Chapter 4

1371 Words
I shook my head and quickly looked out at the water. I really didn't want to see his reaction. “Never really been good at receiving them. It's like if you act too happy, you seem egotistical. If you don’t react enough, you might offend the person. It’s all just… too hard. Easier to just try to change the topic and keep moving.” I rambled again and instantly kick myself for saying too much. I didn't want to say all of that! Why didn't I stop at just not being good at receiving them? Why? Although I am happy that I didn’t say, ‘And I don’t normally get them at all’. I swear my mouth was ready to spill that too when i clamped it shut. I received compliments at the start of my previous relationship, but that was to lure me in. Yep he love bombed me as I have now found out is a thing. Fucker! Then, at the end, the complements always included backhanders, so were either condescending or downright horrible in reality and not a complement at all. “And you don’t believe you deserve them?” s**t he read straight through me. I noticed out of the corner of my eye his smile had dropped as he studied my face. I put on my best confused face with a smile as I looked at him and went into damage control. “Oh, we're getting into psychoanalyzing now? What else do you surmise?” Not panicking! He studied me for a moment before a gentle smile came over his face. “You need to be complemented more, hence, you need to have dinner with me tonight.” I know my smile dropped slightly as my eyes went wide and my heart stopped. There is NO way he wants to have a date with me. OK I'm getting better at the idea that other men might find me kind of attractive, but him... this isn't real. I almost want to take a photo of him and send it to my psychologist and ask her for her opinion right now. I also want to make sure he is real and he isn't just trying to play me. How would he react if I said, "Sorry, can I phone a friend?" God, how pathetic is that? Instead, my mouth rushes ahead. “Me? Why? Do you want me to finish summarising where I’m up to in the book, or do you want to know about her other books?” His smile grew. “We can talk about the books if that makes you more comfortable, little one." I really do like that little nickname. "But I would like to take you to dinner and get to know you. I have go, but would like to see you again.” Oh crap, can I do this? I can suddenly hear my psychologist in my head. She would be practically nudging me to say yes. Saying that I deserve to be happy and enjoy myself and remember that other men WILL find me attractive. No matter what my ex filled my head with, I am attractive, I am attractive. I can do this! “OK. That sounds nice. What time and where?” Damn, that was hard to say still. But I did it! He pulls out his phone and opens to the contact section before handing it to me. “Can you give me your number, and I’ll let you know.” Oh wait, maybe its a blow off. The old give you your number and then never calls. My heart starts to sink a bit, but my mouth starts vomiting words again. “OK, only if you don’t send me any inappropriate photos.” Why did I say that? Oh god, how embarrassing can I be?! His laugh bellowed out as he shook his head. “I promise you only puppy and kitten photos, videos and memes.” He put his hand on his chest and this time I couldn't help but laugh out of relief. I felt my body relax as I put my name and number in and handed it back. I tried not to show how much I liked it that he had put my contact in as Eva Little One. It really was hard not to swoon at everything to do with this man, when I wasn't over thinking everything and thinking the worse. Seriously, I could do a full 'Gone with the Wind' swoon reenactment for nearly everything he did. Especially the way his bicep moved just below his sleeve as he handed me and then grabbed his phone. Damn, he was fine in every way. I bet he even has a 6 pack. All fully refined like you only see on TV. YUM! Me? I have never had a 6 pack. A 6 pack of drinks or snacks yes… but not in the abs department, unless they are hidden way, way under my pot-belly. He sent a quick message as soon as he had his phone back. And I tried not to jump with joy as I looked at my phone to see a message from him. ‘See you soon little one.’ He did actually give me his number! I looked up as he got up and dusted himself off. I liked how he stepped back and out of the wind, so it wouldn’t get me. It was so... gentlemanly of him. “Let me know if there are any updates.” He pointed to the book before he smiled and walked to a group of men that were standing at the edge of the sand a little way away. I recognised them all from the table he was sitting at. A couple gave me small smiles with a nod, while the others still acknowledged me with a nod. I gave them a warm smile and nodded back before I turned back to my book and pretended to start reading again. There was no way I could get back into my book again though. NO WAY! My mind was now going over EVERYTHING that had just happened in small details. The way he looked at me, what his hands were doing, what angle his body was. Oh, and how his body moved, and his muscles looked… oh how his muscles looked. And what the hell am I going to wear tonight? Wait is it tonight, he said he would let me know. But will he still? OK I have his number and I have to give him the benefit of the doubt. Yes, benefit of the doubt. I packed up and called Koa within an instant. I needed to get back and spend the next how many hours working out what to wear just in case and if he does contact me and says tonight, I have to then work out my make-up and hair. I have 1, possibly, 2 or maybe 3… no 2 options for tonight, but I don’t know if they are good enough. OK, so maybe I need to go shopping first. Damn, my budget is going to blow out, but this is an EMERGENCY! Koa was dropping off some other tourists and would be here in about half an hour. So I had half an hour to really think about whether I did have any real options in my suitcases. And I tried to think of what to do with my hair or if I should see if there was a hairdresser that could fit me in. But would I look too desperate? Oh god, I would, wouldn’t I! And why did he want to see me again? Wait! He didn't notice I'm a sucker like my ex and thought I was a push over or an easy target? No! I must not think every guy was like him. My psychologist had tried to drum that into my head. OK back to hair. Google! So I quickly started googling easy, simple hair styles for long hair. I had a couple of ideas by the time Koa got there. I then got him to take me into town to see if I could buy something for tonight.
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