Chapter two – First Day of Boarding School

1593 Words
Evelyn Monroe’s POV Waking up this morning was hard. I felt like my whole body was ready to just collapse from what had happened yesterday with Mr. Derek. We all had to help Miss Bree this morning because she was told there will be a Daddy Dom coming in to meet with all of us. I was confused at first but quickly understood the situation. The only downside to everything happening this morning was how everyone else was into small groups and had friendships. I never honestly had any real friends. Just simply had Roxy and the art book I had loved to draw in. Sadly, my father had burned everything. Leaving me with just a few clothes to live with. Sighing from my depressive thoughts, ignoring the groups huddle all together at each table.  Miss Bree was able to find me an old blank sketchbook that was left behind from another little. I had grabbed my pencil, flipping to a new blank page to start my next artwork. When I would be drawing, it was my escape from my family. It helped me to deal with all the harsh words, beatings from my parents. “Hey, new girl. What are you drawing?” spoke a voice from the left of me. I looked up from my drawing to see Ashley, the girl I met last night. “I’m just drawing some panda bears,” I said with a quiet voice, using my hair to hide my face. I kept my eyes glued to my sketchbook, ignoring Ashley and her friends who joined my table. Hearing Ashely talks to her friends about some young teens that were the sons of the Dean of the school. Shrugging my shoulders slightly, not interested in the least about the twins that go here. The only thing I know is that Mr. Derek has two identical twin boys and his own twin brother, who is a Daddy Dom in the community. “All right, class. It is time to put everything away. We are having the junior class B 14 joining us today as we learn more about what it means to have a caregiver.” Said Miss Bree from the front of the room. I quickly gathered all my supplies and took them towards my bright-powered pink basket that holds all my learning materials. I closed my sketchbook and put it along with my pencil case into my basket before the other class comes. Making my way towards my table in the back of the room, away from everyone else. I noticed how Miss Bree was awfully close with Ashely. I was getting a bit worried; Ashely reminds me of my own twin sister Maria. I was biting the bottom of my lip in worry, afraid that something is going to happen. If Ashley is anything like Maria, I need to keep my guard up if she chooses to paint a target on my back for no reason. Shaking my head, I folded my arms on the tabletop and placing my head on my arms. I was observing the whole room, watching everyone interacted with each other. I am still worried about letting myself slip into my little headspace.  I had to close my eyes to stop myself from panicking, taking in three deep breaths to calm my heart rate down. “Hello?” said a deep voice from the left of me. Opening my eyes, feeling déjà vu with Ashley. My eyes widen slightly, seeing two identical twin boys. They were at least 5’11 in height, compared to my small 5’3 size. They were both wearing similar outfits; one wore dark blue jeans, a long white sleeve shirt and a jean jacket. The other was wearing the same dark blue jeans, a long black sleeve shirt with a black leather jacket.  They were both adorable and very handsome. “Hello,” I said quietly to them both. Not sure why they are sitting with me and not the others. With a slight shrug, I placed my head back onto my arms, hiding my flushed face at the two boys sitting next to me. Gabriel Greyson’s POV Looking towards my twin, we both had the same thought about seeing Evelyn. Our father wanted us to keep an eye on her. Now, meeting her in person and seeing how she acts towards everything around her. I was a little worried that she was going to shut down and not talk to us. But that was not the case. Hearing her soft, quiet voice say hello. Was the most adorable thing my brother or I have ever heard. Now I understand why Uncle Darius is who he is for a reason. I want to care for and love my own Little one day, just like my uncle. He has always been my role model in life, learning from him and seeing how he is a big part of the CGL community in Rosemaiden Valley. “Umm, dude! You’re spacing out again.” My twin said to me. Shaking my head to rid of the thoughts, I turned my blue eyes towards Nathan, glaring at him for interrupting me from my thoughts. “Asshat!” I said, punching Nathan on the shoulder. My brother and I froze in our seats next to Evelyn. Hearing soft giggles coming from her, we both stopped and watched her try to hide from within her arms and giggle at us. “princess, are you laughing at us?” Nathan asked with a hint of humour laced in his voice. “I’m sorry,” Evelyn said quietly, hiding her face in her arms. “Hey, it’s all right. You’re not in trouble.” I said softly, lifting her face up gently. My eyes widen, seeing her biting her lip and trying to hold back her own tears. “Hey, princess. It’s okay.” Nathan said, crouched down next to her. He was rubbing her back gently, helping her to calm down. We both made eye contact with each other, worried about Evelyn. “Princess, would it be all right if either one of us can give you a hug?” Nathan asked her gently. Hearing her soft sniffles, seeing her nod her head yes and wiping her tears with the sleeve of her shirt. Sighing with worry, I gently picked her up and placed her on my lap. She instantly wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her angelic face into my neck. I wrapped my arms tightly around her tiny waist. I could feel how thin she was against my own body. “What are your guy’s names?” She had asked my brother and me. I let out a small chuckle, placing a small kiss on the crown of her head. “Sweet girl, my name is Gabriel, and the i***t next to us is my twin brother Nathan,” I said, connecting my eyes with her round green eyes. “Dude! I’m not an i***t!” Nathan whined. Hearing soft giggles against my neck, I joined in, laughing with her at Nathan’s antics. Shaking my head at my brother, keeping my arms still wrapped around her tiny waist. “Um, Gabe? I have to use the potty?” she whispered in my left ear. Shivering from her voice in my ear, I nodded my head at her. “Of course, sweet girl.” I helped her off my lap, watching her tiny frame walk away towards Miss Bree. “Bro, are you thinking what I am thinking?” Nathan asked me. Turning my attention to Nate, nodding my head, agreeing with him. “All right, everyone. We will now be doing a group project. Mr. Keith and I have already chosen the groups. When we call your name, please go with the others we have called.” Miss Bree stated with clarity in her voice. Nate and I waited for the little angel to come back so we can help her. “Boy’s, your father insisted you were to stay and help Evelyn out. This project will be good for all three of you.” Master Keith said next to us. Nodding our heads in sync, we waited for Evelyn to return from the bathroom. “Princess, over here!” Nate stated, waving his hand towards the little angel. I stood up from my seat and helped her back into her seat next to me. “Thank you, Gabe.” She said softly. With a nod of my head, we all sit down and start on the project at hand. “So, sweet girl. What is your name?” I said gently, having my eyes on her small frame. “Um, Evelyn,” Evelyn said quietly. Nathan nudged me with his foot, trying to get me to stop daydreaming. Narrowing my eyes at my brother. I swiftly kicked him back hard. Smirking at him, raising an eyebrow, amused at Nate cursing under his breath from being kicked. “That is a pretty name, sweet girl,” I said towards Evelyn. Amusement shined in my eyes as I saw her angelic face flush red. Chuckling under my breath, I could see her trying not to smile at my comment. “Thank you, Gabe,” Evelyn said with a small smile on her face. This is what she should be doing, smiling and being happy.  
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