Chapter 7

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“Well… if the choice is you stalking or just coming with me anyway… where I can keep an eye on you, then, yes, we will. You don’t seem too bad. Oh, and we still need to see how you look in a garbage bag.” His laugh rang out again. “Yes we do. I’ll remember to get some in the morning as I think the shops will be closed tonight. Also, I do believe you would be stunning in a garbage bag as well, little one.” I tried not to spit out the drink I was sipping, but unfortunately there was an embarrassing small coughing fit as it tried to go down the wrong way instead. His laugh was gentle but there, as he rubbed my back while I tried to get control of myself. Did i say small embarrassing coughing fit... I mean extremely embarrassing!!! Of course I would have to do that over a simple small complement and look like a complete i***t. I leaned forward to wipe my mouth, trying to hide my face as I gained control. I also had to stop my heart from trying to beat out of my chest. Is it sad that it is almost the nicest thing a man, other than my father, has ever said to me? I tried not to admit to myself how much I loved his touch. Even the simplest touch on my back was enough to show how much I was touch starved. Gentle, caring, touch starved by those large hands. Anyone would be touch starved if they hadn't had such large hands touch them before. That sounds creepy doesn't it? Or weird? Am I being weird? A gorgeous god of a man gives me the tiniest bit of attention and I become a weirdo. Not a good sign! He didn't stop but continued to rub my back as I leaned forward to wipe my mouth and gain composure. “No. I think there would be no contest. You would definitely win.” I could finally speak. “I think I already have.” He winked at me as he left his arm on the back of my chair and kept his handrubbing circles on my shoulder. And… I think I nearly melted as I looked into his eyes, not sure how the hell I replied to that. Or do I reply to that? Do I pretend he didn’t say anything? “So what are your plans for tomorrow?” Yep, avoid it and keep going. Safer that way. “Well, I was thinking of picking you up at about 11. We could do some sight seeing, then I will take you to lunch, then we can spend some time at the beach or pool. Ladies choice. I unfortunately have plans for dinner tomorrow night though.” He looked actually apologetic about the last bit. He wanted to spend half the day with me so I didn’t care. Oh boy did I not care! “That’s OK. It all sounds great. Don’t apologise.” He smiled before moving his arm that was on the back of my chair and stroked my cheek gently. “Alright. But only this once.” Oh god. He IS interested in me. How is he interested in me? “Now, I think there was a dessert pie with my name on it. Do you want to share or want one of your own?” He said, but my brain was struggling to come back from thinking of his hand touching me… “Happy to share or even get 2 different ones, and we can try some of both…” I finally answered. Yelling at my mouth to start working. His gorgeous smile widened. “I love a woman who understands the importance of dessert.” And boy do I! Also, I would like to accidentally take his shirt off and spill it down the front of him, so I could lick it off. “How dare you think otherwise. I could be offended… again.” I mocked hurt, making him laugh. “Well, I definitely couldn’t have that now, would I, little one. 2 it is.” Killian POV She really was superb in every way. Our conversations once again proceeded without difficulty or force. I could see it didn't take much for her to start overthinking or worrying. It could be the smallest thing I did or said that could be construed the wrong way. She tried to hide it and did so extremely well, but for me and my fae, it was easy to spot or feel. Her ex had done this to her. The details in the many police reports demonstrate his controlling narcissistic tendencies, and why he deserves to die. My fae hated it and wanted to comfort her. It had never done that before. I would think about that more later. I was enjoying my night and was already trying to suppress my natural possessive nature and be careful not to spook her. I need to be careful she doesn't confuse it with her ex's controlling nature. Maybe the meetings I have tomorrow are necessary, not just for the reason we are having them. I need to take this slow and not let my fae's nature take over. Not that I could cancel them anyway. After we had received that message, we also had to speak to all the other supernatural elders. I was lucky to make it here on time. Tomorrow is going to be the same and the rest of the week. I am certain tomorrow is not going to be the last time I want to see her. I can see it being a juggling act for the week, doing everything I can to spend time with Eva and confirm my thoughts. Although I believe my fae side has decided. We ordered the desserts and continued talking and laughing. I had seen my second just outside the door. I gave him a small nod confirming all was well. Eva moaned as she took a bite of an ice-cream pie, and it took everything in me not to take her. I was glad the table was in the way so she didn’t see how aroused I was. That was also new. Sure, I don’t have a problem in that area, but normally it takes more than a woman’s moan. “Oh, I’ve got to try that.” I knew my voice was at least 3 octaves lower as I tried not to stare at the look of pure ecstasy on her face. I gently grabbed her hand with the fork that already had another piece on it. I made sure to be gentle as I touched that soft skin and directing the fork to my mouth instead of hers. I couldn't stop my own groan, as I could not only taste it, but her. My supernatural taste buds instantly picking up her sweet taste, making it even better. My face once again needing to be contained. “Hey!” She laughed after finally getting over her shock. “Fine then. You owe me some of that one.” She put down her fork. I love her playfulness. “As you wish little one.” I got a spoonful and brought it to her mouth. I held my fae back, I had to breathe slowly to control myself as I watched her lips wrap around the spoon. Then to make it more torturous, I continued to watch as it then slid out of her sweet mouth. Don’t moan, little one, please don’t moan. You’re killing me here. I don’t think my d**k could get any harder. Thankfully, she doesn’t, but even the flutter of her eyes as she eats, still has me struggling. “That is so good.” She finally says. Her mouth was... entrancing. It had its own magnetism. Another first as I stared at it “Well you will have to show me.” I say to her as innocently as I could with my voice still not back to normal, and I didn’t think it would be until I finished myself off in the shower later. She laughs, rolls her eyes, then gets my spoon and gently fills it before feeding me. We continue on like this, feeding each other. Enjoying each other’s company. “Can my driver and I take you home? I promise to be a complete gentleman.” I helped her stand from her chair. “Only if your driver doesn’t make any moves, yes.” I couldn’t help but laugh. She has such a great wit. “I promise both he and I will be prefect gentlemen.” I assured her before kissing her knuckles, then interlocking our hands. Absolute perfection.
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