Chapter 7: Lack of Knowledge and Power

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Setson's P.O.V. ************************************************************* I still remember the day that I met Violet at that testing center. She was so little, and I definitely thought it was a mistake that she was there. However, I watched her take all the tests, not that she knew. I got to see first hand just how smart Violet was. I thought it was interesting that Violet didn't want to skip the amount of school that she could. The girl is smarter than me. Violet could have graduated from college by now if she wanted to. When Violet became friends with Greg, I started to bully Violet. At first, I didn't really understand why. I liked Violet. She was nice and smart. It's not like I hated her, but... Every time I saw her, I just wanted to act out. Violet's mother's death really rocked all of us though. My mom had lost a dear friend, and Violet... Well, she lost her mother. During the funeral, I could hear a lot of people whispering about Violet's mom. It was all negative. They were saying good riddance, how Violet would be better off without her, all kinds of like that. It was pi.ssimg me off. I mean, no one had even asked Violet how she felt. Her piece of father acted like it was a grand event and not his wife's funeral. It was pathetic, and I struggled to keep it together. The only reason I didn't act out that way was because of Violet. I was the one that took her to my house after she had cried herself to sleep. I figured she was better off with us than with her cra.ppy family. However, I did not have the power to keep Violet with us. I wanted to ruin her grandma and her father. Then Violet could have lived with us forever. She wouldn't have to go through that emotionless family anymore. But I didn't have that power yet, and my father wouldn't listen to me. The day that Violet had to go home, I knew what she was walking into. Her father had remarried less than two weeks after his wife's funeral. To a woman that he had an affair with and another child. When we didn't see Violet for a while, I thought that maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. My life went on, and so did Violet's Emma and Deena, came around more and more often. The more they came around though, the less we saw Violet. My parents never stopped asking about Violet. Mom always wanted to know where she was, and how she was doing. That was when I started to notice something off with Emma and Deena. I thought that if I sucked up to them, and was nice, that they would be nicer to Violet. Looking back now, I think that it only made things worse. Violet was only 12 years old, and she looked like a shell of a person. Every time I saw her, she looked worse. It was clear to all of us that Violet wasn't okay. She had lost too much weight, and her dark complexion turned much lighter. Violet rarely spoke, and always had dark circles under her eyes. She never spoke when Deena and Emma were around either. And I had noticed the bruises that Violet tried to hide. I wasn't an idi.ot. I knew that Violet didn't fall. Anyone with a set of eyes could tell that something was off. My parents weren't listening. As much as my mother was worried, she thought there was no way Deena would ever do something like that to Violet. I knew though. I knew that at least something was wrong. That was why I practically dragged Violet to my car, and took her home. What I wasn't expecting was for her to say what she did. "I wish I would have died with my mother." What kind of 12-year-old thinks that way? What was Violet really going through to make her feel that way? I knew that Violet would never tell me. She hadn't even told Greg. I also knew that my parents were not going to be helpful. So, I took matters into my own hands. Unfortunately, Deena knew how to cover her tracks. With the amount of power I have now... It's just not enough to help. I have to figure something out. "Setson? What are you doing here?" I turned around to see Greg standing there. Emma came around the corner behind him. Her face lit up, and she ran to throw herself in my arms. Greg rolled his eyes as Emma squealed. "Em, did you not tell Greg and Violet that I was coming today?" I asked as she let me go. "Well, I hoped that maybe we could ditch them." She said with a giggle. "Unfortunately no," I said. "Awh, don't be mad Setson." Emma said. "It's not like Violet actually likes any of you." "Shut up," Greg told her. "It's true. She talks badly about you guys all the time." She lied. "That's why Mom and I try to get you guys to leave her alone. Violet is honestly so mean." I balled my hands into fists. Just how dumb can Emma be? Does she really think that we believe that Wait, I saw her real IQ scores. I know exactly how dumb Emma actually is. If it wasn't for that manipulative mother of hers, she'd be in the grade she's supposed to be in. "Yeah right." Greg said. "I'm going to go find Violet." "Don't bother." Emma said. "Why? You lock her in the movie clubroom again?" Greg spat. "You did that?" I asked her. Emma giggled. "Maaayybe," she drawled out. Why does she think something like that is funny? "Wow, well, you two can go." Greg said. "I'll find Violet. We have studying to do anyway." "Emma was right, don't bother." I said. "What?" Greg asked. "Violet just stormed out of here." I said. "She said she was going home, and didn't want to come with us." "Great!" Emma said as she wrapped herself around my arm. "It's going to be so much fun without her." "What did you say to her?" Greg asked me. "Nothing," I said defensively. "I just told her I'd take her out for ice cream. There was some guy hitting on her that I pushed off. Maybe that was her boyfriend.", I hate how that makes me feel. It's just Violet. She's probably had tons of secret boyfriends. What do I care who she dates? Maybe I shouldn't have pushed that guy off of her... No, that. I did the right thing. That guy clearly wasn't Violet's boyfriend, and she was crying. No way in hell Violet would be into a guy like that. That's why she hates me so much. "Some guy? Who?" Greg asked. "Yeah," Emma snorted. "I mean, Violet have a boyfriend? Please. Who would want her? She's ugly and fat." "Do you ever shut the up?" I spat., I didn't mean to say that. Emma's eyes went wide. Her bottom lip trembled. I looked away from her at my brother. Greg only raised a brow at me. "Whatever," Greg said. "Violet doesn't have a boyfriend. Maybe he was just asking for notes." "Oh, that's definitely not what was happening." I said. "I bet it was Alex," Emma said with a giggle. Greg looked at her, and glared hard. "What the did you do this time, Emma?" He asked her. "What do you mean? What could I have possibly done?" She replied. It was extremely obvious that Emma was lying. She doesn't even try to hide it from us anymore. It's like Emma assumes that we'll all think this is a funny joke. Just how much does Violet really go through? I've seen her only a handful of times over the last few years. Every time I did, she looked worse. Way too skinny and pale. I kind of really miss her smile. And the way that she used to scoff at me when I was mean to her. What happened to the girl that used to stand up for herself? I feel like I still don't have the full story. "Whatever," Greg said. "You guys do what you want. I'm going to go find Violet. Even if she went home." With that, Greg turned around, and walked down the hall. I somehow have a feeling that Violet won't talk to him. Not after what she just said to me. Something must have happened. Something that has to do with Greg. Something that he clearly doesn't know about. But what? "So, just the two of us," Emma said happily. I smirked. "Yup," I replied. If I have to be stuck alone with Emma, she can at least give me some answers.
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