Chapter eight– Three-week trial

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Week one Darius Greyson’s POV This week has gone by so fast. My baby girl and I had our first actual date yesterday. I had taken her to the zoo. Seeing her face light up from seeing all the different animals. I called ahead and have us meet with her favorite animal. We were able to see the Panda sanctuary. They had a few newborn pandas. I then took us to a small family restaurant nearby, and we had gone for a nice walk through the public park. Getting to know her on a closer level, and seeing the bright, beautiful woman she was, brought my cold heart to feel things I had thought I lost long ago. “Darius!” Whined Evelyn. Chuckling from my seat behind my office desk, I quickly left my office head towards where my sweet girl was. “Evie, what is going on?” I said, walking into her new art studio room I built for her. I leaned against the door frame, watching my baby work on her canvas. “Baby girl?” I asked her gently. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing when I saw my baby jump from her spot. Evelyn was so adorable wearing one of my old shirts and blue jean overall onesie over them. “Daddy!” my sweet Evie said with excitement in her soft voice. I chuckled, catching my girl in my arms, hugging her tiny body to me. “Hello, Little one,” I whispered in her ear, kissing her temple. “Daddy, guess what? I finally was able to finish my canvas for school.” Evelyn said with pure joy to shine in her beautiful eyes. “That is good, baby girl. I am proud of you.” I stated happily, leaving a kiss on her forehead. I placed her back down on the ground, watching her race back to her artwork. Shaking my head, amused at how purely happy she was. Just watching her like this makes me realize how much she truly means to me. For once in my life, I felt at peace and not in the dumps of my dark past. My little Evie is my ray of sunshine, poring her sweet innocence and her pure gentle heart for everyone who knows her. My little Evelyn has no idea what she does to me with every little thing she does.   Week two  Evelyn Monroe’s POV This is the worse start to our second week. Why, why did I not listen to Daddy Darry. Now I have no choice but to wear this Chasity belt all day. What is worse about this is that it also has a built-in vibrator that Daddy can control at will. This was my punishment for pleasuring myself without Daddy knowing and hiding it from him. With a sigh, I made my way towards the art room with Gabe and Nate. I tried so hard to keep myself from letting out any moans. This was pure torture! I still cannot believe Daddy thought this was the best idea. I had to bite my lip to stop myself, and I also had to ignore Maria. If I get into another fight with her, Daddy will increase the pressure of the Chasity belt. “Evie, you, okay?” Nate asked me while helping me into my seat. I looked between both Nate and Gabe. I sighed, trying to ignore the feeling I was getting from the contraption. “Yes, Nate. I’m all right.” I said, giving him a small smile, letting him know I was all right. I quickly placed my head on my desk, waiting for Master Jaxon to arrive and start the day. I felt a slight pressure on my flower. Pressing my legs tightly together, I bite my bottom lip to hide my moans from escaping my mouth. “All right, class. We will continue to work on our art projects for the showcase next Friday.” Master Jaxon said from the front of the classroom.  I slowly got up from my seat and taking small steps to get my canvas I was working on last week. This piece I am working on is for Darius. I wanted to let him know how my feelings for him through my art piece. He has done nothing but treats me like a princess and care for me. I know what I am feeling for him. I do not care if it is too soon. Anyone who says otherwise can leave. These are my feeling, and I know he is my everything. Having to deal with my mood swings, my days of being a little brat, loving me when I need him during my bouts of nightmares. He never asks for anything in return, having to work and take care of everything for the both of us. I genuinely love this man, and I want him to know next Friday, I have accepted our life, and I have taken him as my life partner, my Daddy, and my protector. Thank the lord! It is finally the end of the day. I was waiting for Daddy to come to pick me up from work. I was moving from my left foot to my right. This was the worse day, but I hope Daddy Darry can let me take this dang contraption off. I really had a hard time learning my classes today. “Baby girl,” I lifted my head up, seeing my Daddy standing in front of me. “Daddy!” I said, jumping into his arms. I wrapped myself around him tightly, afraid that he would let go. I almost forgot about the dang contraption I was wearing. I moaned softly into my Daddy’s ear. Hearing him chuckle in my ear, I felt a little annoyed that he thought this funny. “Daddy! It’s not funny!” I had whined, tightening my hold on him. Daddy placed me in my seat in the back of his truck. “Well, baby girl. You have been such a good girl today. I believe we can take it off once we get home.” Daddy said. His voice had dropped an octave, and I could feel myself getting wetter just from hearing his deep sensual voice in my ear. I felt him kiss my head gently. Daddy had started the car, and we were on our way home. I leaned my head back, letting his strong aura surround me. His presence has always made me feel so safe, so loved and cared for. I knew I was ready to be his ultimately. We had just arrived back home. I sighed tiredly from my long day at school and from having to deal with wearing this contraption. “let’s get inside, baby girl,” Daddy said, helping me out of the truck. I grabbed Daddy’s arm to help steady my legs. I felt like they were jelly from the intense feelings of ignoring my orgasm denials. Daddy picked me up in his arms and carried me inside to our bedroom. Sighing with contentment and happiness, I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest. Feeling safe and happy in his arms is the best feeling. I cannot see myself anywhere else but with Darius. “Little one, I’m going to remove the Chasity belt now. You have been such a good girl today. Let Daddy help you?” Daddy had said, laying me gently down on the bed. I kept my eyes glued to Daddy, watching his every move. I took in a slight intake of breath, feeling his large soft hands take off my pants. Just watching him slowly takes his time. I can feel his warm breath on my thighs. Letting out a small moan from his soft touches and kisses. Hearing the clicks of the Chasity belt come undone. I let out a small sigh and laid my head back on the bed. I finally felt free from the dang evil contraption.  I let out a sharp intake of breath, biting my lip to try and hold back a moan. “No, baby girl. Let them out. I want to hear your sweet moans.” Darius has said softly. This felt so different and yet so good at the same time. My hands grabbed onto the blanket, tightening my hold every time Darius is touching me. I could feel something pull in my lower belly. “Daddy, please!” I begged Darius, moaning, and whining from the feeling of him playing and sucking my flower. This feeling was back again from earlier today when I had to deal with wearing the dang Chasity belt. I started to thrash my head and felt my body begin to shake from feeling this intense feeling. “There you go, baby girl. Let it all go. You can cum.” Daddy Darry said. His voice was deep and filled with lust in his voice. I could not hold it back anymore. My orgasm hit me hard. I let out a scream and moaned from the intensity of my orgasm. My body was shaking more from the ordeal. My eyes opened and connected with Daddy’s deep cobalt blue eyes. They were very fierce, shining with an emotion I could not place. “There you go, baby girl. Now, rest and go to sleep.” Daddy Darry had said softly, kissing my lips and forehead. I got under the blankets, curling up and waiting for him to come to bed. I felt Daddy’s side dip slightly. Turning around, I cuddled into Daddy and fell asleep in his arms.   Week three Darius Greyson’s POV Today is Evelyn’s Showcase at school. She has been working so hard for the last few weeks. She texted me to meet her at the Gymnasium at the school before the showcase even started. I grabbed the small ring box I had bought a few days ago with Derek. Sighing, feeling this intense, strong emotion within my heart. I parked my tuck in a parking spot, turning off the engine. I got out and locked my truck up. I made my way inside towards the Gymnasium, searching for my beautiful baby girl. Making my way further into the large gym. In the corner of my eye, I noticed something was happening on the stage front. I walked up to the stage and saw my baby girl standing there in a gorgeous knee-length white lace dress and small white pump heels. Just seeing her in the outfit just made her purer and more beautiful. What really caught my eyes was what was behind her. There was a large painting with an angel holding a heart in her hands.   “Will you be my Daddy?” was what I saw on the panting. I took in a deep breath and to stop myself from crying. This was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. All I could do was, let my tears fall and watch my baby walk towards me. “Daddy Darry. I know this is sudden. But you have shown me what it truly means to love and accept myself in the last few weeks. I love you, Daddy. Will you be with me forever?” Evelyn said sweetly, with tears in her own eyes. I walked up to her and pulled her tiny body towards me. I quickly captured her sweet soft red lips into a kiss. I deepened our kiss, showing her how much she means to me. How much I love her. Evelyn stole my heart, and she is my sunshine.  
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