
Holiday Fling with the Fae King


Evangeline desperately needed a holiday.

She also needed a new job, hopefully with better pay, a new apartment, possibly a love life and a new life really.

She just felt stuck.

You know that feeling? Like everything you touch is going to hell, and you can’t seem to claw your way out no matter what you do?

She had, had enough and needed to regroup, get rid of all the bad energy and negative thoughts. So she booked a 10-day holiday to Hawaii.

The holiday ended up being the start of a new life she never expected and all because a gorgeous stranger dropped a piece of paper.

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What is happening to me? I don't understand. Why am I seeking him out? I don’t know, but every fibre of my being is telling me I need him in my foggy state. I feel like I’m half asleep or even drunk and can’t wake up as I try to force my eyes open and lift my head from the pillow. “Kal...” I whispered. I was trying to talk normally but was so weak and groggy that it was as loud as I could. I wanted to ask what was wrong with me, but couldn't even do that. “I’m right here, little one.” His deep voice seemed to wrap around me, calming me like nothing I'd ever experienced before. Or is it the fog? I went to ask where, when his face appeared in front of me and I automatically smiled. My hands finally working, reaching for him without me asking them to. As I said, it was like my body craved him like he was the last drink of water on earth. Why? He grabbed my hands gently and brought them to his lips, kissing them before he lent forward and kissed my forehead. “What do you need, little one?” “Bathroom and food.” I yawned and nearly fell back asleep, like I hadn’t slept for how long? He chuckled, waking me up slightly as I tried to lift my head. It felt like it weighed a tone. Also why? “Alright, I’ll help you.” His voice soothed me as he pulled back the covers, held me up like a half comatosed drunk as he put a nightgown on me. I should be worried that I can't even do that shouldn't I? But I'm not as he then carried me to the bathroom bridal style. My head lay on his muscular chest. I couldn’t control the sigh of contentment that came out of me as I was cuddled in his embrace. I should be embarrassed that he helped me go to the bathroom. No mortified! But somehow, I’m not. Somehow my body seems to love it, the fog in my head making it seem natural and wonderful. What? He then washed my hands and carried me back to bed. A young woman in what I think was a maid's outfit quickly set up the bed, so there were pillows for me to rest against. Where did she come from? And should I be worried I can't see her properly? Kal then gently sat me on the bed in a sitting position as the woman disappeared. He pulled the covers over my legs and sat on the side of the bed. My head was still heavy, and I desperately wanted to go back to sleep, but was starving. I noticed the woman appear beside Kal as she handed him a tray. “Here little one, have some soup and bread.” He held the bowl up to under my chin as he brought the warm soup to my lips. I slowly had the soup with him stopping to help wipe my chin. He then dunked my bread into the soup and fed it to me. My arms feeling like led, stayed by my sides. Once again, somewhere in my head I felt like I should be mortified, but instead I felt treasured and on cloud nine. Maybe that’s it, we had se… made love, and now I’m stuck on cloud nine. How do I get off it, so I can become a functioning human again? After Kal finished feeding me the soup, bread and my drink, he gave the tray to the woman again. She gave me a soft warm smile but didn’t look me in the eye before she disappeared again. Maybe we need to have se… make love, then I’ll be me again. Yes, that's it. My body instantly alight with a need stronger than the first time took over me. Why that would make me better and get rid of the fog, I don’t know. It was now a need so urgent in the fog, so consuming, all I could do was look at him under my eyelashes and whisper his name again. “Out.” He said under his breath and I somehow knew he didn’t mean me. I vaguely heard a door close as he ran his finger down my cheek. “Yes, little one. I’m right here.” Before he leaned forward and kissed me. His kiss was so soft yet consuming as my arms finally started to work a bit and I wrapped them around him trying to pull him closer. I deepened the kiss, thrusting my tongue into his mouth and moaned as soon as it touched his. He moaned back as I felt him move while still kissing me. His tongue dominated mine, as I heard the rustling of material or something, and then was pulled to lay down. My blankets were now gone as Killian positioned his strong body over me. The fog was still there, but what senses I did have, were concentrating on him. Only him. Like he was the sun, the moon, the earth and everything else. Why? He slowly broke the kiss as he put his forehead to mine. “My little one, mine.” He breathed as he looked me in the eye while positioning himself at my entrance. My legs somehow also finally came to life to wrap around him, having to hold him to me. Never wanting to let him go. “Please” I whispered as I stared him in the eyes, needing him now. Needing him to consume me, complete me in every way. What? A small part of my brain asked. Why would I do that? I know better than to think this man wasn’t way out of league and this wasn’t a permanent thing. Yet the fog tells me he is mine, now and forever somehow. How? How can fog do that? What is happening to me?

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