Chapter seven – Back to school

1947 Words
Evelyn Monroe’s POV  It has been a few days since Daddy Darry, and I had spoken about everything concerning the next course of action for our future. These past few days have been a whirled wind of emotions. Darius and I have gotten closer after we both had gone to our first therapy session together with Dr. Abby Hartman. “Evelyn, you are needed to see Master Derek in his office,” Mrs. Grace said from her desk at the front of the room. Nodding my head, I quickly grabbed my new baby blue messenger bag that holds my art book. I made my way towards the main office to see Derek. I was inquisitive as to why he would need me. Shaking my head to rid my mind of thoughts. I walked into the office to see Tracy, the sectary at her desk. I gave her a small wave and a smile. Making my way into Derek’s office, pushing the door open. I looked up from the ground to see the one person I fear the most. My twin sister Maria. I stood in shock, seeing her here. “Evelyn, can you please come here?” Derek asked me calmly. I shook out of my surprise and made my way towards Derek. I felt myself start to slip into my little self. I want my daddy; I cannot do this. I could feel the tears start to gather. I quickly wrapped my arms around myself. I sat down in my chair next to Derek. Pulling up my legs to my chest, wrapping my arms around my knees. I laid my head on my knees, hiding away my tears that were falling. “I can’t do this. Why is she here?” I thought, letting out a whimper. Ignoring everything in the room, I could feel my heart racing. Tightening my hold on myself, I tried to keep my tears and whimpers at bay. “Hey, eve. It’s all right.” Spoke a voice I have not heard since I was 14. Since that day, my father had burned everything and made my life a living hell. Opening my eyes, I made eye contact with the hazel brown eyes of my older brother Denis. My body tensed up in fear of the whole situation. The only thing I wanted was my Daddy. Hiding my face into my knees again, I ignored Denis and Maria in the room. “Mr. Monroe, if you can please leave my sister-in-law alone. We need to discuss why you are here.” Derek said calmly with a stern, cold tone to his strong voice. I quickly left my chair and made my way towards Derek. “Der, can I please sit on your lap?” I asked Derek quietly, pulling on his sleeve. I kept my eyes glued to the ground, fearing my anxiety skyrocket. I felt myself being picked up and placed down on someone’s lap. “There you go, little one. I am happy that you asked so nicely.” Derek whispered in my ear softly. I turned my body around, sitting on his lap sideways. I gave him a hug, thanking him without using my words in fear of what Maria would say.  Derek hugged me back, patting my head softly. I snuggled more into him, wishing my Daddy would be here. Sighing, with how tired I am, knowing how my emotions are all over the place. I took a deep breath to help calm down my anxiety that Dr. Abby wanted me to work on more. “Mr. Greyson? Why is this stupid slut here?” spoke a higher pitch voice than my own. I hide my face into Derek’s neck, hugging him tightly. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see or hear her ever again. I felt Derek rub my back slowly, letting me know he was there for me. “Well, Maria, Evie is my brother’s partner. I do believe she has every right to ask me to sit on my lap for comfort when her caregiver is not available.” Derek said calmly. Darius Greyson’s POV I was just getting out of my truck when my phone went off. Sighing, annoyed, I quickly grabbed my phone and pressed the talk button with the speakerphone on. “Darius, you need to get to the school now. It’s Evelyn!” Hearing my brother’s worried voice. “What happened?” I asked worriedly. “Just hurry up and get here.” Derek had said, hanging up. I narrowed my eyes in worry about my sweet angel. I put my phone in the cupholder. I quickly got back into my truck and headed off to the school. My thoughts were filled with worry and fear for Evie. Whatever happened, if my sweet Evelyn got involved, she knows what will happen. Sighing with apprehension, I pulled up to the school and parked the truck. I rushed my way inside the school and right to the office. Opening the door, I saw my baby was sitting in a chair facing the wall. I walked up to her and sat down next to my baby girl. I crossed my arms across my chest. Leaning my head on the wall, watching her closely. “Evelyn, what happened?” I said calmly with a stern tone to my voice. I waited patiently for her to speak to me. “I got into a fight with Maria,” was her soft reply. I had raised my left eyebrow at my baby’s admittance. “Why did you fight with her?” I asked her with a calm tone. “She tried to turn Mrs. Grace against me,” Evelyn said, with her head down. Sighing from the situation. I pulled my baby onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her tiny waist. Evelyn curled herself in my lap, laying her head against my chest. “Baby, you do understand you will get punished when we get home?” I said with a sharp, soft stern tone. Feeling her nod her head in agreement against me. I helped her to stand up from the floor, getting up myself. I picked my Little Evie into my arms and placing her on my left hip. She had wrapped herself tightly around me, not wanting to let go of me. With a sigh, I was slightly annoyed with the whole damn problem. Knowing that something was going to happen with her damn cursed family. I walked us into Derek’s office. Trying to keep my anger at bay seeing a young man that had to be close to my age, along with a young girl. I can now see how Maria is identical to my baby. The only difference is their hairstyle and eye color. “Derek, I will be taking Evie home. She will be punished for breaking one of my rules and along with the rule of no fighting here at the boarding school.” I said with a clipped tone, lifting my baby higher in my arms. I started to rub her back to help calm her down. “Don’t go too hard on her,” Derek said softly. Nodding my head to my brother, agreeing with him. “Wait! What’s going to happen to me?” Screeched Evelyn’s sister. My eyes connected with Derek. I saw him nod his head telling me to leave. With a quick nod, I left the office with Evie in my arms. “Daddy, what is my punishment going to be?” Evie whispered in my ear. I placed Evie into her seat, buckling her in. “Baby girl, you do understand you broke two essential rules. Yes?” I said with a stern voice, kissing her forehead. “Yes, daddy. I understand.” Evie said with her soft voice. I gave her one more kiss on her forehead. Leaving her to think in her seat. I got in the driver’s seat, buckling myself up and starting the truck. I pulled out of the parking lot, heading towards home. We arrived home fifteen minutes later due to the traffic. I shut the car off and got out. I quickly helped my baby girl out of the backseat. “Sweetheart, I want you to head inside and go straight to our room. I will be there soon.” I said tenderly, placing a soft kiss upon her cheek. I watched her walk inside, with her head down. Sighing, I knew this will be hard on both of us. I know this must happen. If I do not teach her that doing something wrong comes with consequences. It will complicate our relationship and our future if I do not have punishments set in stone. I grabbed the three bags from the back of my truck and made my way inside. I dropped the bags by the front door and locking the house up. With a heavy sigh, I made my way towards our bedroom. Walking in, I saw my babysitting on the edge of the bed with one of my grey cotton long sleeves shirts on. I sat down next to her, picking her up gently. I turned her onto her stomach with her beautiful little ass up in the air. I lifted the bottom of my shirt, rubbing her ass slowly on both cheeks. “All right, baby girl, you will be getting ten smacks for breaking both rules today,” I said calmly, rubbing her ass cheeks to help keep her calm. Seeing her nod her head and holding onto my pant leg. “Words, Baby girl,” I said, giving her a warning hard smack on her left ass cheek. “Yes, Daddy! I understand,” Evie whined softly from the feeling of her ass being smacked. When I noticed her sweet nectar, a smirk appeared on my face. Her natural essence was glistening. “Seems like my baby girl enjoys when I smack her ass.” I had thought. I rubbed her ass cheeks a few more times. Lifting my hand up, I started to give her quick, precise five smacks on each ass cheek. Hearing her soft whines and moans from me smacking her sweet ass. Watching her squirm in my lap and seeing the beauty of her ass being red as a red rose. Stopping at ten smacks, I quickly lifted her on my lap and carried her towards the bathroom. Sitting her down on the closed toilet lid. I started a warm bath for her to take, knowing how much her ass must sting. Lifting her off the seat, I carefully took off my shirt she was wearing and placed her into the warm water. I grabbed a cup, filling it with some warm water. I quickly got her wet and started washing her hair and body. “Baby, how is your bottom?” I asked her softly. “It’s good. Thank you, Darry,” Evie said, kissing my cheek. I finished washing her and picked her up out of the lukewarm water. I had grabbed the towel and dried her off quickly. Picking her up into my arms, I walked us back into the room. Placing her on the bed and joining her under the covers. I pulled her tiny soft body against my own. My sweet Evelyn cuddled against my chest falling fast asleep. I followed right behind my little Evie. Letting the sweet sound of sleep consume us both.  
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