Chapter 9: The Price of Violet's Freedom

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Setson's P.O.V. ********************************************************* "I need to talk to you." I said as I marched into my father's office. "By all means Setson, come on in." Dad replied as he set his papers down. "Do you know what they're doing to Violet over at the Bennett house?" I asked, getting right to the point. Dad set his glasses down, and rubbed his temples. "Your mother has noticed that Violet is... different, Setson, but her mother died, and her father brought home his mistress less than a month later. Of course, she is depressed." He told me. "So, you guys can see something is going on, but you do nothing?" I asked angrily. "What is it you want me to do, Setson?" He asked. "What do I want you to do?!" I asked incredulously. "I want you to help her! You know that Edward Bennett kisses the ground you walk on. Tell him to dump that sk.ank of a wife, and pay off his leech of a daughter." Dad leaned back in his seat, and put his hand over his mouth. He inspected me with his gaze for a moment. I was losing my patience waiting for a reply. "Why do you suddenly care this much?" He asked. "What?" I replied, confused. "Violet has been acting like this for years. Honestly, she's better than she was a few years ago." Dad said. "Why are you just now asking me this? Why not sooner? Did you just notice it, Setson?" "Well... I've been... gone," I said lamely. Dad raised his brows at me. "Okay, I get it. I was an a.sshole before. I did notice that something was going on, but I just thought Violet was upset because her life changed so much. I didn't realize how bad it was." I said. "What do you mean how bad it was?" Dad asked. "Violet isn't dying. It's not like she's being abused. She's just... being neglected." I shook my head. "If you think that neglect isn't abuse... Then something is wrong with you, Dad." I said softly. "But there is more going on there. I know it. Emma and Deena hate Violet. Not like dislike her, Dad, they hate her. I heard-" "Setson, I'm just going to stop you there." Dad interrupted me. I frowned at him, as he rested his elbows on his desk. "I have already tried to talk to Edward occasionally." He told me. "Your mother and brother even made me offer to adopt her, or just let her live here. Edward denied me at every turn. I offered him more money than I should have, but... Edward wants a deal that I'm just not sure whether I can make." "What the hell does that mean?" I asked. Dad sighed. "Look, we can do our best as we are for Violet. That's all I can promise until she's 18. After that, she will be able to make the choice to leave. We can offer her a place here then-" "So you're just going to wait two more years?" I asked, cutting him off. "Dad, she needs help now." Dad rubbed his temples. "What do you want from me, Setson? We're wealthy, but I can't just kidnap a minor. There is only so much I can do, even with my power," he said. I looked at Dad's strained expression. I know that he's telling the truth. Dad wants to help, but he just can't right now. Still, I can't just let this go. I can't let Violet keep living there like this. Is there really nothing we can do? "I have held Violet while she's cried her eyes out too many times." I mumbled. "I don't like it." "I'm sure she is grateful to have a shoulder to lean on, son," Dad replied. I shook my head, and looked at him. "What was it that Edward wanted?" I asked. Dad held my gaze. For a moment, I didn't think he was going to tell me. So, when he started speaking, I knew it wasn't going to be good. "He wants a percentage of the business, or a contract with his company that will last at least 30 years." He told me. "What?!" I shouted. "He runs a chain of paper mills! Sure, that's a lot of money, but we're a tech company." Dad nodded. "Edward wants to be a part of our family. He wants to be close-knit, and he wants to benefit from our fame and wealth. That's why he turned down the money I offered. Edward wants something that he knows will last a long time. His entire lifetime if it were possible." He grumbled. That fu.cking snake. All of them are snakes. No wonder why Emma is so despicable. She has snakes for parents. I always knew that Violet's mom was too sweet for that bas.tard. She was the nicest and kindest lady I had ever met. That's why Mom loved her so much. They even volunteered at the homeless shelter once a week. Violet is nothing like her father. She's like her mom. I bet if she were given the freedom, she would be volunteering too. Because Violet is a good person. Too good for the home she lives in. Too good for that fu.cking family. Too good to be this sad all the time. "Maybe we should do it," I said. "What?" Dad asked. "Make a deal with him," I said. Dad shook his head as he chuckled hollowly. "I can't do that, Setson. I love Violet too, but that is too much. If there were another way to tie our families together without it involving our company, then I would consider it." He said. "We're opening another location in a few years. Why not give him a small part of that?" I asked. "Because that is eventually going to be the new headquarters, Setson," Dad replied. I blew out a breath, and clenched my jaw. "There is really nothing we can do?" I asked. "No, son, there is not." he said softly. I turned around to the door. I'm so fu.cking mad that I feel like I could explode. I'm already trying to form some kind of plan in my head. Like maybe Violet could run away. Maybe I could help her. I'm sure I could find a place to hide her. No one would ever guess that I was involved. Greg maybe, but not me. "Setson," Dad called out when I was about to walk through the door. I turned around to look at him. "If you ever think of something... A different... arrangement, let me know. I'm out of ideas, but maybe something will hit you one day." He said. I gave Dad a single nod, and shut his door. I walked down the hall to Greg's room. I was about to knock when I heard a girl giggling on the other side. Is that... Violet? "Greg, ssstop," she giggled again. Definitely not Violet. I forgot that they were talking about him having a girlfriend. Of course, it wouldn't be Violet anyway. She and Greg have never had a relationship like that. They've always just been friends. Although... friendships often turn into more. Maybe that's why Violet was so upset. Does Violet have a crush on Greg? I shook my head, and dropped my hand. What do I care even if she does? I've always bullied Violet. Just to get a rise out of her. I love that she's feisty with her words. Violet's always been smart. I enjoyed our banter. That's all. Besides, Violet is a teenager. I'm an adult. That would be extremely inappropriate. Violet is more like a little sister to me. A picture of Violet crying in the school hallway with that guy in front of her flashed in my mind. I was so angry then, but why? Was it because Violet was crying? Maybe I just miss her smile? Wait... When's the last time I saw Violet smile? I thought about all the times that I've seen Violet since her mother died as I walked to my room. I shut the door, and sat on my bed. It's really been since... before her mother's death. I know that I'm not around much though, but... Does Violet even smile anymore? I ran a hand through my hair as I thought about everything I heard tonight. There's no way I can sit by and do nothing. I have no power to give Edward what he wants, but I can get power. By the time I do that though... Violet will already be 18. Is there really nothing I can do now? I'm going to make it to Princeton, Mom. I promise... Princeton... I don't doubt that Violet can get in on her own. She's definitely smart enough. Honestly, Violet is a prodigy. I can pull some strings though to make sure that she does get there. I pulled out my phone, and swiped through my contacts until I found Alec. I quickly pushed the call icon. Alec picked up on the second ring. "Yo, what's up?" He asked. "You coming back to school early?" "Uh, I don't know yet. That's not why I called," I replied. "Okay?" Alec asked. "You're close with your uncle right? The Dean of Princeton?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess... Why?" He replied. "I need a favor," I said. "Well, Violet needs a favor." "Oh. Violet? How's she doing?" Alec perked up. Creep has always had a thing for Violet. Not that Alec ever showed it. He knew that the age difference was too much. Alec has always liked a girl with a personality, and in our world... It's hard to come by. "Don't worry about her," I bit out. I didn't mean to snap like that. "Just..." I trailed off. "Help me make sure she gets into Princeton."
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