, leaving the room closing the door. Sighing from today, I made my way towards my main office. “Darius, how is she?” Derek asked me with worry in his voice. I nodded my head greeting my nephews. I raised an eyebrow towards my sister-in-law. “Evie is doing well. We had gone shopping today. She required everything.” I said calmly, sitting in my office chair behind my desk. I picked up the paperwork I needed for Evie and me. Scanning over everything, I noticed that Derek had made specific rules that needed to be followed by both sides. I grabbed my blue pen and instantly signed everything. This was it. I knew the moment I had laid my eyes on Evie that she will be mine. I just hope her deadbeat family does not start anything. Sighing from the stress, I pulled out my book filled with rules for Evie. I looked them all over and picked out only the ones I knew she would enjoy and follow. With that in mind, I grabbed a small magnetic whiteboard and wrote down the five simple rules my baby girl can follow. I just hope she can accept them and allow me to be her caregiver, her partner, and her Daddy. I will give her as much time as she needs during the three-week trial. “Darius, everything will work out. Have you noticed she trusts you?” Derek stated with clarity. I looked at my brother in thought. My Evie started to fully trust me since we met. This is still all new to her and me, I have had others, but they all left saying it was not enough. I was hurt, beaten down emotionally from the last little I had. She only used me for her own needs and pleasure and for my money. Meeting Evelyn brought something out of me that I thought lost long ago. Just seeing her happy, and her eyes light up from the small things in life. I have never had these strong feelings for anyone before. My little Evie is my life now, and I will not allow any kind of harm to come to her. These next three weeks will be the deal-breaker. We are both going to work on our dynamic and for our future.
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