
Take My Heart, Not My Son

escape while being pregnant
office/work place

Violet is from a pristine family. She lost her mother at a very young age, and her father remarried. Her life changed drastically. Violet's stepmother spent most of her time pushing Violet out of her picture-perfect family.

Violet knew that she would never have the same family love again... Things would never be the same in her life. Even her only escape, the McCarthy family, had been taken from her.

Setson and Violet grew up together since Violet is Setson's brother's best friend. After seeing the abuse that Violet was going through, and his parents not listening to him... Setson tried to take matters into his own hands. Though, it seems that everything he tries blows up in his face. Until he finds the perfect solution.

A marriage.

Unfortunately, Violet has a crazy and jealous younger half-sister, Emma. One that is willing to do whatever it takes to ruin her sister's life. She will have Setson, and Violet will have nothing.

An incident happens, and Violet's family finally disowns her. Emma and her evil mother finally won. Violet has no choice but to leave.

Only to find out a few months later, that she is harboring another little secret. One Violet must protect at all costs. A baby.

After a few years on her own, Violet thinks she's finally safe. She's been away from her family for so long now. Things were finally looking up, and Violet was starting to really feel free.

Until her son brought his father home that is.

Will the two of them find out the truth about what happened? What is Violet's family hiding from her, and how far are they willing to go to keep this secret? Will Setson forgive her for running off with his son? And most importantly... Will Violet be able to protect her heart this time?

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Chapter 1: High IQ
Violet's P.O.V. ***************************************** "Momma, do you have to go?" I whined. "Oh honey, I am just going to visit Grandma. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. You'll hardly know that I'm gone," Mom replied. Mom crouched down to my level. She cupped my face, and smiled at me. I forced a smile in return. I always hated being away from my mother. I grew up in a rich home, in a wealthy family. Most of my peers were raised by an au pair's and nanny's. I was raised by my mother though. My mother told my father that she wanted to be a mother. She wanted to be the one to raise their kids. So, she was a stay-at-home mom. Which meant that we were always together. Of course, we had house staff, so I had other people to talk to. I also had tutoring lessons and violin lessons. Most of the time it was me and Mom though. We spent all of our time together. She was my very best friend. Dad worked long hours being the CEO of a big company. Even when he was home, he wasn't very present. He missed out on a lot of family stuff because of that. Mom did her best though. We went on field trips together, walks in the park, museums, all kinds of stuff. Life was always an adventure. I also learned a lot from a very young age because of that. Actually, I'd been such a fast learner, that when I was six years old, Mom and Dad had taken me somewhere to be tested. I remember it like it were just yesterday. ********************** "Violet, wait right here while we speak with the doctors." Mom told me. I nodded before hopping onto the black leather couch. Mom smiled at me, and disappeared with Dad into the next room. I kicked my feet as I waited patiently. They left me in a waiting room, but it's decently empty. Actually, there isn't one else here at all. I wonder if Mom and Dad made it so no one else could be here. I suspected what this place was when Mom first told me that they wanted to bring me here. A place for me to be tested to see what my learning levels are at. Mom was so excited, and that made me excited. However, I'm also very nervous. Suddenly, the doors to the waiting room opened. I watched as two men in black suits walked in. A little boy walked in behind them. Two more men in black suits followed behind him. I stared at the boy with wide eyes. He looks a few years older than me, maybe ten. His dark brown hair is just long enough to hang over his blue eyes. He had a sour look on his face, which only deepened into a scowl when those blue eyes landed on me. "I thought you said the place would be empty," he said angrily. My eyes widened even more. "This is Violet Bennett, she will be going to school with your brother. Her parents also requested that the building be empty today. Your father thought it wouldn't be troublesome." One of the men replied. I looked between them confused. The boy scoffed, and walked up to me. I just blinked at him. He stopped directly in front of me. I looked up into his glaring face. He's scrutinizing me with his gaze. Wow, his eyes are so pretty... "This girl is being tested for her IQ as well?" He asked it like it was a joke. I frowned at him. Oh, I get it. He doesn't think I can be smart because I'm a kid. Or a girl. I get it quite often. Honestly, I don't consider myself to be anything special. I only know so much because my mom is smart. She loves to learn new things, and is always teaching me what she knows. If I'm extraordinary, it's only because I was taught well. However, I watched people underestimate myself and my mother my whole life. For some reason, they all thought my mom couldn't be smart because she was a woman. There were a few that said because of her "ethnic background" she couldn't be smart. My mother grew up in a well-respected and wealthy family. A hispanic family, but a high-standing one still. It was kind of ridiculous. I wonder if that's what this boy thinks of me. "Are you racist?" I blurted out. The boy's eyes widened, and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "R-racist?" He asked. "Yeah, like someone who doesn't like a person based off of their skin color," I explained. The boy frowned. "I know what a racist is," he said angrily. "No, I am not a racist. It's just... you don't look that smart to me." I scrunched my face up. "What does a smart person look like?" I asked. "I don't know, but not like you," he replied. "Sir..." One of the men said to him. "Well, then, what are you here for? You don't look very smart to me either." I told him. The boy glared at me. I glared right back. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Violet Bennett," he muttered. "Fine, we'll see just how smart you really are." I crossed my arms, but didn't reply. The boy smirked at me, and walked to his own chair across the room. The four men stood around the room. I glared daggers at the who, and he pretended not to notice. Eventually, my parents came back out. My father's eyes lingered on the men in the room. Then I was taken to another room in the building. I was given several tests while I was there. Some of them were written tests, some were verbal, and some were psychological. I did as I was told, and was never given my results. At the end of my testing, I was brought into the head doctor's office with my parents. "Well, it seems that you were correct, Mrs. Bennett," she said. "Your Violet is literally a genius. Honestly, with the proper education, she could skip many grades, and probably go right into college by the time she's a teenager." My eyes went wide. I looked up to see Mom had the same look of shock. Dad looks overjoyed though. "A genius daughter," he muttered. "W-well, hold on," Mom said. "What if we want her to have a normal life?" "Normal?" Dad replied. "She has the opportunity to be something amazing!" "She can still do that while staying in her age group. Socializing is important, honey." Mom argued. "Mrs. Bennett is correct." The doctor said. "Most kids who skip many grades at once lack in social skills. It can cause some mental illness." Dad scoffed. "I can offer a compromise," the doctor said. Dad and Mom perked up at that. "What?" Mom asked, intrigued. "Have her go to school as normal for the rest of the year. Then jump her up a grade of two. That will make her ahead of her age group while also allowing her to socialize within the age group. She can still take whatever career path she wants. Her IQ scores are impressive now, and it'll only increase. I'm sure she could ge into any college she wants when the time comes." The doctor said. I like that idea better than skipping several grades. "Alright, we can discuss this more at home." Dad said. Mom and Dad walked me out of the building, to our car. Dad opened the door for me. I turned around to him before getting in the car. "Dad, don't share my scores with anyone, okay?" I said. "I don't want someone to find out." ************************** That was already five years ago. I found out that the boy was Setson McCarthy. A super wealthy family, like puts mine to shame rich. Setson was there for the same reason as me. With his scores, he was able to jump three grades. With my two grade jump, I was put in the same grade as Setson's brother Gregory. Gregory and I became instant friends. My father was very supportive of our friendship, since it gave him a good connection to the McCarthy family. Which meant that I saw Setson often growing up. Douche bag. "Okay, I will be back tomorrow. Don't stay up too late, and don't eat a ton of junk food." Mom said. "Can I just go over to Greg's?" I whined. "I thought you said you would be fine on your own?" Mom said. "I just don't like being alone," I mumbled. Mom smiled at me. "Okay," she said. "Let's give Mrs. McCarthy a call."

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