Chapter one – The Twin Greyson Brother’s

2230 Words
Derek Greyson’s POV   Thinking back to what had just happened not too long ago with the Monroe’s. Seeing how they treated this sweet little angel. I could feel how scared she was when I had first laid my eyes upon her, with her bright thick curly red hair and her bright, dull green eyes. She was so adorable sitting at the small table, coloring in the coloring books I have in my office for all littles and brats for when I need to talk with their caregivers. Shaking my head to rid of the thoughts about the little angel. I noticed she was about to have an anxiety attack. I carefully picked her up into my arms. I had seen she was trying so hard to hide her tears that were falling down her sweet face.  When I could pick her up into my arms, she had tightened her hold on me. She was like a cute little koala bear, not wanting to let go. Sighing, I could only say sweet nothings into her ear. Letting my hand run through her hair to help calm her down. Hearing her soft sniffles, I could feel her warm tears against my warm skin. Tightening my hold on this sweet innocent angel. I felt my anger return from knowing how her parents just left her without saying goodbye. Now seeing her like this, afraid to even use her sweet soft voice. Making my way inside the bright, colorful area for all Littles and Brats. I knew she was a little the moment she walked into my office with those no suitable for nothing parents. “Oh, Sir. What do we have here?” spoke a sweet voice. Taking my eyes off the little angel sleeping in my arms, I carefully placed her down on one of the single beds in the large room. Placing a small kiss on her forehead, I left her to sleep from the stress and the long drive from the awful place she grew up.  Turning away from Evelyn, I made my way towards Bree, who oversees the teaching and care of the littles and brats before they are placed permanently with a Dom. “Bree, this is Evelyn. She is new and needs extra care. I have emailed you, her file.”  I had stated calmly.  My eyes wandered around the room, making sure nothing is out of place and no danger would come towards little Evelyn. Everyone in this room has known each other since the beginning at fourteen. With a heavy sigh, I quickly made my way out of the room, ignoring Bree along the way. My mind was on what had happened earlier today. Speaking with the Monroe’s and watching over Evelyn from her spot in my office. My anger only grew towards her damn parents, especially with how this boarding school functions and operates.  Flash Back Sequence “Please take a seat, and we can get started.” I had said. In the corner of my eyes, I watched how the sweet little angel started to color in one of the coloring books I always have on hand for everyone. “Mr. Greyson, can we start this meeting. My wife and I need to return home to our children.” The man spoke to me, sitting in front of my desk. I narrowed my cold, cobalt blue eyes at him. “Of course. Let us talk. Now tell me about Evelyn. What is there that we can do to help her?” I had stated sharply, crossing my arms across my sizeable muscular chest. “You see, the girl has no sense of being. She is very close-minded and very disobedient.” Spoke a very shrill feminine voice. I raised one eyebrow up in question towards this red-haired woman. I noticed how tense the little angel was sitting in her seat, coloring in the corner of my eyes. My eyes narrowed in thought. “Something does not add up.” with a shake of my head, I quickly handed over the paperwork for the parents to fill out. “If you can overlook these and fill them out. We can continue towards placing Evelyn into the right education for her.” I had said with a hint of anger in my calm voice.  “Hold it, Mr. Greyson. You expect us to pay for her?” Questioned Mr. Monroe. Narrowing my cold cobalt blue eyes towards this short, stocky man. “Mr. Monroe, till she has been placed with a permanent Dominant, she will need to have her medical, food, and clothes to be taken care of from both of her parents,” I stated with a hint of coldness laced in my stern hard voice. I could observe the couple in front of me talking about what they need to do for sweet little Evelyn. Turning my eyes away from the stupid pair, I made eye contact with Evelyn. Watching her smile a tiny bit towards the picture she was drawing. My eyes soften, seeing her try to stop herself from slipping into her headspace. “Mr. Greyson, my wife and I have decided we will not be paying a dime to this sorry excuse of a child.” Mr. Monroe had stated with venom in his voice. Clenching my jaw tight, biting back my tongue to stop myself from saying things I will regret later. “Of course, Mr. Monroe. I will personally place Evelyn under the acts of an orphan till we can find her a permanent Dominant.” I had calmly stated, clenching my jaw tight. With a heavy sigh, I kept my eyes glued to Evelyn, who had made a tiny, adorable sound. Taking the filled-out paperwork, I quickly typed everything into my computer, sending all of Evelyn’s information to Bree. With that in mind, I escorted the Monroe’s out of my office. Closing my office door, I made my way towards the little angel. “Little one,” I said with a softer tone to my voice.  Kneeling to her diminutive height, I observed her for a few minutes to see if I could pinpoint exactly where she is at with her little mind space. Seeing her now, I was 100 percent positive that she is a little girl. “Hello,” she had spoken softly, staring at me with her bright green eyes. Looking into her eyes, I had noticed the fear and helplessness. “Well, little one, my name is Derek. Can you please tell me your name?” I had asked her calmly with gentleness to my voice. I knew I must be patient with Evelyn; it seems to me she has been through enough in her nineteen years. I have two twin boys who are fourteen. Seeing her be so quiet, I finally noticed she was about to have a panic attack. I quickly picked her up into my arms, holding her tiny body close to me. I can feel her tighten herself around me like an adorable little koala bear. Hearing her soft whimpers coming from her sweet voice. I knew she needs the right medical help. Unfortunately, she will not have that chance unless I quickly find her a perfect Daddy Dom. With that in mind, I made my way across campus and towards the Daycare center for all littles. Once we had made it inside, I carefully placed her down to sleep away from the stress and the long travel with her so-called parents. Leaving a small kiss upon her forehead. I left her and made my way towards Bree. My mind was on figuring out the right Daddy Dom for Evelyn. The only man I knew was my twin brother Darius. He would be a perfect fit. He has been in search of his own baby girl for several years now. With that in mind, I made my way back to my office to start contacting Darius.   End Flashback Sequence Sitting at my desk, working through everything I needed for when Darius shows up from working at his own business. He created a sports gym for everyone interested in sports and any kind of fitness. He is a personal trainer now. “Dad, why did you call us here?” Hearing my son Gabriel’s voice entering my office with his twin brother Nathan. I glanced up from my computer, watching both of my boys, who are now close to my 6’3 height. I leaned back into my chair, crossing my arms across my chest. “All right, boys. I need both of you to listen very carefully.” I said with a stern tone. Both of my boys nodded their heads in sync, straightening their backs up. “Yes, father!” they both had said together. Sighing from my seat, I ran my left hand through my short dark brown hair. “We have a new student here. Unfortunately, she has been abandoned by her own blood parents from this morning. I want both of you to keep an eye on her while she is here. You will meet her during your learning lessons about the CGL part of our community.” I said with a grievance in my voice. “Wait, dad. Is she a new little?” Nathan asked me with curiosity in his bright blue eyes. “Yes, Nathan, she is a little,” I said with a soft tone looking at Evelyn’s student ID picture. Waving my boys off, sending them both back to class. I heard a small ping come from my phone. I quickly grabbed my phone from my pant pocket. Checking it over to see if my brother had even messaged me back at all. Seeing two messages from my beautiful wife, Grace and one text from my brother. My thought towards Darius hopefully meeting with sweet little Evelyn. “Let’s hope this works out in the end.”    Darius: Bro, what is that you need?             Derek: Darius, I know how long you have been searching for your baby girl. Darius: and? …             Derek: I found her, Darius. Why don’t you come tomorrow, and I will introduce you to her? Darius: All right. I will be there in the afternoon. Does Lunch break work? Der: Perfect! See you tomorrow!   Putting my phone away, sending Bree a message to let her know that a Daddy Dom is coming in to meet with the little’s. Sighing from the long day, I looked up towards the clock noticing that it was already time to head home. Shutting everything down, double-checking, I have everything with me. I made my way towards the parking lot, where my two boys are waiting for me to take them home. Unlocking the car, we all get in, strapping our seatbelts on. Starting the car, I made the long drive home towards the Sun Rest District of Rosemaiden Valley. “Tomorrow is going to be a big day for Evelyn and my brother.” I had thought of parking the car in the driveway. Getting out of the car, watching my boys argue over something that had happened at school. Shaking my head, chuckling at their antics. I locked the car up, heading inside. “Sir, welcome home.” Hearing the sweet voice of my wife, I let a small smile grace my face. “Thank you, dear. You may stand.” I said calmly. Watching my wife stand up from her position near the front door. I grabbed my wife around her wide hips, pulling her flushed against my body. “Has my little slut been good today?” I asked my wife, dropping my voice an octave, placing small kisses gently along her elegant throat. “Mom, Dad?! Dinner is ready!” Chuckling at my son’s happy voices over food. I placed a quick kiss against her right cheek, giving her a hard smack upon her bountiful ass. I raised one of my slender eyebrows at my wife, giving her a hard stare, letting her know what would happen later. “Let’s get going, my sweet beauty,” I said, grabbing her tiny hand and leading her towards the dining room. Where we will find our twin sons fighting over who gets what over dinner. Helping my wife into her seat next to me at the head of the table. “Boys, enough!” I had said, raising my voice letting my Dominant aura surround the room. Taking my seat next to my wife, watching my boys finally calm down and eating their dinner. “Sir, your drink?” Turning towards my wife and taking the glass of red wine from her small delicate hands. Placing a sweet kiss upon her forehead, thanking her. Taking a sip from my drink, I felt my chest hurt slightly, thinking back to dear little Evelyn. Knowing how she was treated just from the glimpse; I saw her deadbeat parents treating and saying horrible s**t about her. I can tell she is a true angel with a lot of baggage tying her down. Hopefully, tomorrow Darius can help set her free from the heavy chains her family had kept on her for so many years of her life. 
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