Chapter 6

1481 Words
Koa arrived. I, of course, got him to double-check if I looked alright. He laughed and said I looked smoking hot… but don’t tell his wife he said that. It made me calm down a bit as we drove to the restaurant. It was only a 15-minute drive, but I wanted Koa to get me there early. I would be mortified if I was late. I have dinner… possibly a date… with a gorgeous man that I just met today and was easy to talk to. It was already unbelievable, so honestly, I wouldn’t have been surprised if it wasn’t a date, and he was just being nice. Oh god, what if it was like a sympathy dinner, and he thought I couldn’t get a date so though he would be nice. Is that it? Am I his good deed for the day? Does he do that? Well I bet he is rich as well as hot and would be involved in charities and stuff, so probably yes. “Why you frowning back there?” Koa asked as we pulled up. “What about if this was a sympathy dinner, he’s just being nice? What about if he thinks he owes me?” “You gave him back a piece of paper, not a million dollars. Why would he owe you? You’re a beautiful woman, stop acting crazy and get out out there. Now get out of my car, go have a great time and, hopefully, I won’t need to pick you up.” He winked, and I couldn’t help but laugh as I took a deep breath. He only helped a tiny bit, but he tried, and I appreciate that. I just have to suck it up and go and enjoy the food and company and stop overthinking it. Yes, that's what I have to do. Remember some men will find me attractive and want to spend time with me. They will!... I don't believe it as much as I did when my psychologist told me that, the first or probably 50th time. “Thank you, Koa.” “A’ole pilikia. You’re welcome. Now go.” I got out of the taxi after paying him and giving him another good tip. It was now 6.50pm. Is that too early still? Do I seem desperate? Oh god, I do, don’t I? I’ll quickly check my messages for another 5 minutes, so I don’t look that desperate. I moved to the side and pulled out my phone. I had only just opened my DM’s when I heard his voice. “I like a woman who’s smart, beautiful and early. You look stunning, little one.” His deep voice sent a shiver down my spine as I smiled at him. I still have no idea where his accent is from, I should ask that later. I then looked around and pretended he must have been speaking to someone else. “Don’t do that, little one. I was most definitely speaking to you.” He took my hand and kissed my knuckles. Oh my god, I thought my knees were going to give out before I giggled like an i***t. I seriously can’t remember him being this tall, but he was, wasn’t he? He was in a simple short sleeve shirt and this time black pants, but man, he looked good. “Well, you look very handsome, like always. But, I think you would look good in a garbage bag.” Oh god, was that too much? His laugh bellowed out as he then entwined our fingers. “I must admit I haven’t tried one on, but if you like the look, I’m willing to try. Now, let's feed you first before we go shopping for garbage bags.” He winked at me and led me into the restaurant. It was extremely busy as we followed the waitress. I was surprised when she took us to a private room set up overlooking the ocean. There was a round table for 2 set up. I liked how it was set, so the seats were beside each other facing the ocean. Killian pulled my seat out for me and pushed it in as I sat before he sat down. We were still facing each other a little, but I liked it, it felt more intimate. Although would it be too intimate for him? Would he feel we are too close? Did he approve of this seating? STOP IT! Why do I always have to question the most stupidiest of things? I'm supposed to be an adult! A woman in her 30's who should have calmed down and shouldn't be like this. Shouldn't I? We ordered our drinks and the waitress left us to look over the menu. “This is beautiful, thank you. And thank you for the dress, you really, really didn’t have to do that. I’m not that type of girl who needs someone to buy everything for her, so you know.” He smiled at me, but I could see him assessing me. “I know you’re not, but I wanted to do something nice for you. I was the one who asked you out on this date… so it was only natural I should pay for the dress. Were you offended?” That had my eyebrows shoot up. “Did you think I would be?” His small smile turned into a smirk. “No, but now I question whether you may have been.” Oh crap! “No definitely not. I’m just worried you may have gotten the wrong impression of me… again.” He chuckled as he shook his head. “You truly are fairy dust or, as some would say, a breath of fresh air.” What me? Why? The waitress arrived with our drinks. I hadn’t really looked at the menu but quickly browsed and chose the first thing that caught my eye. “So Eva, tell me about yourself.” His voice… “Ummm… not much to tell. I’m Australian, live and work in Melbourne. I work in admin and am here on a holiday. I don’t really do anything exciting unless you think getting lost in my murder mystery books is exciting. What about you?” He shrugged. “I’m from a small island.” Ah, that makes sense with the accent. “I’m head of a few family companies. Work a lot and also came for a holiday for a week. When did you arrive?” He didn’t mention the name of the island, but I’m sure it’s because he doesn’t think it’s important or I would have NO idea where it is. “Only 2 days ago. Another 8 to go.” “Well, it looks like my week is going to be full of either stalking a beautiful Australian woman or sightseeing with her. It’s her choice.” I couldn’t stop the laugh that burst out of me. It was from both the shock that he said that and the shock that he wanted to see me again. “Oh my choice… well, it will have to depend on how well this dinner…” He cut in. “Date…” “OK, date goes then.” YES! ITS A DATE! ITS A DATE! Don't squeal out loud! Don't squeal out loud or look like a complete i***t with how happy you are with that. “Alright, so do you go by a point system or the amount of laughs or by number of uncomfortable silence moments? What do I need to be aware of?” He gave me a mock thoughtful look, making me laugh again. Oh god, I think I'm in love already. No, stop that. And breathe! “Well, you would be happy to know there is no point system. I do like a man who I can talk and laugh with though, and uncomfortable silence… well this is only our first date, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a couple at least. That would be natural, nothing to be worried about.” “So you’re a practical person.“ I nodded. “Absolutely, or try to be. We all have our moments though.” “That we do….” We continued to talk and once again it was easy. So easy and nice. And lovely. And the best date ever! He was hot and smart and down to earth… he couldn’t be real! This has to be a dream! The meal was delicious, and he even fed me some of his as I did the same with mine. “Hmm, that is good. We will have to come back again. Don’t you think?” He smiled at me and I tried not to get lost in his eyes for the 80th time, at least tonight. So he really means it? He really does want to see me again?
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