Chapter 5

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Killian POV My men were waiting for me just up the beach at the edge of the sand. They gave us some time before they finally mind-linked me to say there were some urgent matters we needed to discuss. I didn’t want to leave Evangeline or Eva as she told me. I’ve only ever been able to engage so easily and freely with 4 people in my life and none of them women. It felt natural, even the way we were able to banter back and forth. And surprisingly, all before we even exchanged names. I knew her name, of course, but she didn’t know that. I stupidly nearly gave that away. Rather stupid and not like me. My intrigue and attraction for her were taking over my thoughts. Which then also intrigued me. She was beautiful, not just her eyes that you could get lost in. Her curves just screamed to be held and she was interesting. Her mind is sharp and she surprised me with the murder mystery. I would have taken her for a romance type, but she may just read them back in her hotel room. I doubt she only has one book on her. She is quite timid, self-conscious, nervous, even when she tries to keep a tough exterior. Yet, per personality still shone. It is very obvious that she hasn't been treasured. The woman a deserves, which made my fae furious. And the police reports showed the full reasons. Her ex is one of those filthy human men that believe they are gods. My fae growled, and I could feel the bloodlust at the thought of her ex and what she went through. I had to shut that down before my fae tried to take over. This island isn't full of tourists. This is where you come to relax. get away. Have privacy, which is why we chose it and now I understand why she did as well. She is not one for crowds and over the top phony facades. “I need a reservation for 2 at 7. Something private. She likes seafood.” I said while walking past them to our cars. I could see their shocked happy faces, all of them. There had been a lot of pressure on me to try and find a mate. We don’t get goddess given mates like the Were folk. The fae take chosen mates, like humans, unless they are mated with a Were and they are very quick to let their mates know. The chosen must be approved by our human side and our fae side or it won’t work. The fae side can be dangerous when it’s not happy and especially if it doesn’t like someone. They used to try and do forced matings for the higher ranked fae’s but most of them ended in deaths. Not just of the mate but of the family forcing the pairing. Sure, I have enjoyed the fruits that are thrown or present themselves in my way, but no woman has interested my fae and me, until now. My fae side was even getting annoyed with me when I assumed she was in on something. Our fae sides aren’t like Were’s. We don’t have another voice in our heads, it is just a feeling. We feel our other sides' happiness, anger, rage, intrigue… all their feelings. They can take over our consciousness and body if we let it or if the fae side for some reason deems it necessary and forces it upon us. That can be dangerous and extremely deadly. Many get fae and Fairy’s mixed up or think we are the same thing. We are not. Fairy’s are happy, fun, mischievous and only about 2 and a half cm long or 1 inch. Fae are the guardians and protectors, so we are between 6 to 7 and a half feet fall or 72inches to 91inches. We are not fun and happy, but most of the time serious, calculating, monitoring and deadly. We are possessive of what is ours and big believers in what is right and wrong. We don’t like gray areas, so we struggle with most human concepts. Unlike what many think of us, we don’t believe in greed, power over others and using our gifts against others. Unfortunately, that was just my parents and why they needed to be overthrown. They have done a lot of damage to the fae reputation, our lands and our people. They don’t understand how lucky they are to be alive. A lot still call for their heads literally on pikes in the courts square. “I’ve already got Aria following her for protection as well.” My second, Ethan, says beside me as he walks looking at his phone. I just raised an eyebrow and looked at him. He just shrugs with a smile. I won’t admit out loud that my fae was relieved to hear that. Not that I need to, they probably already sensed it. We got in the car and headed back to the condo we hired for the week. The place had been set up with scramblers and was well guarded, so we would wait until we were within its walls before we spoke, even through mind-link. “I’ve sent you the details of your booking.” My assistant, Miles, broke the silence. I nodded and sent the details to Eva as we parked. “I’ve also been informed she went clothes shopping for your date. Aria is taking care of the bill without her knowledge.” I couldn’t help but smirk as my fae was also happy with that news. “Good.” I didn’t think of that. I looked up to see Ethan’s face splitting smile as we walked into the condo. I know he is going to piss me off. Eva POV OK, stop looking at black. I know I’m from Melbourne, but seriously I am in Hawaii and I need colour. I promised myself I would try and do colour. Floral, I can do floral… The shop assistant then stepped in to help me after speaking to the Victoria's Secret model that had just walked in. She finds me a couple of dresses that are actually on sale, or were about to go on sale. They were perfect, and so I ended up with 2 to choose from. Not what I was expecting. I decided to go with the one with blue flowers as it made my eyes pop. I already had some nice strappy white sandals that would go perfectly with it, so I didn’t bother with shoes. I went to pay, and the woman gave me a smile and said they had already been taken care of by Killian… and she had put both dresses in the bag while I was changing! I froze, not knowing if I should be flattered or worried. Was this a warning sign? He didn’t show any red flags earlier. Or did he? No, I definitely went over it numerous times and didn’t see any red flags or discounted any flags I thought I saw as me being an i***t. Or am I over thinking it thanks to my ex? Yes! He didn’t order me a dress and have it delivered. He didn’t tell me what I had to wear and why. No, I chose and he then surprised me. Breathe! Just breathe! Or was this another way to love bomb at the start? Stop it Eva! “Are you really sure?” I asked one more time and the woman gave me a massive smile, assuring me that it was before I thanked her profusely and left. My hotel wasn’t too far from there, so I just walked back to clear my head. I needed to, especially before I started the mammoth task of re-shaving everything, moistening, doing my hair and makeup and triple checking I looked OK. I sent a text to Koa to book him to take me to the restaurant tonight. As soon as I got into my room, it was on. The fun of being a woman! Of course, I had to redo my eyeliner, and then I put on too much blush. Then I wasn’t that happy with my hair and redid it 3 times until I was finally happy… but I got there. I actually got there. I was done and ready by 6 when Koa said he would be here at 6.30pm. Yay! Half an hour of pacing, looking at social media and not freaking out. Do you know how long half an hour feels when you’re watching the clock… forever! And do you know another thing you do when you are trying not to... check your look like 50 f*****g times!
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