Chapter 2

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I looked back at him, trying not to swoon. Act normal! Act normal! “You don’t want a reward?” He looked at me puzzled but with a smirk. Why would he be puzzled, and why did he ask that? Wait! Was that a way women try to approach him? Did he think I was making a move? Oh god. Now I was blushing out of embarrassment... and because I was generally horrified he would think that of me. But then again, I have never met him before, so how does he know I wouldn't? “Ummm… no. Definitely not. You dropped it… so I gave it to you. So… enjoy your meal. Bye.” I mumbled out quite fast and only JUST coherently before I turned and fled back to my table. OK, I definitely lost it at the end with my mumbling. And i really don't know if i was coherent outside of my own thoughts and what I thought I said. f**k! Did I say it right? Thankfully, the seat I was sitting in had my back to him. I sighed in relief when I realised that and sat back down. I picked up my menu again and started to read it again, all the while willing my cheeks to go back to their normal colour. The waitress came back not that long after and I ordered my food and another 2 drinks, one being a cocktail. I needed it now! When she left, I let out another breath and shook my head before I reached for my bag and took out my phone. Doing the proper touristy thing, I took a phone of the beach before I grabbed my book and started to read. The book was a murder mystery. Just what I need right now and especially since it was up to a good part. They had just found another body. It didn’t take long for my meal to come with my drinks. I did the proper tourist thing and took a photo before I tucked in. Normally I don’t care about doing all this but this was the new me and I wanted to gloat. Also, I was told in no uncertain terms that I had better take lots of photos and send them to Zoe, my best friend. She was only 1 of 2 friends, outside of work, that is, that I had left after my relationship. Once again, I didn’t realise how much he had cut me off from so many people. The food was absolutely amazing, as you would expect. I love seafood and when you can get it this fresh… hell yeah! I decided not to do dessert. I really had been putting on a bit of extra weight from my stress eating at the moment. Plus, I can just have some later after I relax on the beach. I paid my bill and headed down to the beach. Of course, I couldn’t help but have a quick glance at the hottest man I’ve ever seen in person. Just for memory's sake. He seemed to be having a meeting with other models. Seriously if they were doing a competition for the hottest people on earth it was him but they were all very close behind him. All 7 of them were not just jaw and panty dropping, they were seriously inhuman-they were that hot. I did think of taking a photo, I really did, but remembered I’m not that much of a weirdo. Much… or should I be? Knowing my luck, I would definitely get caught... OK, OK, I may have just taken a sneaking photo still… can you blame me!!!! So yes, I am that much of a weirdo. I rolled my eyes at myself as I walked down the beach. I decided to walk off lunch first and walked up and down the beach for a while. Feeling any stress leave my body as I enjoyed the sand in my toes, the smell and sound of the ocean and just generally loving the calmness. Finally, I found a great spot and set myself up on my towel. Being Australian, I had already put on a ton of sunscreen and have more in my bag. It goes everywhere with me. As every Australian knows, slip, slop, slap. Unknown POV “We’ve checked the CCTV. A man leaving the restaurant as you were arriving put the paper into your pocket. We definitely don’t believe the woman was involved.” “Get all the information you can about both still.” I ordered as I went back to enjoying my lunch. We had come onto the human land to meet and talk away from prying eyes. Also, the food here was excellent. I honestly believed the woman was just trying to get my attention at first. Then, when she practically ran back to her table and hadn’t looked back, I finally looked at the paper. My men and I knew exactly what it was, a warning in code. We couldn’t go into it here, so I took a photo and sent it to my team as we ate. I couldn't help but watch the woman. She was a natural beauty with her long chestnut hair pulled back to show her round face and stunning sky-blue eyes. Her body was curvy, the way I like it. You get over the stick figures and their bones sticking out everywhere. Do you know how much if f*****g hurts when their hip bone gets you in the balls? But those pure sky-blue eyes that showed kindness and depth, like nothing I had ever seen before. They made you feel like everything she would ever say would be the absolute truth. She was human, unlike the man who put the paper in my pocket. My assistant hacked into the security here to show he was a vampire. He must have had scent blockers on for us not have noticed this straight away. The vampire world is in chaos at the moment with the council being slaughtered a week ago. The rest of the supernaturals are staying back except for when there is a threat to our own or humans. The main vampire lords and ladies are trying to reign it all in, but of course, they all want the presidential seat. It also doesn't help that they all don't trust each other. All trying not to point the finger publicly as the puzzle pieces are put together of who carried out all the murders in such meticulous detail. Most have a very good idea, especially due to the why. We are just waiting for more evidence. The vampires have one week left to sort it out amongst themselves, or we will be doing a cleanup for them. The Were’s, all of them are itching for blood as always and the fae are right behind them. The fae always seem elegant, poised, and noble on the outside, but even one of the smallest gentle ladies would have no problem slitting your throat with a finger nail for even stepping on her dress. Then again, what did you expect when nature can be vicious? There is always a food chain, hierarchy and a reason for everything. Supernaturals are exactly that; natural, we come from nature, understand nature and follow its laws. And like nature, we protect the old, the young and the pregnant. Although we also protect the weak and sick, whereas in nature they are normally abandoned. I'm brought out of my thoughts as I watch the woman get up. I look back at my food and take another bite as she looks over so not to be caught. The information about her has come in, but I’m finishing my meal and enjoying watching at the moment. She is nothing but smiles, happiness and has a lightness to her. Everyone around her smiles back as she pays, giving a good tip from what I can hear before she walks to the beach. “Keep an eye on her.” I commanded as I opened my message giving me the full details on her. “She’s definitely not connected and if she is, she’s damn good at looking like an innocent human.” My second-in-command comments as he looks through the information on his phone as well. Name- Evangeline MacDougal Age- 32 Occupation - Senior Administrative Assistant Status - Single. Previously engaged to Kyle Walcott. There have been 2 police reports on calls to have him removed from trying to enter her premises. Address - Unit 51, 164 Wattlegrove Street, Malvern, Victoria Australia No police records other than 3 parking tickets, 1 speeding ticket, and calls to remove her ex. Mother - Primary School Administrator. Sue MacDougal Father - Carpenter. Rupert MacDougal Siblings - 1 younger brother. Michael MacDougal married to Valarie MacDougal. Expecting their first child in 8 weeks. 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