Chapter 8: Eavesdropping Stalker

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Setson's P.O.V. ****************************************************** This is probably hands down the worst idea I've ever had. It was the only thing I could do after hearing everything Emma had to say. I used to think that Emma's little crush on me was annoying. I still do, but at least I was able to use it to my advantage. Emma sang like a canary for me. All I had to do was ask the right questions, and she would go on and on. The hardest part was controlling my anger. I don't think that Emma told me everything, but what she did tell me... It was disgusting. Emma was so proud of it that it made my stomach churn. How could someone be so cruel to such an innocent person? Emma told me all about the rumors she spread around the school. She even told me about rumors that her mother told her to say. Rumors that would ensure that Violet never made any friends. It definitely explained what that guy was thinking when I interrupted them too. I'm glad I pushed that fu.cker away. I'll be finding out who he was too. The least I can do is make sure that he doesn't bother Violet again. I took Emma to my house with me. We had a nice dinner with my parents. One that Violet was not a part of. When Mom asked where she was, Deena told us that she was being a bratty teenager, and said she didn't want to come. It hurt Mom's feelings, and pi.ssed me off. That's not why Violet didn't come. She didn't come because she gets a little bit of peace from these monsters when they come here. I feel like no matter what Violet loses. It's not fair. She's suffered enough. I excused myself early. Honestly, I wanted to get a little bit of sleep. Jetlag was kicking my I thought that maybe getting some sleep would help me figure out how to help Violet. I couldn't sleep though. All I kept thinking about was what Emma told me. This is just like when Violet told me she wished she would have died with her mom. It kept me up for days. I was constantly worried about whether Violet would kill herself. There was no way I could just sit around this time. Which is what led me to where I am now. It's around midnight, and here I am, lurking around the Bennett home. I'm trying to figure out how to get into Violet's room. If I remember correctly, it should be the window above me on the second floor. How do I get in there? Suddenly, the back door opened. I hid behind an archway covered in leaves and vines. I watched as Violet walked out with Emma right behind her. "Did you say something to Setson?' Emma asked. "No, why would I?" Violet replied. "Well, he was acting weird at school. Then he asked about you nonstop while we were on our date." Emma said with a pout. Uh, our what now? I know Emma has a crush on me and all, but... There's a eight-year difference between us. I'm 19, and Emma just turned 12. What am I? A pedophile? "Look, I don't know Emma," Violet said. "All I said to him was that I hated him. Him and his whole family. And that I never wanted to see them again." "Really?" Emma asked, surprised. Violet turned around to face her sister. "You won, Emma, okay?" She said. "You won. I heard you talking to Greg about me. About his girlfriend and friends, and about how he feels bad for me and that's the only reason he's my friend. I heard it all. I won't talk to Greg anymore. I officially have no friends and no family. Congratulations, you and your mom finally isolated me." What the hell? Greg isn't only friends with Violet because of that. He was going to bring his girlfriend home this weekend to introduce to all of us. Greg was just nervous that Violet would think they would drift apart. As for his other friends... Well, they're all teenage boys, and Violet is a very pretty young girl. Wait, what? Since when have I thought of Violet as pretty? I guess she really has filled out over the years. Violet might be a bit on the skinny side, and she might wear baggy clothes, but... I can see her curves past all of that. Maybe not fully, but still. And who wouldn't like that long thick brown hair, and those dark brown eyes? "Win?" Emma scoffed. "My mother and I won't win until we've gotten rid of you completely. Until we've completely destroyed you. You and your filthy mother took everything from us. We had to live like animals for the first six years of my life. You have no idea what that's like, but you will. Eventually." With that, Emma turned around, and walked back into the house. Violet sighed as she turned around. She covered her face for a moment before looking up at the night sky. I saw her eyes close as a few tears fell down her cheeks. "Mom... if you're listening somewhere up there... I hope you aren't too upset about all of this," Violet said. "I'm working so hard to get into Princeton. Then I'll be far away from this. I'll do great in school, and get a good job. Then I won't ever have to come back." Violet sniffled as more tears poured out of her. "I still wish I was with you though. I miss you so much." She blubbered. "I miss your smile and laugh. I miss your hugs. I miss your advice and your caring nature. And I really miss feeling okay. I m-miss k-knowing that someone in the world loved and cared for me. I feel so alone all the time, Mom. Dad hates me, Deena hates me even more, and Emma..." Violet trailed off. She took a couple deep breathes, and wiped her tears away. Then she forced a smile on her face. "Honestly," she said. "I hope that wherever you are... You have no idea about any of this. Dead or not, I don't want you to worry about me Mom. I'm okay, honest. I-I can get through anything. Even if I'm alone." My heart broke into a million pieces as I listened to Violet. She's been holding in so much, and hiding it all from us. Well, it doesn't help that she practically isn't allowed to talk to anyone. Still... this is... I came around the archway. Violet didn't notice me, but I couldn't stop myself. I grabbed her arm, and spun her around to face me. "Setson?" Violet asked, shocked. "What are you-" I pulled Violet into my arms, ignoring her words. I wrapped my arms around her, and rubbed her back. Just like I had at her mother's funeral. After a moment, Violet relaxed into me. "D-did you hear all of that?" She asked. "Yeah," I answered honestly. "It would be a lot more embarrassing if it wasn't you," she stated. I chuckled at her. When it's just me and Violet, I get glimpses of what she used to be like. The witty and funny girl that I used to tease growing up. "Vi... Why haven't you-" "Please don't," she interrupted me. "Just... don't ask. Please. If you're going to be a creepy stalker... The least you could do is just comfort me and not ask questions." "Okay, well, firstly, I am not creepy or a stalker," I said. "So, you were just sneaking around my house, and listening to me talk to my dead mom because....?" She asked. I sighed. "I wanted to see you," I admitted. "Is this about your date with Emma? She said you talked about me a lot. Why?" Violet asked. I grunted. "I'm 19 years old Violet. I do not date minors," I replied. "No, just stalk them, and comfort them when they need someone." She said. I smiled, and shook my head. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, okay? I was just worried about you after earlier. You didn't come over tonight either," I said. Violet sighed into my chest. "When did you get so tall and buff?" She asked, trying to change the subject. "Stop flirting with me Vi, what did I just tell you? I don't date minors." I teased her back. "At least you have some morals," she muttered. "Alright, here's the girl I missed." I said. Violet stiffened. She pulled back to look at my face. I wiped the stray tears from her cheeks. "You... missed me?" She asked. I paused for just a moment. "Well, yeah," I said. "We grew up together, and you haven't been the same since Deena and Emma got here." Violet gave me a small smile, and dropped her gaze. "I guess you're right." She mumbled. "Violet, listen to me," I said as I grabbed her face between my hands. "I'm going to figure something out to make this better for you, okay?" Violet gave me a sad smile. She grabbed my wrists, and pulled them from her face. Then she stared at the ground. "Yeah, okay," she said. Great, she doesn't believe me. I'm just going to have to prove it. "Go back inside," I told her. "Get some sleep."
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