Chapter 3

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Unknown POV In human terms, she was just normal, nothing special or out of the ordinary. I doubt she has any knowledge of the supernatural, let alone helped anyone deliver code. I kept reading as my mind started to wonder about her ex and what I’d like to do to him, so I quickly stopped. I brought up the email regarding what they had found out about the code and who had slipped it into my pocket. Well known vampire Hans Aune. Also known as Henry White, Leonid Smirnov or Adam Huntzberger. I’d dealt with him over the years a few times. He has been rumoured to be part of Cecila’s team, the current favourite vampire lady to take the president’s chair. Many vampires will keep in contact with family and friends after they are turned, then just watch from the sidelines. Some just go to ground and don’t look back, whether it’s because it’s too painful or they don’t see the point. A few have even turned around and slaughtered every last member of their family. There was normally a backstory though, and so they weren’t normally sanctioned or put down. Or were only sanctioned lightly. Hans is the first. He was turned by his great-great aunt when he was dying. She instilled in him the importance of family and watching over them from afar. He has always shown a desperation for peace as he watches over his sacred bloodline. When he first came to me, it was because one of his great, great, great nieces had moved to our island and been turned by her mate. he simply wanted to check on her. I was fascinated with his story and organised the meeting in a safe place myself. The deciphered code simply said- There has been an attempt on Cecila's life. Vantruce had been caught trying to poison her. They were trying to cover it up, but other rumours had been circulating instead, bringing more unrest. Vantruce gone into hiding. We had heard some of the rumours. Some were far-fetched, like the Werewolves had tried to kidnap Cecila. Another, that it was the fae, who were currently trying to take over the world, starting with the vampires. Then the good old accusations about every known powerful vampire trying to take over by taking out Cecila. Even if the truth did come out, which it most likely will, it would bring unrest anyway. ‘Expect retaliation within the month.’ Was the last sentence. That means the rest of us need to be prepared and ready. there was definitely wasn't going to be resolution within a week. If the supernatural were to stay hidden, we need to try step in and stop this. We also need to minimise the death of innocents and hide any evidence of unrest and war. And we can't leave it all to the supernaturals that live on the mainland to deal with it. They would need our help more than ever. 'Report.' I mind-linked my men that had been keeping an eye on the women. 'On the beach reading a book. Nothing else to report.' They linked back. “I’m going for a walk.” I got up and headed for the beach. My assistant would look after the bill. “Go get her tiger.” My second called out, and they all laughed as I rolled my eyes and smirked. He knew me too well. I needed to get lost in those eyes again. Eva POV “OK, the killer has got to be the father.” I said out loud, because why say it in my head when you can be a crazy person and talk to yourself out loud! “And why do you say that?” Came that deep voice from earlier that seriously made me jump out of my skin. Yay, another embarrassing moment with the god. I looked up as he actually sat down beside me on the sand laughing. “My apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you, little one.” Either I had forgotten just how gorgeous he was or he had somehow gotten hotter since I first saw him. And little one… I’m definitely not little but LOVE the nickname already. “No… it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting a response to my question. I really should stop talking to myself out loud.” I gave him my smile which I know turned into my best awkward smile due to my current embarrassment. “No, talk away. So you didn’t answer, why do you believe it was the father and not Colonel Mustard with the candlestick in the library?” Oh god that accent was divine! I could help but burst out laughing as he chuckled along with me. “Well, mainly because there is no Colonel Mustard in this book. Also, I haven’t read anything about any candlesticks which, of course, they need to put in there and also no mention of a library. Your next guess?” He pretends to think as he studies my face before putting his finger up and smiling. “Ah I have it, the maid poisoned the food.” “Ah, that one is more plausible except there is no maid… or cook, and the restaurant scene was too long before the death… which included a bullet to the head execution style.” “No forced entry into the home?” He continued and I shook my head. “No struggle either?” I shook my head again. “Where was the body?” “In the kitchen on the floor. Looks like they were sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee when shot.” “So could have been sitting down talking to the person, so definitely someone they were familiar with. And no other coffee or drink cup?” I shook my head. I was enjoying this immensely and couldn’t swipe the smile off my face. “Or fingerprints, other than known family members and friends?” He lifted his perfect eyebrow as I nodded again. “So why the father?” “She was engaged to a woman that it turns out the father was in love with AND had been sleeping with as well. He has a history of violence… wait, that's too easy, isn’t it? Too predictable! Maybe it’s the fiancé? She wanted the father? Or could be the aunty… but I keep coming back to the father…” His smile was so f*****g insane it made me want me to sigh with contentment as I looked at it. I’m sad, I know it! “I agree it is too predictable and wraps it up in a nice bow, and you are only halfway through the book… unless another story line comes into play…” “Hmmm could... but that’s normally this writer’s style…. Then again, it is going more into the brother’s life… unless that’s because he’s next. She is great with her twists and turns.” “That would make sense. So you’ve read more of this series?” “They are normally stand alone. She hasn’t done a series, but yes I've read a lot of her books. Sorry, I’m Eva by the way.” I felt so uncomfortable not knowing his name now. “It’s nice to meet you Eva.” He put his hand out to shake which I took. “I’m Killian.” He shook my hand and held it for a bit before he let it go. I swear he did! I swear he actually held it for a bit, his large warm gorgeous hand actually held mine for longer than necessary. Or was I over thinking it? “It’s lovely to meet you too, Killian, and once again, I promise I wasn’t trying to slip you a note or anything untoward earlier.” His smile was blinding and made me melt into a puddle of panting mess. “I must say I was quite disappointed it wasn’t. A burst of ‘ha’ fell out of my mouth before I could stop it. “OK now who’s telling stories, but it is very nice of you to say. So, you have a very interesting accent. May I ask what it is?” He seemed shocked by what I initially said before he smirked at me and tilted his head at me, seemingly intrigued. “You don’t like complements?” Shit! How do you answer that without giving too much away and acting like a complete unhinged i***t?
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